Reportedly Jewish customer wants to document anti-Semitic graffiti in coffee shop restroom. Rabid leftist workers block her.

News & Politics

reportedly Jewish customer recently wanted to enter a restroom in an Oakland coffee shop to document anti-Semitic graffiti scrawled inside it, but three coffee shop employees were caught on video blocking the customer from entering the restroom, telling her to leave, and making anti-Semitic comments of their own in the process.

What are the details?

Farley’s East coffee shop is
apologizing after the confrontation caught on video last week, KPIX-TV reported.

Cellphone video
shows the trio of employees — two masked females and one unmasked male — blocking the woman from entering the restroom.

The male is heard telling the woman she already got her food and that she’s “holding up s**t.”

One of the females tells the customer that “this is private property” and tells her to leave the coffee shop.

“I want to go into the restroom,” the woman says repeatedly.

The male employee remarks, “I know Israel loves taking private property and saying it’s their own …”

A female employee accuses the customer of “misgendering” — though the context of the accusation isn’t clear.

The customer says it’s her right to enter the restroom, to which the male employee replies, “And we have a right to refuse service.”

A third woman — who’s unmasked and standing off to the side — jumps into the fray and tells the customer she can use the restroom next door if she wants.

This female jumped into the argument and offered to let the customer use a restroom at the business next door.Image source: X video screenshot via @stillgray, composite

The employees blocking the customer also tell the determined woman she can use the coffee shop’s other restroom — just not the one they’re blocking.

The customer digs in her heels and refuses to leave — and then challenges the employees, saying that if they “agree” with the graffiti in the restroom, they shouldn’t be afraid of her documenting it.

With that, she’s allowed to enter the restroom where she records video showing the graffiti. One message read, “Zionism = fascism.”

Image source: X video screenshot via @stillgray

The other graffiti read, “Your neutrality … is enabling genocide”:

Image source: X video screenshot via @stillgray

The male employee is heard telling the woman, “History didn’t start in 1948, lady,” while another tells her, “Free Palestine,” as she departs.

Content warning: Language:

Apology draws angry responses

Farley’s East apologized on its
Facebook page:

While the apology note indicated that the shop has “taken corrective measures with our staff and removed the offensive graffiti” and that “we’re not anti-Semitic,” a deluge of angry comments poured in — as of Friday afternoon, the apology post has drawn nearly 6,000 comments and nearly 3,000 angry emojis.

The Facebook account for conservative commentator Jason Rantz’s radio show
told Farley’s East, “This is a pathetic apology. No comment about the antisemitic staff?”

Others couldn’t have agreed more:

  • “You may not be antisemetic, but your employees seem to be. Especially the male in the video. How dare he make these statements to her. Time to rethink your staff. I’m trying really hard to be civil here. They’re not making it easy! And about the graffiti, if they knew it was there, it should have immediately been removed. Or the bathrooms closed to everyone with an ‘out of order’ excuse until it could be dealt with,” another commenter wrote.
  • “Every single employee in the video needs to be fired. Every. Single. One,” another commenter said. “I hope she sues not only the restaurant, but these employees as well. This is NOT 1940s Germany, as much as these employees hope for it.”
  • “Not enough, training. Those employees are the face and heart of your shop. If they don’t reflect your values, they shouldn’t be there,” another commenter stated. “If they’re still there tomorrow, they reflect your values.”

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