MUST-SEE: Jimmy Kimmel Shares Fantasy About Trump’s Death

News & Politics

A hallmark of liberalism is emotionalism, especially from the more creative individuals in the entertainment industry. Nowhere is this on display more clearly than in a recent monologue on Jimmy Kimmel’s dreadful late-night talk show where he shared a twisted fantasy about former President Donald Trump’s death. 


Imagine for a moment someone like conservative comedian Steven Crowder putting out a video where he discussed a fantasy about President Joe Biden or some other prominent member of the Democratic Party dying. What do you think the response would be? The amount of hate mail, death threats, and name-calling Crowder would receive would break records. 

It’s only acceptable to wish death, pain, suffering, and misery upon those who hold to traditional values, conservative principles, and Christianity. The hive mind sees people who fall into these groups, which often overlap with each other, as a threat to its existence because they are the “other.” 

Breitbart reports, ”Jimmy Kimmel spent most of his opening monologue on Thursday’s show attacking Trump. When he got to Trump’s legal battles, the comedian indulged in bizarrely morbid fantasies.”

“Let me tell you something — if those three judges he appointed to the Supreme Court take this case and rule against him, he is going to blow a whale-sized windmill out of his a**. I mean, it might actually kill him,” Kimmel stated during the monologue.


He then added, “Sometimes I wonder, once Trump is dead and gone and buried on the 18th hole of one of his golf courses, will things get better? Or will we have a whole new crop of MAGA brains to deal with?”

This is the kind of people the radical left is creating, ladies and gentlemen. For how long have those of us who love our country had to deal with individuals who have hearts of stone from the deep-seated hatred they have for anyone who doesn’t believe that progressive ideology contains the right solutions to the world’s problems? That’s the kicker. 

Some conservatives agree with the left about certain issues plaguing the country; we just think the way to solve these challenges is with liberty and decentralized government rather than giving a group of elites limitless authority over the lives of private citizens. However, the emotionalism of the left prevents civilized, necessary dialogue between people with different views. Thus, society stagnates and the divide widens. 

During his monologue, Kimmel speculated that red spots on Trump’s hand are symptoms of syphilis while also joking about the funeral of former first lady Melania Trump’s mother.

The Disney-owned ABC comedian regularly uses his late-night show to bash Trump and his supporters. As a result, the show has fallen precipitously in the ratings, with Kimmel himself publicly acknowledging that his incessant Trump bashing has cost him “half of my fans — maybe more than that.”


In March, Kimmel is set to host the Oscars on ABC, which no one will watch because it’s just a group of radical leftists slapping each other on the back. Don’t believe me? Last year’s production, also hosted by Kimmel, only pulled in 16 million viewers, which is a drop of 50% from the prior time he hosted the event in 2017.

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