Seattle is more liberal than ever — city has the highest number of Democrat supporters since 2004, study shows

News & Politics

Seattle residents’ support for the Democratic Party is at its highest point in nearly 20 years, a recent survey noted, with the left-wing city ranking in the top 10 Democrat-supporting cities in the nation.

Despite Antifa often acting as traffic marshals, Black Lives Matter riots that resulted in sieges on police stations, and the infamous CHOP zone, Seattle shows no signs of turning purple in terms of political support.

The Seattle Times reported that Nielsen surveyed hundreds of thousands of adults across the country to gauge political party affiliation. Data revealed that the surveys conducted from January 2022 to February 2023 showed Seattle residents are showing their highest support for the Democratic Party since the surveys began in 2004.

The metropolitan area of Seattle, composed of King and Snohomish Counties, identified with Democrats at a rate of 55%. Total numbers represented respondents who said they are Democrats or “lean Democratic.”

Participants were those ages 18 and up, but the poll did not account for whether or not they are registered voters. It may also have included illegal immigrants, the report noted.

The projected 1.4 million (out of 2.5 million residents) Democrat supporters were 11 points higher than the 44% of respondents who identified with the left-wing party 18 years before.

The data ranked Seattle as the city with the eighth-most Democrat support in the country, tied with Washington, D.C.

Third-highest on the list was Oakland, California, at 60.2%, following by Philadelphia in second with 64.7%. Perhaps predictably, San Francisco had the most Democrat support, with over two-thirds (67.6%) either considering themselves a Democrat or leaning Democratic.

At the same time, just 20% of adults in the same counties said they identified as Republicans or leaned in that direction. That made up approximately 509,000 residents. Another 226,000, or 9%, were independents, while 16% were essentially in the “other” category.

These 407,000 people either had no party affiliation or went rogue with parties such as the Green Party or Libertarian Party.

Among the most Republican cities in America, Fort Worth, Texas, was the least Democrat-supporting city at just 29% of the population. Nashville, Tennessee, was the second-least liberal-loving at 31%, with Oklahoma City third with 32%.

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