“F*ck the Police!” – BLM Thugs Shut Down Traffic in Louisville, Kentucky, Scream at Police (VIDEO)


This is Biden’s America.

BLM terrorists shut down traffic in Louisville, Kentucky Tuesday night to show support for Breonna Taylor.

Breonna Taylor was killed during a knock and announce drug raid last March during which her boyfriend shot at police and they returned fire.

LMPD Sgt. Jon Mattingly was shot during the exchange and has now recovered.

TRENDING: Wray Says No Evidence Antifa, Left-Wing Groups Played a Role in January 6 Capitol Riot (VIDEO)

BLM thugs were blocking traffic and yelling at police to call attention to “Breonna’s Law” which would ban no-knock warrants in Kentucky.

“F*ck 12!” (f*ck the police) – BLM shouted as they impeded traffic.

WATCH (language warning):

BLM screamed at police officers, “no justice, no peace!”


Insurrection! BLM terrorized police near the Capitol building in a big caravan in Frankfort, Kentucky.


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  1. It’s time to put these things in their place. The leaders should be harshly dealt with and if anybody disagrees they should be dealt with accordingly. This mob rule must no stand.

    1. blm should be declared a domestic terrorist group. My idea of BLM stands for Blue Lives Matter.

      1. funny they put proud boys in jail, with no bail. and the demacrats do nothing to there group , because that’s one of there groups and Anita they bailed out of jail . by our as h)(&**^%^$ vic president, any group that does not agree with them will go to jail, but none of there’s and they wonder way they are hiding behind the fence around them, because they know the people know what they are trying to do, ,rig the election and take back there deep state, so they can do what ever they want, there are a lot of proud vets that that will not let this happen to our country . so they want a war agents’ its own people, so they sure show they have no business in government,
        already stupied things. 1 big one, letting boys play in girls sport, 2 trying to take our guns , 3 about 100 lies to all of us. ,and the big one tryin to take away our free speech,

      2. I’ve been saying that for months on end. But its like we’ve got too many chicken shits that are afraid of using the word Terrorist running our countries. Yes, I hate labels, but sometimes a label fits. And both ANTIFA and BLM have EARNED the label of TERRORIST. Many members of the DEM party have earned the label of TRAITOR.

        I don’t give those labels lightly. Because I know they have weight. But these people have EARNED those labels!

    2. Every time someone puts their fist in the air, put a bullet in their head. That will stop some of this nonsense. This is a domestic terrorist group that has taken a firm hold in American just like crabgrass in your lawn. If something is not done now, it will continue to spread until it has taken over and you no longer have America, you have another 3rd world country and that will be a shame. We have always been a country of law and order until we started letting these useless politicians run our business, now we are on a slippery slope that must be straightened out before it’s too late.

  2. When is this Country and What is Left of Our ….Good Backboned….Law Enforcing Groups going to put a Complete Halt to these BLM’ers…..AND Do It Forcefully.!!! No More Putting “Little Johnnie” in the Corner for
    5 minutes……….You Can Not Have These Kinds of Things Going Unchecked – or UnPunished.!!! Simply Start Putting Them Down Like the Terrorists that They ARE.!!! Plain and Simple.!!! But, We have a Weak Society of Goodie Two Shoes and Don’t Want to Hurt Anyone…..WELL, … How much damage was done to the People that were held up on the Stopped Highway.???? Just Sick and Tired of Seeing These Kinds of Things and Nothing Done Forcefully To Put A Big Time “STOP”….To It ALL.!!!!

  3. Just pass the Florida law: If these terrorists are threatening your property (e.g. car) you can shoot them. After a few days these episodes, as they have in Florida, will disappear.

  4. They are the tool of the Democrat party so give them a address book of all the Democrats and let the Democrats sort our their own problem. It’s past time!

