Chicago Mayor Declares Racism a Public-Health Crisis

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot speaks during a science initiative event at the University of Chicago in Chicago, Ill., July 23, 2020. (Kamil Krzaczynski/Reuters)

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot declared racism a public-health emergency on Thursday, citing racism as a leading factor in the 9.2-year life-expectancy gap between black and non-black Chicagoans. 

“At almost every single point in our city’s history, racism has taken a devastating toll on the health and well-being of our residents of color — especially those who are Black,” Lightfoot said in a written statement. “Without formally acknowledging this detrimental impact, we will never be able to move forward as a city and fully provide our communities with the resources they need to live happy and healthy lives.”

The Democratic mayor said she is “doubling down” on efforts alongside city officials and community leaders to address racism in the city.

She said the city will enact a “will to act” initiative that will aim to address the lasting impacts of historical policies including Jim Crow restrictions, redlining, and “other forms of financial and housing segregation and discrimination.”

Meanwhile, Chicago’s health department said it will apportion nearly $10 million of COVID-relief funding from the CDC to create six Healthy Chicago Equity Zones that will cover the entire city.

The announcement comes after the city health department released data earlier this week that showed non-black Chicagoans live an average of 71.4 years while non-black residents live an average of 80.6 years.

Chronic diseases, homicide, infant mortality, opioid overdose, and health concerns including HIV, flu, and other infections have all contributed to the life-expectancy gap. 

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    1. I was about to say the same thing! Every time she opens her mouth, we have to stare at her ugly mug. My mother describes her as “beat with an ugly stick” and that the only person uglier than her is Nancy Pelosi.

      What she’s saying isn’t really anything new. I think this was about two years ago that someone at federal level wanted to declare racism a national health crisis. It didn’t go anywhere back then and it won’t go anywhere now. It’s theater, that’s all it is, and the tragedy is that it doesn’t end with the idiots on the streets holding up a sign begging for food!

      1. of course Lightfoot’s, designation of Chicago as a santuary City which permits the massive influx of ILLEGAL’s and rampant drug use and gang violence ISN”T in her mind a problem for the Black community…which is why she has NO CHANCE of being re-elected….she has made a total mess of Chicago..and yes, it’s HER FAULT and instead of blaming everyone else she needs to accept responsibility.

      2. First, when you mentioned about Lighthead being beat with an ugly stick, you forgot to mention the ugly stick lost. And, with this press conference with Lighthead were there any palefaces in the media?

    1. How is resigning the antidote or resolution to eradicating systemic racism? Are you stupid, or just racist?🤦🏼‍♀️

      1. The problem is that DEMONcrats like her see everything as racist, she is so extremely jaded zgainst anyone who is not of color and that makes her very much racist. Call me what you will but there are still many people that would rather put a knife in a whites man back over talking to him. So many balck people are hung up on the past and until they get over that they will never go forward and their lives will stagnate which is what is happening right now. That lori leadhead is stagnating as she cannot see past the color of a persons skin.

      2. Slayerdope….
        You accidentally ended up on a patriot’s only site. Please delete your comment and go to the liberal utopia “redit”. You will be appreciated and adored. GtFO. Have a great day!

        1. First of all, a Patriot supports, honors, and respects the office of the Presidency, even when he or she does not completely agree with it. A Patriot does not undermine it! I come from a heavy military and law enforcement family, and have known this basic principle all my life. A Patriot loves her land & accepts its history without denial – the good, bad, & ugly – so as to move towards strengthening & progress. The easiest way to dismantle and conquer a nation is by dividing that nation, to weaken it from within. And if you can’t see that racial rhetoric and biases being used to do just that – weaken our nation – then, perhaps you are not the Patriot you think you are, my friend. Your name tells me you’re stuck in denial, when Joe Biden is LITERALLY the current President of these United States!! SMH.

          1. Are you naturally stupid, or it?

            You prove yourself an ignorant liar with your first sentence, and condamn every single democRAT in the U.S. with that sentence. A leftist piece of garbage like you most likely NEVER served this country in the military or any form of law enforcement regardless of what your fambily did!

            Name ONE democrat congress-critter that patriotically support PRESIDENT Trump!!


  1. So… perhaps the emergency rooms should stop trying to save “non-white” persons brought in for GSWs to even out the stats.

