Virginia Roberts’ attorney: ABC’s Amy Robach had it right the first time


Earlier today Project Veritas published a video of ABC anchor Amy Robach complaining that she had the Jeffrey Epstein story several years ago but the network refused to run with it. Specifically, Robach had interviewed Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who has claimed she became Epstein’s sex slave. “We had everything,” Robach said. She later walked back her comments saying they were a “private moment of frustration.” But this afternoon Giuffre’s attorney weighed in saying she was right the first time:

Attorney Stan Pottinger represents Giuffre and was involved with ABC’s sit-down interview with her four years ago. In the perceived tiff between ABC and Robach, Pottinger is taking her side, he tells The Hollywood Reporter.

“I thought she was spot on,” Pottinger says Tuesday of Robach’s recorded comments. “I think that she had the story. She and Jim Hill, the field producer, did a fabulous job. I don’t want them tarred by anything that ABC failed to do. They did a great job. … Our client, Virginia, had a lot of confidence in them, and still does. She likes them, she trusts them, and she has respect for them.”…

Says Pottinger, “We had been told by industry insiders that ABC had a reputation for getting cold feet on matters like this, but we didn’t worry about it, because Amy and Jim Hill were so good. They did great B-roll, they did a great interview. … So, we were delighted with what went into the can. We just are sorry that it never came out.”

Of the leaked video, the attorney says, “I don’t think it does a great favor to ABC’s editorial policy, and their business policy.”

Privately, Amy Robach might appreciate hearing this but she’s probably under a lot of internal pressure not to throw ABC News under the bus, so she’s not going to publicly thank Pottinger for taking her side against her employer.

Pottinger says he’s never been told by anyone at ABC that the piece Robach shot can’t run. “As far as I know, they could still run it. So, I cannot explain why they have not,” he told the Hollywood Reporter. ABC has said it is working on a 2-hour documentary about Epstein which will air next year, so it seems likely they will try to entice viewers with a never-before-seen interview that has been sitting on a shelf for three years.

Of course it hardly matters what they say about Epstein now. He’s dead. The question is where they were when he was alive. But frankly that question could be asked of every major network and newspaper with the exception of the Miami Herald. After all, NBC tried to kill the Weinstein story. ABC killed an Epstein story. CBS had it’s own internal problems that somehow escaped notice for years. And of course Fox News had similar problems (that story is coming to a theater near you soon). No one has much to crow about in this mess.

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