Why in the World Is the U.S. Teachers’ Union Boss Visiting Ukraine for ‘Democracy’?

News & Politics

American children unfortunate enough to attend public school, which is most of them, can barely read or do basic math anymore. Yet instead of attending to glaring and worsening deficiencies — driven in large part by the graft and the utter laziness of many teachers, enabled and facilitated by the teachers’ unions — American Federation of Teachers (AFT) boss Randi Weingarten has seen fit to take her sh**show on the road to Ukraine.


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The purported reason is a deep and abiding “commitment to children, to education and to democracy.”

Via American Federation of Teachers (emphasis added):

An international delegation of education officials, led by American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and Education International General Secretary David Edwards, traveled to Ukraine today for visits and meetings with educators, health professionals, United Nations agencies and government partners to inspect the country’s schools and explore what can be done to help children recover and thrive.

“Ukraine is the front line in the fight for democracy and freedom and self-determination,” said Weingarten. “What happens in this war has long-term ramifications for the world and for all freedom- and democracy-loving people.”

“For families, the war has had devastating consequences. We return at the request of the Ukrainian educators because of that commitment to children, to education and to democracy.

Afghanistan had a “democracy” once upon a time — a dysfunctional, fake, and totally contrived one propped up by American artillery, but a nominal democracy nonetheless. Then the Taliban dispensed with that upon retaking power. Why isn’t Weingarten headed there to try out her “saving democracy and the children” routine?

In fact, there are nigh on 100 “democracies” located around the world. Many of them are also afflicted by war, famine, poverty, and, yes, poor education systems. Why, of all countries, is it necessary for a corrupt teachers’ union president to take a trip to Ukraine?

And if Ukraine is such a blooming democracy, what does it need the help of a creature like Weingarten for?

God only knows what the real reason is.


The delegation will visit teacher training sites and childcare centers and meet with the minister of education to assess how the war has impacted kids’ mental health, learning, education infrastructure, vocational education and more.

The four-day visit, organized by Education International and co-hosted by the Ukraine education union TUESWU, will include meetings with representatives from UNICEF (the United Nations Children’s Fund), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Human Rights Watch, UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine.

The trip marks the AFT’s fourth visit to the region since the unjust war began 15 months ago, part of the union’s long history of assisting teachers and around the world.

While it’s not clear precisely what the geopolitical utility of sending a transparent ditz like Weingarten to Ukraine is, it’s certainly not out of any kind of humanitarianism. And it’s certainly not out of concern for the “children” whom she wears like a beard. If it were, the U.S. would be suing for peace instead of using Ukraine as a killing field and Ukrainians as cannon fodder in the hopes of exhausting Russia’s military capacity.

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