  5. This is lawlessness thugs, arrest every one of them, put them on a chain gang, make them work and fix every thing they have broke in their little fit’s they throw. They are demotic people. These are some of the same people who stormed the Capital. WHEN are these people going to be dealt with.

  6. Right on! It really is a sad state of affairs. It is now clear that drug dealers and thugs want the police out of their lives. The best solution is to make citizens responsible for their own safety and property. If BLM, Antifa, and the rest are not stopped in their tracks soon an ugly mess will result. These bastards are getting a pass and are becoming more emboldened every day. The time for them has arrived- F*ck them

  7. These are not people they are terrorist. You deal with terrorist in two ways. Hang them in a public square and stand them against a wall and shoot. But before that the cops should arrest them or just shot them and leave them in the street. The police are there to protect and to serve, not the thugs but the American people. STOP PUSSY FOOTING AROUND.

  8. That dumbass would have been inspecting the undercarriage of my truck up close and personal kind of shit

  9. Breona Taylor was with her drug dealing boyfriend-a negro of course, just like she was-and the police arrived at the “house”. They did what they should have done in “not knocking”. That jerk she threw her “life” away on, was street-hood. Selling drugs. She was with him when the police arrived. She STANDING between her “boyfriend” and the police who were outside the house, on the porch. Her “boy fray-end”, like the low IQ, border line idiot he is opens fire, shooting through the door/walls.
    Taylor was standing BETWEEN both sources of gun fire and subsequently was hit by some of the bullets. She died from being hit by them. Now, the reality is if she was not involved with that street-trash hoo-id and at the wrong place at the wrong time, she’d probably still be alive.
    She got justice.

  10. I remember back in the day this would have ended as fast as it started. We need to get the lawyers out of Washington D. C. and elect the common men and women across this country.

  11. BLM have it right this time. No knock warrants are anti-American, unconstitutional, and rife with (murderous) abuse potential. All you bootlickers need to realize the police serve their political masters and themselves. You all are on the bottom of the pile of importance. But…..lickers will be lickers. Don’t say I didn’t tell you.

  12. Where is the FBI so they can arrest them OH I forget the FBI is part of problem they HATE America like the Left.

  13. If they were white and/or had Trump flags doing the same BS, the cops would have instantly started arrested them or shot one of the girls in the neck, but only if she was white… now cops are afraid to enforce the law, again, unless they are white criminals blocking the street or shutting down fedral building or burning fed buildings…. These f@cking filthy anti-American blm LOSERS all need to be put down like the rabid animals that they truly are.

    1. To JohnyV: You’re spot-on but there is a much, MUCH worse problem. A very strange & horribly demented problem that has only ever been seen in two animals; The 1st example is an insect (ant) thats brain has been infected with a fungus which makes it commit suicide! The 2nd is an animal (white humans, i.e. mostly young extremely naive white collage females & their cock ball-less male hang arounds) who’s brains have been infected & twisted with the mental disease of liberalism. These mentally diseased whites are openly demanding the end to their own race, self racist genocidal control freaks. Never before in human history have we seen such a destructive brain eating leftist virus turn once good people into self-racist self genocidal control freaks bent on having their own white race give-up all they have sacrificed & fought for, simply to give it all to every other non-white person, no matter if said people deserve it or not, only that they are not white… these young mentally diseased leftists are the same as the kk_k, as they are the true racists amongst us.

  14. Wow! If we could take that “F” word away from them, they couldn’t put a sentence together!
    Last year, I posted several times, “Liberals, be careful what you ask for. You just might get it!”
    Well, you asked for it, and this is what you got! Thanks for doing your part to ruin America!
    Criminals, and criminal sympathizers want the police out of the way, so they can ‘ply their trade’ unimpeded. They actually think they have a ‘right’ to riot, loot, and vandalize, because they are
    ‘oppressed’! Now they have a government that backs them up. It’s a sad time in our history.

