
Which Conway? Come on, man. The Kellyanne-George public war over Donald Trump reached its zenith — so far, anyway — with the latter’s call to remove his wife’s boss from office. Writing in the Washington Post today, George Conway urges Congress to impeach Trump even though Robert Mueller found no collusion with Russia and declined to
Attorney General William Barr departs after speaking at a news conference to discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, in Washington, D.C., April 18, 2019. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Updated 11:55 a.m. The Justice Department on Thursday morning delivered a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s final report to Congress. Attorney General William Barr presented the House
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks at a rally in New York, March 2, 2019. (Andrew Kelly/Reuters) This time, the Democrats might not win Hollywood is filled with remakes and reboots. Washington is about to get one of its own. The re-launched property: the 2016 campaign. You know the plot. An outsider with grassroots support leads
(Tyrone Siu/REUTERS) 2006—In Harper v. Poway Unified School District, a divided panel of the Ninth Circuit rules that the First Amendment permits schools to impose viewpoint-discriminatory restrictions on student speech. The case arose when Tyler Harper wore an anti-homosexuality T-shirt to his high school in response to the school’s sponsorship of a gay-rights event. The
Attorney General William Barr, flanked by Edward O’Callaghan and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, at a news conference to discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, in Washington, D.C., April 18, 2019. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Understanding the disagreement between Barr and Mueller The most interesting new disclosure to come out of Attorney General William Barr’s press conference
(Leah Millis/Reuters) If I may jump in, I take Charlie’s point and I think he’s largely correct. I also think David is correct. There’s not that much of a contradiction in that because I think to some extent they’re talking about different things. And this reflects a larger frustration I have with many of the Mueller/collusion arguments. Charlie
A view of the facade of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, April 16, 2019 (Christophe Petit Tesson/Pool via Reuters) Telling people they’re bigots for taking pride in the civilization that brought them forth better than any other is like taking a sledgehammer to your own soapbox. EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is Jonah Goldberg’s weekly “news”letter,
Attorney General William Barr (Yuri Gripas/Reuters) Barr has provided Congress with the full, at times gory details drawn from Mueller’s aggressive investigation. Democrats and their media partners owe Bill Barr an apology. He won’t get one, it goes without saying. Just to recap, the attorney general was accused of misrepresenting Mueller’s report; of providing a
Former House Intelligence Committee member Trey Gowdy on the Democrats’ push for the full Mueller report to be released. #TheStory #MarthaMacCallum #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX News
The unspoken addendum: They’re never going to be there. As expected, House Judiciary chair Jerrold Nadler announced this morning that he will issue subpoenas to get the fully unredacted report from Robert Mueller this morning, as well as to Mueller and William Barr. Nadler tells ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that “it’s not up to me” to
Michael Cohen testifies before a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., February 27, 2019. (Carlos Barria/Reuters) Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report contradicts a high-profile Buzzfeed News story that indicated Mueller’s team had evidence President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. Cohen pled guilty to lying to
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks to reporters following a televised town hall event on the “Green New Deal” in New York City, March 29, 2019. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters) The fact is that the most compelling stars of the party are self-declared socialists. There was Bernie Sanders at a Fox News Channel town hall, not giving an inch
The Mueller report puts a spotlight on the composite nature of the Trump presidency, which is a constant negotiation between Trump and his aides about what decisions are. The question whether they are truly final and what they truly mean is always up for grabs, with Trump getting his way when his aides agree with
Special counsel Robert Mueller submits report to attorney general; Fox News contributor Trey Gowdy on what happens now that the report is complete. #TheStory #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also
President Donald Trump talks to reporters as he departs from the White House in Washington, D.C., April 10, 2019. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) President Trump tried unsuccessfully to have the Justice Department fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, according to the redacted version of Mueller’s final report released Thursday. White House Counsel Don McGahn told Mueller’s investigators that
Attorney General William Barr, flanked by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, speaks at a news conference to discuss Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report in Washington, D.C., April 18, 2019. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) So much for collusion. The media conversation has now officially moved on from the obsession of the last two years to obstruction of justice.
Former Vice President Joe Biden talks to the media in Washington, D.C., April 5, 2019. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters) The collusion smear lies in ruins amid a throng of lackluster candidates The crisis of the Democrats is becoming more evident each week. Those of us who have been loudly predicting for years that the Russian-collusion argument would
Turning Point USA communications director Candace Owens reacts to being harassed by far-left protestors before giving a speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. #Hannity #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (FNC), FOX Business Network (FBN), FOX News Radio, FOX News Headlines 24/7, and the direct-to-consumer streaming service, FOX Nation. FOX News also produces FOX