Houston Methodist Hospital orders staff to withhold adverse reactions caused by covid vaccines from official records

(Natural News)
Jennifer Bridges, a nurse at Houston Methodist Hospital, has come forward with more information about her employer’s criminal attempts at suppressing the truth about the dangers of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines.

Bridges told Del Bigtree during a recent episode of The Highwire that she and her coworkers at Houston Methodist are now forbidden from logging any adverse reactions to Chinese Virus injections on the company’s official records.

“Every time a nurse or another employee comes out with an adverse reaction, they basically tell them in the ER … ‘No, it’s not an adverse reaction. This is just an intolerance.’ And they don’t report it properly and they don’t address it properly,” Bridges explained.

“And I’ve actually been in contact with somebody in the hospital system that deals with, like, the charting and the finalization of people’s charts … They have told me that officially Methodist has told them, ‘Do not list any adverse reactions on anybody’s chart related to the vaccine.’”

Houston Methodist was also in the news recently for a lawsuit that was filed by at least 112 of its employees who say they are being unlawfully coerced and threatened into getting jabbed as a condition of employment.

“People are being told to not talk about this, not address it, and not label it on charts,” Bridges says about Houston Methodist’s fascist behavior. “As employees, [we] have to go to the system and document these adverse reactions because Methodist is not doing it.”

You can watch a clip of Jennifer Bridges talking to Del Bigtree about Houston Methodist’s illegal covid vaccine mandate below:

Houston Methodist, Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are all guilty of crimes against humanity

Meanwhile, the Chinese Virus house of cards is crumbling by the day as more revelations from the Fauci Emails emerge, painting a picture of total corruption, fraud and crimes against humanity hinged on the back of a global “pandemic.”

If Houston Methodist does not take a step back from its medical fascism crusade, it could soon find itself on the wrong side of history facing the same potential punishments that Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and the other successors of Josef Mengele who are in clear violation of the Nuremberg Code may soon face.

Does Houston Medical’s leadership really want to face possible war crimes charges concerning these fake “vaccines?” Do they really want to find themselves mired in litigation as they continue to drag their reputation through the mud with each passing day?

This writer would certainly never get an operation there, as who knows what kind of medical “accident” might occur under that type of leadership. Who in his right mind would ever put his life in the hands of medical personnel who see nothing wrong with discarding the Hippocratic Oath while lying about the damaging effects of experimental gene therapy injections?

“Their boss claims 99% compliance on the shot-taking. 99%? Seems high. What did they do to get that, if true? We know there were adverse events,” wrote one commenter at National File. “They are required to report them but choose not to? How does an employer keep 26K employees in line? Oh yeah, they kick them out.”

“This covid madness continues to ruin people’s lives, one way or the other,” this same person added, emphasizing the ridiculousness of all the Chinese Virus nonsense. “All shots (vaccines) are not alike and frankly, neither adults nor kids need most of the ones they want to push on the population, but especially this deadly Covid-19 stuff.”

More related news stories about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccines and medical fascism can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:




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  1. Three women including my wife in our neighborhood alone, had passed out the day after getting their 2nd Moderna shot. All doctors involved like my wife’s GP says it’s not because of the vaccinne. I guess it must be something in the water they all drank that day.

    1. How much $$$ does Houston Methodist take in from Big Ptoxic ? That is impossible to find out because Big Pharma uses all sorts of stealth methods. One would have to investigate the lifestyles and spending habits of all hospital officials and doctors. The first thing L.E. does when checking on individuals is check their credit card transactions, building permit applications and other things that show financial activity.

  2. When the medical profession starts restricting the truth because it does not fit the government narrative, we are in deep dodo! Quick, grab a shovel before the entire country sinks into the swamp!

    1. confiscate the assets of these medical TYRANTS AND ALL ALLIES. they KNOW the vaccines will KILL AMERICANS.that’s why these COMMIE TRAITORS are pushing their radical vaccines. you NOTICE that they aren’t pushing for illegals to get the vaccines. of course not BECAUSE you die and you are REPLACED WITH ILLEGALS. WAKE UP AMERICA NOW.

    2. The medical profession has been suppressing the truth for 3 or 4 decades already. Originally hospitals were operated as “humanitarian, not for profit agencies of society”. When hospitals were taken over by “business manager conglomerates” the entire business model changed. The first thing to go was the “humanitarian” aspect. Followed immediately by the “not for profit” idea. Was the infusion of the “business manager model” the idea of Big Pharma as they have taken over the health care community?

  3. Clearly FRAUDCI,MRS FRAUDCI(NIH) GATES AND CO,AS WELL AS THE PROFITEERS ALIAS BIG PHARMA,HOSPITAL CEO’S AND THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION,pushing the experimental,poisoning,crippling,sterelizing VAX, are guilty of CRIMES ON HUMANITY,this crimes are committed knowingly!
    Take their power and authority away,confescate their assets and arrest these criminals.
    Gain of Function Research, funded with tax dollars,rerouted by the disgusting criminal weasel fraudci and Co,should not have happened in the first place.
    Time to take action against these domestic and global terrorists!

  4. hey Houston Methodist, ever heard of the hippocratic oath?how about malpractice or the Nuremberg code?how about LYING or cover up?you’re doctors?HAHAHA. are you covering up adverse reactions to the vaccines BECAUSE THE GOAL IS TO MURDER AMERICANS?I hope they sue your butts off.

