Shop at Amazon, murder a child: Jeff Bezos’ empire will now pay expenses for employee abortions

(Natural News)
For its employees who live in “red” states where abortion could soon become illegal, predatory retail behemoth Amazon will now foot the bill for female employees to travel to a “blue” state to get an abortion.

Abortion costs of up to $4,000, including travel, will be covered by Amazon’s new baby murder program, which is a response to the leaked news about the Supreme Court’s plan to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Amazon is one of several multi-national corporations that are planning to “bypass” the abortion ban. These other companies include Yelp, Citigroup, and Apple, all of which have gone “woke” – and that will hopefully soon go broke as a result.

The new program at Amazon is retroactive from Jan. 1, 2022, meaning any female employee who received an abortion in 2022 can now get reimbursed from the company for the gruesome procedure, just so long as there were no operation abortion clinics within 100 miles of the employee’s home.

By the end of June, in case you missed it, SCOTUS is set to rule on the deciding case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. When this occurs, Roe v. Wade will effectually be null and void.

Meanwhile, Amazon axes program offering paid time off for employees who contract covid

Once this happens, assuming it even does, about half of the country will likely enact new legislation expanding legal protections for unborn babies. Some of them may even ban abortion altogether.

This is worrisome to leftist females who, for whatever reason, are unable to responsibly engage in sexual behavior that does not result in an unwanted pregnancy.


The willful irresponsibility of this particular demographic is generating a viscerally demonic response as far-left females take to social media in anger over the prospect of losing their “right” to murder unborn babies.

Up until this point, Amazon had been offering employees “diagnosed” with the Fauci Flu paid time off. That program has now ended and been replaced with cash reimbursement for employee abortions.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, also known as the real-life embodiment of Austin Powers‘ “Dr. Evil” character, has long been a supporter and promoter of abortion.

Bezos contributes financially to groups like the Population Council, which targets poor and impoverished areas with pro-abortion campaigns. Bezos also funds the pro-abortion Barack Obama Foundation, which grooms far-left “emerging leaders” who aggressively promote abortion.

Planned Parenthood is another recipient of Amazon funding. The “AmazonSmile” program includes Planned Parenthood as one of the “charities” to which Amazon customers can contribute 0.5 percent of every purchase they make through the platform.

“Well, it sounds like it’s time to boycott Amazon, Apple, and all of the other big companies that promote sin,” wrote someone at LifeSiteNews.

“Will Amazon also pay for counseling when the woman regrets the abortion?” asked another.

“Next, Amazon will pay for employees to travel for sex-change mutilating surgeries,” wrote someone else. “Anything for perversion.”

Over at Natural News, one commenter expressed confusion over why women in the West are quite literally obsessed with and desperate to get abortions.

“Is there some special feeling they get from killing their own child?” this person asked. “Do they plan to get pregnant just so they can kill the baby as some sort of proud moment?”

“If they don’t want a child, why get pregnant in the first place? Why would they fight so hard to have the right to kill their own child unless that’s exactly what they plan to do? What is the point of getting pregnant just to kill their baby? Have they NEVER heard of birth ‘control?’”

The latest news about the Left’s disturbing love affair with abortion can be found at

Sources for this article include:

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