Facebook permanently bans pro-gun group without explanation: Report

News & Politics

In another concerning example of Big Tech censorship of conservatives, Facebook reportedly removed a pro-Second Amendment group’s page from its platform this week without providing an explanation.

What are the details?

Philip Van Cleave, president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, an active gun-rights advocacy group in the commonwealth, told the Washington Free Beacon that the group’s page suddenly disappeared on Tuesday without any note from the tech giant.

In a statement, Facebook acknowledged the removal, calling its decision final, but made no mention as to why the action was taken.

“This was correctly actioned and we will not be republishing,” Facebook spokeswoman Kristen Morea said. According to the Free Beacon, Morea “declined to elaborate on the decision.”

Facebook confirmed the action to TheBlaze, noting that the page was removed and administrators were disabled for violating the company’s Community Standards. A Facebook “group” operated by VCDL remains active on the platform. Facebook added that its removal of the page came after employees re-reviewed their original action to remove violating content found on the page.

According to Van Cleave, the group reportedly used its Facebook page primarily to organize events and communicate with members about legislative initiatives, such as to raise awareness about Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s controversial 2020 gun control agenda and to mobilize efforts for “Lobby Day,” an annual pro-gun driving demonstration.

What else?

However, the group’s resistance efforts may have been interpreted much differently by some in the media. In a recent article published by the Guardian, VCDL appeared to be lumped into a large group of guns rights supporters that the news outlet said were “openly discussing violent resistance and civil war.”

In the article, VCDL was characterized as “a local pro-gun group that’s politically to the right of the National Rifle Association” that served as “the main driver” of the state’s the sanctuary movement. The movement pushes for local municipalities to act as sanctuaries for gun owners from national or state laws that are thought to impede upon citizens’ Second Amendment rights.

Van Cleave was quoted in the article as saying, “I’m telling you, people that have never committed a crime, that are law-abiding, and pay their taxes, do everything right, don’t even have a speeding ticket, are saying, ‘I’m not giving up my guns.'”

Anything else?

The no-explanation ban issued by Facebook against VCDL may foreshadow similar bans against other conservative organizations, Van Cleave told the Free Beacon.

“If they did this to us, it’s just a matter of time,” he said. “I think we’re a high-profile group and that’s why we got singled out. Those who aren’t as high profile as we are, I’m sure they’re on the chopping block next.”

Van Cleave claimed neither he nor the group ever advocated violence or were involved with protesting the 2020 election results.

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  1. Conservative People, it’s plain and simple……..REMOVE YOURSELF FROM FACEBOOK AND ALL OTHER BIASED SOCIAL media AT ONCE ! We don’t need them, there are other platforms to express your free speach on .

    1. Right sentiment, but wrong approach. Michael Corleone had the right one, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” You can neither defend against nor counter, that which you are unaware of.

    2. These companies are officially part of the biden* administration, they are not “private” companies (they are freely sharing ALL your data to obama* Intelligence)…

      …that’s why they are banning “Speech” to the local level

      Imagine a teacher who continues just to support President Trump and call ALL Democrat Socialist “Conspiracy theorists”, based on pushing the “Russian hoax” for 4 years…

      …of course Socialist in DC are STILL claiming it

    1. You are absolutely right. Facebook needs to broken up just like Ma Bell was when they got to big and monopolistic.

      1. I agree it and Google need to be broken up, but who will buy it. Some other left wing nut who will do the same thing most likely.

      2. absolutely, but we are now a totalitarian , evil government founded on hatred and immorality.. Weak-livered Rinos/Republicans who refused to protect our President and we the people. Bad Moon Risin

    2. Time has come to shut down F,B, for violating the First Amendment Rights of anybody that posts something Zuckerberg and his communist handlers don’t like ! Too bad, “freedom of speech” does not mean “unless you don’t agree with the communist owner of and business”. Where the h e l l is a judge in this country that actually enforces the Constitution???

  2. And so it has begun. Our fears are being realized!!! The dictatorship is underway!!! First the minor censorship. Then the threatening of the Supreme Court! You rule my way or else!! And now the major censorship!!! And it’s only three weeks into a very long four years!!!

    1. THAT is not the issue. Censorship of people that have a government guaranteed Constitutional right of “free speech” because of the First Amendment to the Constitution are being illegally attacked by a company that thinks it can break the law and violate our Constitution. That is the Issue, MORON.

      1. Really! Is there no end to the silly name calling. You explained your position, which had merit. Then you turn around and call out someone trying to understand a facet of the media a Moron. That’s just icky. This is about free speech, but most of us were raised with some manners.

  3. Resisting tyranny and its dictators is the only option. The other option is to become what the founding fathers of this country tried to prevent. Virginia is in a tailspin “Sic Semper Tyrannis” is quickly becoming “Semper Tyrannis”. For someone whose father served as well as his son the question is “Why”

    1. Washington D.C., Maryland in it’s entirety, Virginia and the entire surrounding area D.C. is nothing but the home of communism. This area is where most if not all members of the Deep State (AKA government civil service) live and breed. These are the unelected, unaccountable communist influenced despots living off “we the peoples” hard earned dollars. Does anybody realize that “civil service employment” has no actual rules or regulations stating how many hours of actual production work must be put in each day? Try to pull off this in the private sector and you are gone very quickly.

  4. All of these social media sites, including Facebook, are the enemy of free speech & therefore, the people. Until we understand & accept this fact, we will be powerless to do anything about it. Many of us have never joined in this stupidity due to principle while others have recently left the platforms but until many many more say enough is enough & cancel their involvement, these anti American, anti free speech sites like Facebook will continue to run roughshod over the rights of anyone they disagree with.

