Bozell Blasts Media Silence on Alleged Rape After School Trans Policy

News & Politics

Appearing on Fox Business Network’s Varney & Company Thursday morning, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell denounced the leftist media for refusing to cover two alleged rapes in Loudoun County Virginia high schools directly attributable to the radical transgender bathroom policy pushed by the left-wing school board there. He went through the disturbing timeline that lead up to the shocking alleged crimes.

“Now a completely different subject, a father in Virginia says his ninth grade daughter was sexually assaulted in a girls bathroom at Loudoun County school. Now he claims the school turned a blind eye to that alleged assault,” host Stuart Varney told viewers. After playing a soundbite of parent Scott Smith sharing the horrible story of what happened to his daughter, Varney turned to Bozell and asked: “…where was the mainstream media in this? Did they black out this story?”’

Bozell outlined the troubling chronology, from the school board enacting its far-left transgender bathroom policy to the alleged assaults:

January 12th, the school board in Loudoun County passes an ordinance allowing transgender children to go into girls restrooms. The parents are outraged. They erupt in outrage. They have morality on their side, they have biology on their side, but most importantly, they have common sense on their side. They say it’s going to lead to a rape. Some girl is going to get raped.

Indeed, on May 28th, a boy putting on a skirt enters that restroom. That father couldn’t say what happened, I’ll say what happened. Not only did he rape her, he sodomized her, forced fellatio on her….June 22nd, there is a hearing. Now the school board wants to go a step further. Now they want to allow gender expression, meaning, if you put on a skirt you can go on there. And it’s already been a rape….October 6, the boy is arrested for a second attack on another girl in another school, in a classroom.

He then condemned the left-wing media for steadfastly censoring the story throughout the entire chain of events: “So far, no coverage, no coverage, no coverage by the media that had been all over this issue up until it happened….No coverage whatsoever.”

Bozell credited the The Daily Wire for “the expose where they connect the dots…shows the consequence of what happens with a transgender bathroom in a school.” He added: “No coverage whatsoever except for Fox and a handful of other sites.”

Here is a full transcript of the October 14 segment:

10:32 AM ET

STUART VARNEY: Now a completely different subject, a father in Virginia says his ninth grade daughter was sexually assaulted in a girls bathroom at Loudoun County school. Now he claims the school turned a blind eye to that alleged assault. Watch this.

SCOTT SMITH: My daughter was sexually assaulted at the end of school in May of last year. This happened the last week of May and then, you know, school ended. You know, and the school board and the school system just went on summer break and abandoned us.

VARNEY: That’s the issue here. It was covered up, according to that parent. The suspect student has reportedly been transferred to a different school within Loudoun County School District and he’s being accused of assaulting another girl. The school district claims they followed proper protocols, they’re saying. And I’m going to quote this for you, “Loudoun County Public Schools is aware of the media and social media reports concerning alleged sexual assaults at two of our high school campuses…Principals are legally required to report to the local law enforcement agency any act, including sexual assault…That process was followed with respect to these allegations.” End quote.  

Brent Bozell joins me. Was the mainstream media – where was the mainstream media in this? Did they black out this story?

BRENT BOZELL: I’m gonna tell you a story here in return, Stuart, and it’s gonna shock even you. Let me go through the chronology of events. January 12th, the school board in Loudoun County passes an ordinance allowing transgender children to go into girls restrooms. The parents are outraged. They erupt in outrage. They have morality on their side, they have biology on their side, but most importantly, they have common sense on their side. They say it’s going to lead to a rape. Some girl is going to get raped.

Indeed, on May 28th, a boy putting on a skirt enters that restroom. That father couldn’t say what happened, I’ll say what happened. Not only did he rape her, he sodomized her, forced fellatio on her. The father was called in by the school under the suggestion that something might of happened. He goes in there, only when he arrives does he find out his daughter’s been raped. He erupts. He’s escorted out by the police. The same school that just said in that report that within minutes they reported to this, puts out a statement to all the parents. Warning them about this rape? No. Warning them about the father and the fact that he was escorted out.  They make no mention to the student – to the parents.

June 22nd, there is a hearing. Now the school board wants to go a step further. Now they want to allow gender expression, meaning, if you put on a skirt you can go on there. And it’s already been a rape. The parents are upset again. The father tries to speak, a tussle erupts. He is arrested.

So far, no coverage, no coverage, no coverage by the media that had been all over this issue up until it happened.

October 6, the boy is arrested for a second attack on another girl in another school, in a classroom. No coverage whatsoever.

On Tuesday, The Daily Wire comes out with the expose where they connect the dots. It’s a horrible study, it shows the consequence of what happens with a transgender bathroom in a school. No coverage whatsoever except for Fox and a handful of other sites.

Yesterday, the school board came out with a statement, the most cowardly statement I have ever read, saying, “We didn’t know about it, nobody told us about it. Don’t look at us.” The girl has been forcibly sodomized in their school and they still don’t care.

VARNEY: Okay, I’ve got to end it right there, Brent. But that’s powerful stuff and I think everybody who watches it, who watched what you’ve got to say is shocked indeed. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. Much obliged to you, sir. Thank you.

BOZELL: Thank you, Stuart.

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