    1. Bill Gates, in a speech in early 2000 stated that the global population must be decreased by 33% if the globe is to be made sustainable. That is why he and his foundation have been stealthily bullying poor countries into vaccinating their population as a requirement to get money. India and several African countries have already taken the bait from Bill with devastating results.

  5. We forgot to mention Big Tech, and communist Zuckerberg and Company and fake ,lying mainstream media! CONFESCATE THEIR ASSETS!

  6. these are war crimes. they are CRIMES against humanity. just for starters look up what bill gates vaccines have done in other countries .these TRAITORS and monsters make dr mengele AKA THE ANGEL OF DEATH like a BOY SCOUT. PROTECT yourself don’t TAKE THE VACCINES OF DEATH.

    1. The Swine Flu vaccine was taken off the market because there were 37 deaths attributed to that vaccine. Covid drugs deaths after inoculation in excess of 5000 and there is no thought of shutting it down?. They are heading fo Bill Gates 33% population reduction in the long term.

  7. these are war crimes. these are crimes against humanity. just for starters look up what Bill Gates vaccines have done in other countries .he makes dr lmengele AKA THE ANGEL OF DEATH look like a BOY SCOUT .DON’T TAKE THE VACCINES OF DEATH. PROTECT YOURSELF.

    1. Just recently “dr jill” the birthing person which probably never chested LOL wanted to hold the hand of a 12 year old boy(he declined) while being injected with the poisoning experimentel vax!
      Keep pervert corrupt Connie china joe,”professor hunter” and the birthing person jill AWAY FROM OUR CHILDREN!
      FRAUDCI and “dr jill”standing by in Harlem ,watching a 12 year old boys life being destroyed PERMANENTLY

  8. From LCAction:
    Microsoft is now using its login screen to push the shots.

    Of course, Microsoft ignores the data of adverse reactions or deaths. This data is submitted under risk of significant fines and even jail time if falsified. Microsoft and FB won’t tell you there are 5,165 reported deaths, 1,892 heart attacks, 756 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis, 13,574 severe allergic reactions, 3,994 disabilities, 571 miscarriages, 39,121 urgent care visits, 51,133 office visits and 1,565 with partial paralysis (Bell’s palsy).

    They won’t tell you that the CDC and Harvard state the reported incidents in VAERS represent less that 1% of all actual incidents. Multiplied 90 (not even 99) times, 5,165 comes to 464,850 deaths. But we don’t even need to go there. The swine flu vaccine was halted after just 53 deaths. Yet, more than that (66) died each day in the past two weeks alone!

    1. Thanks Jeffrey Cresswell for the detailed Info we appreciate! We also need to STOP funding the UN,WHO and all the communist depopulation agencies tied to them!
      NO taxpayer funds for the evil Abortion Industry ak. “Planned Parenthood”

  9. I was 60/40 about not getting the vaccine when it first came out after reading reports about people getting I’ll after it I’m 100% against getting it,until it’s proven totally safe with sufficient testing I’m out

  10. I had the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine a week ago at my local pharmacy, and I was required to sit for 15 minutes after to see if I had an adverse reaction. My wife, a retired RN, declines to get the vaccine because she doesn’t want anything messing with her DNA. For Houston Methodist to not allow their professionals to even log any adverse reactions is really a breach of professional ethics

  11. Quite obviously there is a second agenda. The government has something up their sleeve albeit exactly what it is is not yet clear. I suspect that when the bodies start piling up somebody’s going to want to come clean to clear their conscience. Until that day comes I will not be a part of their I’ll conceived experiment.

  12. Jail my ass these people need to be executed for what they have done. Obama , Hillary, Harris Polosi Biden Fauci Cortez All of these people need all assets taken and execution time for Treason. And that thing at Yale talking about her fantasies of shooting white people in the head. And there walking among us. But as long as your a Dem that’s all ok. Our military are over there defending criminals when they could be in places where there actually needed. This Goverment is so criminal it’s unreal. Treason is Treason execution no jail we pay for that too. Why should the tax payer pay anymore. We the tax payers are the ones getting ripped of for years now. Just like paying school tax we don’t have any kids in school why should we pay if you want kids it should come out of your pockets not ours. And who gets all the benefits people with kids not people with out kids. God no we pay for that. Ya fed up with the whole bunch of shit. People need to start fighting back. Let’s get something straight Biden is not running the country Obama still is why do you think he never left DC. all the other former Presidents went home when there term ended not Obama he stayed here to run this term through Biden. That will come out to one day when we finally get the truth about what is really going on. And please do not get that vaccine there trying to push this to much. I won’t get it and neither will my husband we also have friends that have said the same no way. The sewer needs to be cleaned out it’s no longer a swamp it’s a sewer. Use common sense and stay safe America.

  13. Yeah, that’s a lawsuit. I’m on psych meds and every time there’s a pharmacist not familiar with me, he will start to go through the list of side effects. They’re Required to tell you the side effects. If you get your flu shot, they provide pamphlets that advise you of commonly known side effects. So, there is a standard in these regards to advise the patient of potential side effects.

    Partially because a patient may have other problems which will escalate those side effects into a more serious problem.

    So yeah, blocking the list of side effects, definite lawsuit waiting to happen.

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