    1. F.B. is the home and breeding ground for socialism / liberalism, not the cute and friendly way to keep in touch with friends and family that Suckerberg tried to sell it to the public by stating. All of social media IS BIG BROTHER that billions have voluntarily signed up for.

  5. Zuckerberg is in reality a bully and a control freak. We have to treat him as such and break up this tyrannical grab of illicit power. This is rhe way of the dictator.

    1. Where is the FCC that has the power to close down any “communication” that violates our Constitution and parts therein???

  6. It is quite apparent that any and all conservative viewpoints “violate Facebook’s Community Standards” (and those of Twitter as well) — some “community,” yuck.

  7. I dropped and disabled Facebook. I have found that SoliKick and CloutHub are much better Social Media Sites for my needs.

  8. For business reasons I had a Fakebook account, unused for anything else.

    Effective immediately it has been deleted. If my business depends on Fakebook I would rather close up shop!

  9. mewe is another good site. Our new government owns the mainstream media propaganda machine, mega corps, major news, and now a military stand down to purge whoever doesn’t buy into their BS. It’s getting scary

  10. Forget Facebook.
    That is a Communist Anti-American business.
    Get as far away as you can.
    Dan Bongino assures us that Parler will be back soon.

  11. I have always said that the best way to destroy or break up a force as big as facebook is to A. stop using the platform. B. stop supporting those that advertise on that platform. C. go after the elected officials through what the constitution allows and that is voting out local and state and then federal so called representatives. Its not the greatest plan but its still logical. One problem to this plan is getting people to see what is really going on.

  12. Now a reality czar is being considered?!!!!

    Reminiscence of Hitler’s Joseph Goebbels?

    Those that fail to stujy history are condemned to repeat it.


  13. I took my self off of Facebook 3 weeks ago. It has been great. I do miss seeing things from friends and family but the propaganda from Facebook which borders on a communist groups ideas.
    “You can say what you want as long as we approve it” This is not freedom of speech or the way our great Country was formed. The King tried to stop patriots from passing on information to one another and failed as will Facebook. Delete your account that is what hurts them.

  14. Stop using fake book it’s the communist play ground for left wing nitwits if you say anything against their gods Marx, Lenin Stalin or Mao or Oldslaba they will remove you from their holy website same with you tube stop using them or visiting their websites

  15. These big tech companys have to be broken up, what right do these crumbs have to stiffle free speach, they have no rights. Facebook Twitter and a few others have to taken to the cleaners, kick their CEOs out and strap them with a prison sencence. This isn’t the America i grew up in, these people are crimminals.

  16. They should join Steve Crowder in the lawsuit he is bringing to Facebook. Make it a class action lawsuit. The more people the merrier.

  17. What do you expect from this jerk! Dictatorial pompous ass is what he is. CANCEL HIM! THAT GAME GOES BOTH WAYS. Stop clicking on sponsors, get rid of FB. When his money takes a hit, maybe he will comply, but I seriously doubt it. These people are power mad. I no longer have anything to do with FB or any other social media platform other than Parler, and you all know what has happened to them. These wonderful fools need their corporate asses handed to them, and yes I have the right to say just that! It’s that whole 1st amendment thing! LOOK IT THE HELL UP!

  18. Dumped facebook 2 months ago got tired of being flagged if I reposted any election related items.
    You’d have to be really blind stupid or both to not see how facebook, twitter, and fake media; cnn msnbc abc cbs etc. Pushed feeble joe over the finish line!

  19. The funny part about all the tech companies supporting the FAR left is they want to nationalize all these companies, what a bunch of idiots.

  20. First you curb people freedoms. Pandemic check that box . Curb religious rights check that box also Pandemic related . Restrict free speech Tracebook & Hoogle (refuse to use real names) yep they’ve done that anything conservative or Republican in nature doesn’t get on or get turned off. Now Democrats control senate White House and congress . GUN RIGHTS are next in the chopping block. Mix in a bowl what do you have the beginning of a socialist or Marxist regime. How about that America today has vindicated Senator Joe Mcarthy he was right the socialist and communists took over Hollywood the Media, the university’s and public schools and now our government.(AOC,Talib,Omar). Kruschev said he might not get our grandparents, or our parents but he got the kids! If we don’t stop this soon we’ll all be calling each other Comrade!

  21. i am not taking up for facebook. i hate them more than you can ever guess. but a little information, the first amendment pertains to government censure, not private company censure. private companies can write whatever rules they want and there is nothing except go somewhere that you can do. you do not have to use facebook so they can enforce whatever rules they want. i agree with you that it needs to be broken up because when it stepped into the election ring with that $350 million lil zuckie crossed the line. i would love to see google, amazon, f/b, microsoft, and twitter broken up then shutdown.

    1. IF you can find an honest Sheriff, Facebook Executives have committed MULTIPLE Federal FELONIES under 18 USC Section 241 punishable by 10 years in JAIL AND $1 Million Dollar FINES for each instance of FELONY.

  22. Leave Facebook. Leave now. There are friendly alternatives out there. Switch over to MeWe.com and/or MAGAbook.com. Both have stated they are anti-censorship, and support conservative viewpoints.

  23. There are those who say we should boycott social media that bans and bars pro-gun groups and philosophy; I think we get more people to sign on, a few million if possible, and flood the sites with comments in non-offensive language, as many a day as possible.

  24. Dems hate the second amendment and just like the ccp if they can disarm the public, then they will have servants on their knees to do their bidding.

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