    1. Do you hear yourself? You sound like an idiot! Clearly your comprehension of what you’ve just read is quite low. Like every non-white is dying of GSWs…. You missed the entire point of what the woman was speaking to: the LASTING & FORWARD-REACHING effects of historical racial policies & laws, direct & indirect discrimination and separation, etc. All of which play a huge direct & indirect factor on the way an entire race of people live and operate today – even the devaluation placed on their lives from the past shows today in the ways some may view themselves & others like them. YOU & all your descendants try living through hundreds of years of mental, physical, emotional, sexual, & psychological torture and exploitation of slavery and see how you and your might turn out! Too often I see educated, intelligent white men & women become some of the smartest dummies I’ve ever known anytime a topic of race/color/poverty is at hand. Including my very white, very racist husband!! It’s sickening & shameful.

      1. lmao. I did, I’m Irish and Cherokee, we were slaves long before black people were. Sit down and shut up.

        1. @ Me: Aww, silly you. When’s the last time you walked down the street or in a grocery store and saw more than three full-Native Americans? I know, probably never. Why? Because they weren’t just enslaved,Me, they were almost completely annihilated! Now they mainly only live on designated plots of land found sporadically throughout the US called Reservations. The few remaining are dying left & right of alcoholism, drugs, poverty….you don’t think that may have something to do with the history they’ve endured and the systemic racism? Do you even know your own people’s history? Are you actually Cherokee, or just descend from a white family that claimed Native American status long ago so as to gain land?? And you actually did an “lol”. Sad. I also know that we, the Irish (yes, I am, too) were some of the first of the whites to endeavor in slavery here, and we were reported to be among the cruelest of slave owners. Research it. I don’t speak just to speak, and I wouldn’t hate just to be cruel and hateful. It’s simple: challenge yourself, challenge your biases, and make efforts to work past them. Then we can be better people as a race and a nation. I am a Patriot, and I look at the bigger picture and champion for the greater good of ALL people in this country! I can only feel above another if I purposely, willfully keep him/her down (subjugated). I don’t need to sit down or shut up; if anything, more white, intelligent, forward-thinking, progressive people ought to stand and speak out against these things, and not be so scared of going against the status quo or the majority. Maybe it’s my Fighting Irish spirit that makes me tough enough to go against the grain🤷🏼‍♀️. Or maybe it’s because I believe in God, so cannot afford denial, I have to state the truth & shame the devil. Simple.

          1. Nobody is being held back or held down. Every one has the same opportunities…if they choose to pursue them. Don’t blame anyone for another person’s lack of desire to pursue opportunity when it is placed in front of them. Skin color has nothing to do with anything…it’s being told that you are a victim and you don’t NEED to work hard. Someone OWES you because,many years ago some people…mostly Black Africans…were sold into slavery… by their fellow Black Africans. Why blame a white person for the sins of a Black person? Sins that were committed hundreds of years ago?

        1. Your pea-sized brain could only come up with something personal and mean to attack me with…..haha. 1 for SlayerBih, 0 for Bob!

      2. Look at the stats though, there is 2 to 1 ratio or more, there are more white people getting shot and killed by police but you never hear about it as those white lives do not fit the media narrative of cops hunting down only black people . Many times all a white person needs to do is sneeze the wrong way and get a bullet. In LA there was a white guy going across the street to meet p with his wife, a black cop stopped him and for no apparent reason the cop put four shots into the guy, in front of his wife and kids.

  2. Does’t she look at the statistics? Tell the black people to stop killing black people, it’s racist. Tell them to kill white people, like the guy in Atlanta that no one is hearing about.

    1. I’m not sure that racism as a tool belongs to any specific political party….plenty of republicans & other party-affiliated people are racists and consistently continue to use racism & racial propaganda to keep racism alive and well. History tells you that!

        1. Look around you, just last week a black kid tore a mask right off my face and ran off, I call that a racist move, its all in a persons perspective and how they view things around themselves.

        2. Maybe I am part of a small new group of racists: white people racist against other whites that are racist against black & brown people!! LMFAO!!!! That’s a good one. Completely asinine, but funny. I guess my having a problem with other whites being racist & discriminate, & ignorant towards others based on the color of their skin or country of origin or the language spoken makes me a problem, too.
          Meanwhile, your play on words with your name tells me you’re the one still obsessed with a Black man! Do an introspective check & honest conversation with yourself – you may come to find the racist is looking back at you in the mirror, sir.