  15. Time for shoot on sight orders for these thugs. As long as they are “permitted” to engage in this kind of foolishness it will only grow more frequent and more violent. Police, citizens, and military MUST take these thugs down at every opportunity IF this country is to survive!

  16. Sooner or later they will tire of burning down their own neighborhoods and want to burn mine. It’s a good thing 12 gauge ammo is cheap.

  17. Your article should mention that the Taylor family recieved a settlement of $12 million. How does money bring their daughter back.
    Instead, they should have banned no knock warrants and required all police to always have body cameras on. Can’t say they can’t afford it. It would be a lot less than $12 million

    1. They should have received nothing. Their daughter was aiding a known criminal, and tried to protect him while he shot at the police. She received justice. And as usual, the family won the lottery due to her criminal activity/association. Go figure.

  18. There’s your under-educated Knee Grow, one swing out of a tree. Maybe those cities that have an AntiFa and BLM problem have an even bigger problem – re-electing cowardly liberals – to ANYTHING. Get RID of liberals, they do not care about America. All they care about are their freebies.

  19. target practice for new gun owners???? (just kidding, though there has to be some use we can get from these valueless people that are interfering with our citizens)

    we need to stop tolerating these “people”

    we can not afford to have Democrats in any leadership position or to even tolerate them at this point

  20. It’s time to put these thugs in their place. The leaders should be harshly dealt with! and if the politicians disagree they should be dealt with by voting them out of office. Mobs must be dealt with! Arrest and convict!

  21. A Full ARMED and WAR ready batilllion of Marines with SHOOT to KILL orders would solve these Riots.

  22. Funny, the left is paying these thugs and now they’re out of control and soon enough they’ll turn on them. Hey Harris, here’s all of yoyr props you encouraged to incote violence on the USA. Start her impeachment now, or are ALL of you in on it?!

  23. Notice when the weather gets nice these clowns come out? Fair weather protestors…pray for RAIN and SNOW…LOL

  24. Do I get in trouble for saying F*** BLM, stinking communists!
    There is a good communist though.

  25. This is how Bidon plans to curtail the violence, curtesy of the American Patriot Newletter: Current controls available to Congress include Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) H.R. 125 and H.R. 127. Combined, the bills call for licensing of all gun owners, psychological evaluations for gun owners, mandatory liability insurance for gun owners, the registration of all firearms, the registration of all ammunition, and a seven-day waiting period on all semiautomatic firearms purchases, among other things.

    Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) and Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) are both expected to put forward universal background check legislation in response to Biden’s February 14, 2021, call for such legislation.

    Biden also asked for a ban on “assault weapons,” a ban on “high capacity” ammunition magazines, and the repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, an Act which was put in place to shield gun makers from frivolous lawsuits.

    ME: Folks, this is going to cause a HUGE Backlash amongst 2nd Amend. Gun Owners and especially the people here on this platform that want to be able to defend themselves against any potential BLM, Antifa, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Shift, and all of the other Do Nothings in Congress coming to a town near you!! So, what are YOU going to do about all of this crap, because the NRA is/HAS BEEN putting the word out OVER AND OVER AGAIN, that this is coming to the floor THIS NEXT WEEK, AND IT will probably skip ANY/ALL oversight committee reviews, and will get voted in after midnight one evening, without any recourse whatsoever. I’m TELLING YOU THIS WILL HAPPEN, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! IF YOU DON’T ALREADY HAVE YOUR AR’s in hand, then you better empty out the gun dealers inventory, because if you get caught up trying to buy any of the guns on their list, WELL, THAT’S JUST TOO BAD FOR YOU, AS THEY ARE ALREADY SELLING OUT OF EVERYTHING!! I’VE GOT MINE, AND I’M GOING FOR MORE, AS THEY CAN ALL KISS MY JESUS LOVING ASS!! I’ve been warning people for weeks that CIVIL WAR II IS HERE FOLKS!!!! When the results of HR-1 get passed this week, then there will not ever be another fair election, EVER AGAIN!!! SO GET USED TO THEIR ASSES OR START SHOOTING THE BASTARDS WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU AND YOUR GUNS!!

