Ted Cruz Accuses Biden of Trying to Hide ‘Disaster’ Conditions at Border Migrant Facilities

Ted Cruz and other members of a Republican delegation attend a press conference after a tour around a section of the U.S.-Mexico border on a Texas Highway Patrol vessel in Mission, Texas, March 26, 2021.
(Go Nakamura/Reuters)

Republican senator Ted Cruz is accusing the Biden administration of trying to obscure the “disaster” living conditions at Texas migrant facilities.

At a press conference with Republican Representatives Chip Roy and Nancy Mace in Laredo, Texas, on Wednesday, Cruz spoke to reporters about his observations while visiting the border and migrant detainment centers since the border crisis started. Referring to a facility in Donna, Texas, which he called a “giant tent city,” the senator described a claustrophobic environment that he suggested was a breeding ground for COVID transmission, Fox News reported. Thousands of migrants who illegally crossed the border into the United States have tested positive for COVID during processing, multiple outlets have reported.

“You had children packed in there. They weren’t six feet apart, as you would expect during a panic. They weren’t three feet apart. They weren’t three inches apart. They’re literally packed so close together that they’re side by side. There were no beds. There were no cots. There were no mats. They’re sleeping on the floor, children, wrapped up in reflective emergency blankets. They’re packed so tightly there’s no room to move. As I said at the time we were there, the rate of COVID positivity was over 10%,” Cruz said.

Amid reports of overcrowding and other poor conditions, Cruz claimed Biden prohibited media outlets from visiting or capturing evidence from inside Border Patrol facilities to hide the neglect from the public.

“Because the reason the administration didn’t want press there was they didn’t want anyone to know what was happening,” Cruz said. “Their hope was to cover it up. Their hope is that no one would see the disaster they were creating.”

The senator also said that Border Patrol agents he interacted with feel “frustrated” over the Biden administration’s refusal to take the border crisis and enforcement seriously, adding that he doesn’t know why these officers remain in the force and don’t resign amid the mayhem.

“Morale has never been lower than right now because the Biden administration won’t let ICE do its job,” he said.

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  1. globalists and their demonrat criminal party and their rino criminal party and globalist media transport their illegal criminal invader voters and taliban terrorist voters to the usa and probably inject them with their coronavirus scam just to spread it on Americans .

  2. Nobody in their right mind would open a border during a pandemic unless they had an evil and destructive agenda

    Please impeach the lying, cheating, idiot, Enemy of the State in the WH

  3. They’re all completely corrupt. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the politicians, i particular democrats, for ruing ehst was a great country. Thank you morons, and those thst vote for them.

  4. Yes we know Cruzm 20 years now!!

    Border crossings by illegal aliens, foreign terrorists and drug cartels will continue, ….IF YOU LET THEM IN!

    Xidens and Obama’s past immigration E.O.’s are NOT law and can be ignored!

    The FED’s, DHS, US Marshalls, Border Patrol and ICE, have been following ILLEGAL E.O.’s for over 13 years instead of enforcing “”existing”” immigration laws.

    Arizona/Texas citizens continue to suffer the deadly consequences.

    The Fed’s are cowards and traitors protecting their pensions instead of doing their sworn job and YOU CRUZ & Congress lets it happen!

    Arizona/Texas. Forget the lawsuits. That will take years.

    Arizona/Texas Rangers, Police and their National Guards must kick all the Feds out, take over and seal the border!

    That is better than changing diapers and getting shot at!

  5. Remember how they invented lies and and and try to block everything Trump did. This idiots should be jailed and throw away the key.

  6. As I pray for those left behind, and the show called president! I am totally disgusted is what is going on in America right now! Biden needs to be hung!!!

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