    2. Well look who started the kkk, none other than the DEMONcrats themselves, there have been nine imperial wizards that were all ranking DEMONcrats in positions of authority.

  3. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot declared 9.2-year life-expectancy gap between black and non-black If blacks would stop shooting each other maybe they would live longer

    1. I agree with you Turk. It seems to me when a White Police officer shoots a Black then it’s BLM. When they shoot each other then Black lives don’t matter because they don’t seem to care that much, only when it is white on black.

      1. Look at the stats though, there is 2 to ratio or more, there are more white people getting shot and killed by police but you never hear about as those white lives do not fit the media narrative of cops hunting down only black people .

    1. I wish all of the writers would remember this when it is time to vote again in less than 2 years. We need the house and Senate back.

  4. Why is it that the ones who are preaching racism are the biggest racists of them all and this woman proves my point

  5. “racism has taken a devastating toll on the health and well-being of our residents of color ”

    How about the black on black violence which, based on facts and statistics, is the number one cause of murder and violence towards the black communities in our country. Do the innocent black children being shot and killed by stray bullets through the windows of their own homes in Chicago and other cities not count as having a devastating toll? I’m talking about the innocent children that the lamestream media rarely ever mentions because it doesn’t fit their narrative. I guess to them, specific black lives matter only. I’m f-ing sick of hearing the one sided narrative over and over by these brainwashed idiots. Yes, there is racism in this country. There’s racism in every part of the world. But guess what, NEWS FLASH…that is a two way street. There are just as many blacks hating whites as there are whites hating blacks, hispanics and blacks hating each other, etc, etc but that isn’t representative of the majority of the people in this country. Oh, and how about all the hateful attacks on Asian individuals as of late…most of those have been at the hands of black individuals. “Asian woman’s hair set on fire by black teen male on San Fran bus”, “Black male 38 years old brutally attacks asian woman in Manhattan on her way to church”, “61 year old asian man brutally attacked by black male in NYC”…he repeatedly stomped on the mans head…wtf? We’re certainly not hearing much about that in the news are we? So, my take on the whole “white people” are racist ideology, Go “F” yourself because I’ve had enough of the hypocrisy. If you want my respect, then you damn well better reciprocate. I fully believe all people are created equal until you prove that you can’t handle the responsibility that comes with that way of thinking. In other words, worry about your own actions and strive to be a better you and stop thinking you can change those with hate in their hearts because only they can change who they are.

  6. The nexus for much that ails a large swath of US Africana can be traced back to the Johnson administration. That’s when ADC payments replaced the need for AA males in households. The resulting numbers of those entrenched now at the bottom the socio-economic-cultural Bell Curve have created an insoluble crisis. At this stage the endless handwringing and empty platitudes are proving to becounter productive.

  7. The leftist Mayor will next declare all whites as DIVERGENT and expel them from Chicago.

    The leftists plan to build a wall to keep them out just as soon as she figures out how to continue to tax them.

  8. The life expectancy gap is a result of lifestyle choices. Diet,exercise,drinking,drugs, and social choices(gangs, criminal activity). These are the HARD facts. What sucks the most is even with conscious efforts, we only live an average of 8 years longer.

  9. And she was elected? How can that be?
    Maybe she needs another black only media event to spread the word that genetics is the white man’s fault. Things are insane.

  10. The crisis is her and her rotting flesh. I’m sure she smells putrid but it does complete her “The Walking Dead” look.

  11. I couldn’t even read past the first paragraph. This is a joke right? Is she mentally impaired too?
    1. SHE is the reason there are so many blacks dying in Chicago. Does NOTHING to address the blk on blk crime(murders) that runs rampant.
    2. Where does she get her stats? I might believe that there are more black residents than white. And see #1 to quantify her percentage.
    3. Lightfoot… Almost sounds like a Native American name. Preferencing one side of her heritage over the other? JS.
    Just another NUTJOB in power 🤬

  12. Does this QWERTY perv. banshee not realize that black on black murder just might have something to do with the negro breed dying earlier in life?

    Ship then all back to Aperica where they belong!

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