Customers want to give Ben & Jerry’s the ‘Bud Light’ treatment for scorning America on Independence Day and telling it to return ‘stolen indigenous land’

News & Politics

The woke ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s accosted Americans celebrating the nation’s 247th birthday online, telling them their country “exists on stolen Indigenous land” and to return it.

Patriots and other critics rejected the Vermont-headquartered company’s recommended action plan and came up with a plan of their own: Give the confectioners the “Bud Light” treatment.

More sourness from the sweets company

In a July 4 social media post, Ben & Jerry’s wrote, “This 4th of July, it’s high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it.”

The corresponding action plan on the company’s website claimed that “a good parade, some tasty barbecue, and a stirring fireworks display” in celebration of American independence from Great Britain were altogether problematic.

Instead of lauding the nation that gave so much to co-founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield and the company’s current C-suite, Ben & Jerry’s urged that the U.S. surrender Mount Rushmore to the Lakota Sioux.

The company reduced the personages carved into the rock — U.S. Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt — to “colonizers, four white men—two of whom enslaved people and all of whom were hostile to Indigenous people and values. … The faces on Mount Rushmore are the faces of men who actively worked to destroy Indigenous cultures and ways of life, to deny Indigenous people their basic rights.”

According to Ben & Jerry’s, to surrender vast swaths of American territory now would serve to help dismantle “white supremacy and systems of oppression.”

This sour note from the sweets company is hardly the first put out in recent days and years.

The company recently bemoaned the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision — which restored state rights and the power of the people as it pertains to their ability to make regional decisions about whether or not to permit the legal slaughter of the unborn — calling on activists to fight abortion bans, even those imposed at 24 weeks.

The company, which a New York Times exposé revealed used child migrant labor to process milk, often in violation of labor laws, has also taken hard anti-Israel stances, forbidding the sale of its sugary sludge in territories belonging to the Jewish state.

Besides its anti-American, anti-Israeli, and pro-Palestinian activism and resistance to a “post-racial era,” Ben & Jerry’s has previously been called out for peddling lies, in particular about Kyle Rittenhouse. The ice cream brand suggested online in 2021 that the then-17-year-old who killed a violent pedophile and another radical in self-defense during a riot was a racist, incorrectly intimating his victims were black.

While Ben & Jerry’s leftist activism has heretofore served to agitate, its attack on America on its birthday appeared to be the last straw for many.

Time for a ‘Bud Light’ treatment

Billboard Chris, the gender ideology critic whose real name is Chris Elston, tweeted in response to the company’s anti-American post, “The only right thing to do is donate all of your assets and retained earnings. Shareholders will understand.”

Musician Brad Skistimas of Five Times August suggested something similar, writing, “Sounds like it’s time for Ben and Jerry to donate 100% of their profits to indigenous people.”

Angela McArdle, the current chair of the Libertarian National Committee, wrote, “I thought you sold ice cream. You want to evict all of your customers?”

“U stole the milk from cows to make ur ice cream checkmate,” quipped Ashley St. Clair of the Babylon Bee.

Retired infantry colonel and Town Hall columnist Kurt Schlichter wrote, “My land acknowledgment is this: ‘We won. Too bad.'”

Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah tweeted, “@BenandJerry’s are awfully smug and lippy for a sub-brand of the massive Anglo-Dutch conglomerate Unilever. I’m not sure they fully understand the legacy of the respective Dutch and British colonial powers.”

Lee went on to say, “Your once-good ice cream now sucks. … You just guaranteed that I (a once-loyal customer) will never consume a single pint of it. … When you suggest ‘returning’ the land on which our country has been built for centuries, what exactly do you imagine? Expungement of property rights? Repatriation of most Americans to Europe?”

After leaving the company with some penetrating questions to mull over, Lee noted, “There is such thing as a real ice cream made by true American patriots. I highly recommend it,” linking to Brooker’s Founding Flavors Ice Cream.

Some recognized that the company might understand a market correction better than pointed language online and reminders that the Ben & Jerry’s factory is located on allegedly “stolen” land.

Rich was referencing the overwhelming successful boycott of the Anheuser-Busch brand over its partnership with transvestic activist Dylan Mulvaney. Bud Light lost nearly a quarter of its business as a result, and according to former Anheuser-Busch executive Anson Frericks, the relationship with Mulvaney cost the company $20 billion in lost marketing, reported

Dr. Jordan Peterson similarly observed, “Looks like someone is looking hard for a @budweiser moment.”

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