Boulder Shooter is A Product of the Left

News & Politics

The man who murdered ten people in a Boulder, Colorado supermarket Monday has been identified as a Muslim migrant ISIS sympathizer named Ahmad Al Issa (which is how he himself wrote his name on his Facebook and Twitter accounts, not “Alissa” as the establishment media has been spelling it). This identification immediately destroyed the narrative that leftist “journalists” ran with all of Monday evening and Tuesday morning, that the shooter was one of those “right-wing extremists” – you know, those people who are, according to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the “most lethal and persistent” threat the U.S. faces today. Ironically, while Al Issa is clearly not the “white supremacist” of leftist fantasy, he is just as plainly a product of the leftist subculture that is so prevalent in America today.

On his Facebook and Twitter accounts, which have both been taken down, Al Issa demonstrated beyond the shadow of any doubt that he is a convinced, committed leftist. On September 18, 2018, he wrote on his Facebook page above a photo of Donald Trump (in all the quotes from Al Issa’s social media, the spelling and grammar are as in the original): “He inherited a growing economy and the unemployment rate was low the economy was on an upward spiral he won because of racism.” That same day, he wrote over a link to a Washington Post story excoriating Trump for his supposed mistreatment of refugees: “Trumps such a d**k.”

On March 16, 2019, after the mosque shootings in Christchurch, New Zealand, he suggested that the shootings took place because of society-wide “Islamophobia”: “The Muslims at the #christchurch mosque were not the victims of a single shooter. They were the victims of the entire Islamophobia industry that vilified them.”

All this makes it abundantly clear that not only is Ahmad Al Issa not a “white supremacist,” but he is a living manifestation of the effects of Leftism in America today. After migrating from Syria as a child during the Obama administration, he, and many others like him, has been inundated with relentless propaganda about how he is a victim of a racist and “Islamophobic” society that will never give him a fair shake, and is institutionally determined to make sure he will never succeed. He has been told that Trump hated Muslims and that his followers were precisely the people who were keeping him down and denying him access to the privilege that they themselves enjoyed at the expense of the “brown” people they despised.

The Democratic Party has been stoking this kind of resentment and feeding it to young people in schools, colleges, and universities for years. Ahmad Al Issa is a product of their indoctrination. That in itself may be one reason why Leftist “journalists” and professional agitators such as Tariq Nasheed (who kept insisting that Al Issa was white, i.e., as  “privileged” as any white American supposedly is, even after his identity was revealed; this will come as news to Al Issa’s fellow white Arab, the noted “person of color” Linda Sarsour) are so intent on driving home the point that this was a “white” shooter acting out of the hatred that is intrinsic to American culture: to deflect attention away from the fact that he is not a product of American culture at all, but of the Left’s subculture of hatred and resentment.

If we had a sane political environment in the country today, that is the hateful subculture the Justice Department would be concerned about. Instead, even as Antifa continues to make the Great Northwest into a radioactive wasteland of violence, lawlessness, and filth, the leftist subculture isn’t even on the radar screen. And Ahmad Al Issa isn’t going to put it there. If Old Joe (who of course seized the opportunity to call again for the disarming of the American people) and his handlers, as well as America’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies, really wanted to make sure there aren’t any more attacks of this kind, they would investigate where Al Issa went to school, what he learned there, what was and is taught at his mosque (he was a devout Muslim), and the like. But that is just a trifle less likely than Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer apologizing for poisoning the American public discourse over the last few years and moving to demonize, marginalize, and silence their legitimate opposition. If one thing is certain in Biden’s handlers’ America, it is that there will be many, many more Ahmad Al Issas.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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  1. As over 90% of the shooters since 1968 have been leftwing liberal demonrats, why shouldn’t the latest one be a leftist, too??? The quickest way to stop these shootings is disarm the liberals, demonrats and socialists as well as the security details of all the politicians that support or belong to them.

      1. I agree 100% true Americans are not the problem . They get their guns honestly and legally. These murders are not getting theirs legally and legal gun owners have a right under the 2ND amendment to own and use their guns for protection of their families and property KEEP AND BARE ARMS this is a Right given by our fore fathers and God Almighty and is not to be infringed upon !!!! So if we get rid of the gangs and Illegals we won’t have these problems anymore WILL WE!!!!!!!

  2. Remember sarah who took matters into her own hands w/ the birth of Ishmael. The for runner of the muslims & arabs.

  3. The journalist profession has been reduced below the rank of an unethical deceptive business practicing used car salesman.

  4. It’s not going to stop. The education systems in the USA are brainwashing students. This scumbag will be treated with more kindness than can be imagined. He’s a genuine home grown terrorist deserving of the death penalty. No matter what happens the left will blame someone else. The best thing might be to pull all of our troops out of the Mideast. On one condition: if any USA citizen or Christian or Jew is killed retaliation will be swift and severe. Back to the point this maniac should be treated like a rabid animal. Don’t forget the Boston marathon or Fort Hood.

    1. F*ck the j’0oz.
      No, really. F*ck them.
      They are the ones behind ALL of this anti White genocidal propaganda and agenda.
      Wake up, moron, or you will not survive what’s coming.
      They will continue to use the “We Whites” scam, then stab you in the back.

  5. This man is clearly insane so putting a political label on him is just plain stupid. However, the leftist media, now suffering a 60% decline in their audiences are grasping at any label they can lay on this poor freak. The back-story is the desperation of the leftist media.

    1. Stop being lazy.
      They are not “insane”. That are calculated and evil.
      They know EXACTLY what they’re doing.
      WE ARE AT WAR!
      Start acting like it.

  6. Of course he’s a product of thr left. Most deranged shooters have been. Here’s how the Xiden admin thinks. “Oooh baby, this radical islamic guy just shot & killed ten people. Let’s take all guns away from ALL Americans! Mwahhhahahha

  7. This is attributed to the NWO wanting to ruin our Country through indoctrination of our Citizens. Thank God for our Christian Schools and Colleges.

  8. Has anyone heard even one cry of “hate crime” from the media? Had a white person killed multiple Muslims, that surely would have been on all media outlets and spewed from Democrats. Witness the hypocrisy of political correctness.

  9. Guns do not kill, people kill. No way to stop that. Especially like this one, a Biden supporter

  10. And this is EXACTLY why patriotic, legal American citizens must never give up their right to arm themselves.

    The Neo-fascist democrat left has sown the wind, now it is time for them all to reap the whirlwind.

  11. The shooting, as well as many other shootings are a product of the left/Demonocratic party. While the ‘short term’ over-welcoming of anti-American elements doesn’t help their case, the main ‘long-term’ action from the Demonocratic party is the acceptance/legalization of MURDER in the womb called ‘abortion’ [since ‘abortion’ prevents the life of an already conceived child it meets the definition of MURDER. They only renamed it to deceive whomever they could and get their support and money contributions.] {some women are stressed by being pregnant so are allowed to kill their children in the womb so some people stressed by life draw the incorrect conclusion their allowed to kill whatever/whomever stresses them (kids, those with other ancestry, strangers, co-workers, etc)}

  12. We conservatives have lost the battle/war some time ago. Only thing to be concerned about now is your children/grandchildren. The “world” that they will be living in will not be good.

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