Bombshell J6 Footage Exposes Nancy Pelosi’s Security Guard’s Lies

News & Politics

Why did the Democrats have such a fit when House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) authorized the release of Capitol CCTV from Jan. 6, 2021?

It’s obvious by now, isn’t it? The footage has disproven the narrative that Democrats have pushed for years. For example, according to the Democrats, the Capitol riot was a violent insurrection. But footage released in November contradicted that narrative because it showed protestors calmly marching in the Capitol with security looking on without even the slightest concern. 


These so-called violent protestors, who were allegedly trying to overthrow the government, also stayed within velvet rope stanchions that were demarcating where they were supposed to be. The left didn’t like that one bit.

More new footage has raised questions about the credibility of the testimony of Nancy Pelosi’s head of security, Special Agent David Lazarus, during the Oath Keepers trial.

Just-released U.S. Capitol closed-circuit TV video clips from Jan. 6, 2021, show Capitol Police Special Agent David Lazarus gave false testimony in the Oath Keepers trial, Blaze Media investigative journalist Steve Baker.

Baker penned an analysis in October calling into question Lazarus’ testimony — which helped convict the Oath Keepers — noting that time-stamped CCTV videos Blaze News observed show Lazarus in other parts of the Capitol complex at the time he said he witnessed now-former Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn interacting with Oath Keepers on Jan. 6.

Baker and others could view the Jan. 6 videos only on Washington, D.C., House subcommittee terminals in a limited and restricted capacity. What’s more, at the time of Baker’s Oct. 4 analysis, Blaze News was permitted to publish only a single Jan. 6 screenshot of Lazarus in the Capitol after then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was ousted the previous day, putting video permissions on hold.


What does the new video show?

In Monday’s BlazeTV video, Baker breaks down Lazarus’ whereabouts in the Capitol complex in a detailed, minute-by-minute fashion using the time-stamped video clips recorded on Capitol CCTV cameras. 

While Lazarus testified that he saw Dunn with the Oath Keepers — a claim that Baker said “bolstered” Dunn’s testimony — Baker reported that Lazarus “couldn’t have” seen Dunn with the Oath Keepers because the CCTV videos show Lazarus “was in another building a quarter of a mile away” at that time.

What’s more, Baker said that newly released videos showing Lazarus’ whereabouts were “never released” to Oath Keepers’ defense attorneys at the time of the trial.

“This should rock the Capitol Police,” Baker said in Monday’s BlazeTV video. “We received messages from our sources at the [Department of Justice] in Washington that they were ‘terrified’ of this story.”

Then there’s the screenshot Baker obtained of an internal email he said was passed between Capitol Police leadership. Baker said they “were concerned about the traction” the story was receiving.

Watch the video below:


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  1. This is the reason the left doesn’t want all of the video released – it shows the inconsistencies in the ‘official’ narrative.

  2. When will Americans stop listening to the crazy liberals with the all out lies? One thing is for sure? The liberals are trying there best to make America weak before Biden loses the presidency. Just look what he has been doing miss spending left & right! He taking great care of the people coming over from other countries but not are own homeless people who are suffering & seeing how much they get. More less what I’m saying the liberals want to bring America down not help. Show one thing Biden & the liberals have done to make America better? Race is worst then ever. He has put America in debt more than the last three presidents. More less four more years of Biden & the liberals America will be at war & not with another country, but between ourselves in America! No other president has come close but liberals want to give him four more years of chaos. I have not even mentioned that is hard for him to put four words together. That’s a man you want to protect us against other countries? He can’t even protect Americans.! Well they put him for four more years? We are so screw! To all you liberals politicians out there? You are so scare of all those groups out there. Let me ask you a question? Do you think Putin wouldn’t arm all those guys? Why would he? Well who is Biden been sending arms to? Do you think Putin would not arm people against Biden? Four more years of Biden & hell will rain down on Biden & the liberals!!

  3. The “left” long ago determined that the combination of denying and lying repetitively worked well for them. When the canned outrage they used was discovered they immediately follow up with their preplanned denials and make sure that “mass media” repeats their lies ad infinitum. Conservatives are finally beginning to catch on and investigate further regardless of government obstruction. Weaponization of government agencies against the truth has been utilized far too long. The perps need to be identified, tried and sent to prison for treason.

  4. Pelosi’s daughter is , I understand , a registered(?) photojournalist, and was with Pelosi on J6 , why was this never investigated and brought out , , Does it mean that Nancy knew something was going to happen and wanted to prove something or slant the news to her benefit. . Regardless of what the investigation would or will show it needs to be looked in to and published…

  5. You would think that every scrap of film would be studied and a minute-by-minute account of events, a timeline would be put together and released. Something has been fishy on how the repubs as well as Dems have handled this whole thing.

  6. Are you out of your fucking mind? You must be smoking some bad,shit to not only believe that bullshit, but to post ot. You need a shrink

  7. Those people that have been convicted for things that happened on Jan. 6 and those still in jail awaiting a fake trial should be released now!

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