    1. Chris you could not have said it better they want to defund the police they want to take your weapons away so you can’t defend yourself and then you are at their mercyThe time is coming when people have had enough and they are going to have to police themselves.BLM and antifa and the terrorist that are running Washington a Civil War is on the way somebody needs to stop these Assholes before we lose our country. Law enforcement Stand aside and let the citizens take out the garbage

    2. I want senile Biden and Harris to come to my house personally, no secret service, no ATF, No Police, just them, I will give them my guns my way.

  26. The way you stop BLM and antifa is one shot at a time. They need to be eliminated – not placated. Police need to be given the authority to shoot to kill.

  27. All I can say if ur black ass is stupid enough to stand in the middle of the road while I’m driving u are some run over mutherfucker I will run their black asses over an never look back BLM Bunch of Lowlife Morons

  28. Thugs and terrorists beat cops and called them all kinds of names on January 6th at the Capitol. You’re all a bunch of hypocrites!

  29. After reading the article and all of the comments, I think I know the answer. Arrest and sent each and everyone of the BLM “representatives” who were involved, to big boy prisons, plus very large fines. And, if a prosecutor would rather drop charges than go to court, he/she would be prosecuted for not doing their positions, and if found guilty, disbarred, large fines, and sent to the bid boy prison. Funny, someone would be sent to prison and fined. The legal system, that George Soros bought and paid for, should enable him to be arrested, charged, and if found guilty, he would be fined at lease $250,000 for each guilty charge, and then he do 10 to 20 years plus a day in prison doing hard time, just what he paid for.

  30. Is there anyone surprised? DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA since the 60s. What the hell is transgender? It’s not a choice you make, your DNA took away that option. It would be the same as makeup, you’re still what God made you. Get over yourself!

  31. YES, Dumbing Down Of America applies to BLM, Antifa, etc, because they manipulate the English language to influence stupid people, done by ignorant people. Sound confusing? Look to the three branches of our government, using the language to confuse people. Examples of stupid people; Maxine Waters, Schiff, Pelosi and others, Democrates and Republicans abusing our language.

  32. Antifa & blm ARE domestic terrorist groups. They’re bankrolled by Soros & supported by dems. Peaceful demonstrations are first amendment rights. Once they start affecting others with their violence & blocked roads, they need to be punished severely. A couple pops with a night stick or even a good dose of lead if needed. Then watch those gutless bastards disperse.

  33. The three leaders who instigated these attacks should be put in prison for life, .Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, Patrisse Kuhn Cullors They started the BLACK LIVES MATTER GROUP FROM THE FORM BLACK LIBERATION ARMY. This is a Domestic Terrorist group and was declared so by the U.S. Department of Justice in the 80’s so to get around it they changed their name to Black Lives Matter. They do the same garbage but the Democrats are either too stupid or too blind to see this. Declare them Domestic Terrorists or we will vote your asses out of office in the next election. Lock up those who commit acts of violence, or have done so and shut them down as they are dangerous and a threat to our society. Do it now.

    .Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, Patrisse Kuhn Cullors are all co-founders of Black Lives Matter and they are all three on the United States Watchlist because of their previous affiliation with the Black Liberation Army in the 70’s and 80’s which is a terrorist group listed with the DOJ. They incited the same type of violence, destruction, and Violent Protests that they are doing today, This is not about racial equality, it’s about blacks taking over. That is the truth of it. What they have done was taken the name Black Liberation Army and changed the name to Black Lives Matter, BLA to BLM. Check the facts, I did. These three women have planned this along with others since the 1970’s. Its all been a set up to take over our country. Look at this website.
    The Black Liberation Army and the 1971 Ambush of Officers Jones and Piagentini – Black Power in American Memory

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