News & Politics

Transgender University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas, a biological male who competes in women’s swimming, won a 500-yard freestyle at the 2022 NCAA Championships. The school hailed the news, claiming that Thomas “became the first Quaker female swimmer to win an NCAA individual title.” According to CNN, the victory makes Thomas the first transgender individual
Michael Isikoff, once the top investigative reporter for Newsweek, tweeted something unintentionally humorous about a New York Times story. “In the category of — didn’t see this coming,” he wrote, “The @nytimes confirms the authenticity of Hunter Biden emails derived from his laptop that had been previously dismissed as Russian disinformation.” You don’t say! The
Socialist Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said that the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women was connected to the proliferation of fossil fuel extraction cites in the United States. Ocasio-Cortez was speaking at a congressional meeting on “The Neglected Epidemic of Missing BIPOC Women and Girls” when she made the comments on
On Thursday afternoon’s episode of Fox News Channel’s The Five, co-hosts Judge Jeanine Pirro and Greg Gutfeld ripped into the leftist media for parroting the Biden administration’s propaganda which falsely blames Russian President Vladimir Putin for the increase in gas prices. Despite the fact that gas prices have risen every month since Biden took office
It’s the Mystery Power Outage Non-Holiday Special! The VodkaBride and I were almost certain our boys would get a snow day today. The forecast called for rain, followed by a big temperature drop, followed by several continuous hours’ worth of snow. We get one or two of these every March, and again in April. Sometimes
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Republican, tweeted a brief statement that fully comports with biological reality, but Twitter has flagged the post, saying that it runs afoul of rules regarding “hateful conduct.” The offending tweet declared, “Rachel Levine is a man.” Admiral Rachel Levine, who serves as the assistant secretary for health for the
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the U.S. Congress on Wednesday, imploring the American government to help his country and exposing Russian atrocities committed against his people. The world has witnessed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s slaughtering of innocent Ukrainians in his desire to exert Moscow’s control over Eastern Europe and regain some of the lost “glory”
Under former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the state’s health agency undercounted at least 4,100 COVID-related nursing home deaths, according to a state audit. The audit conducted by state comptroller Thomas DiNapoli claimed that the Department of Health “misled the public” about nursing home deaths during the pandemic to fit a “narrative.” The 58-page report
A confused PBS NewsHour host Judy Woodruff sought to inquire on Wednesday how Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell could possibly oppose Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the Supreme Court considering some conservatives have signaled support for her. Sounding like Biden administration spokesman Andrew Bates, Woodruff claimed Jackson is a historic nominee and not just in the
More than 100 Yale Law School students ambushed and disrupted a recent free speech panel — and added enough intimidation to the mix that police were called to escort the speakers to safety. What are the details? The March 10 panel hosted by the Yale Federalist Society featured Monica Miller of the progressive American Humanist
For years, Republican lawmakers have sought Hunter Biden’s travel records as part of a larger review of Biden’s use of Secret Service protection while his father was vice president. But the Secret Service claimed it was unable to identify any such communications for several years during which Biden received Secret Service protection, frustrating those efforts.
Tennis star Novak Djokovic has suffered plenty of consequences for not being vaccinated, but things are changing for the Serbian tennis legend. Djokovic has refused to cave to political pressure on this issue, even when facing enormous pushback from the tennis community and national governments to do so. He was deported from Australia and denied
State, local, and federal bureaucrats’ control of our lives, liberty, and property without any due process, legal recourse, or legislative input was the hallmark of the Great Reset catalyzed exactly two years ago this week. Yet few states have passed meaningful reforms to immunize ourselves to such social transformation – and even bodily transformation –
Former Russian president turned Putin aide Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia has the “might” to put the U.S. in its place after accusing the Western country of trying to stoke “disgusting” Russophobia amid the ongoing Russian invasion. What are the details? According to a Thursday report from Reuters, Medvedev, who served as president of Russia
Liberal journalists now lament that some in the conservative media “have routinely repeated Russian talking points on TV,” as if liberals have always treated the Russian government as an expansionist enemy. In reality, American conservatives have long been the harshest domestic critics of Russia, and the liberals have long suggested a moral equivalence between Russian totalitarians
More than 100 people were recently arrested during “Operation March Sadness 2,” a six-day undercover operation that led to the arrest of child predators and people seeking to engage prostitution, according to the Polk County Sheriff’s Office in Florida. According to a press release, a 27-year-old man named Xavier Jackson was arrested after communicating with
According to a recent Trafalgar Group poll, a whopping 77.3% of likely general election voters think that in the wake of the Russian incursion into Ukraine, President Joe Biden should make boosting U.S. energy production a priority. Just 9.3% did not think so, while 13.5% were unsure. While 88.6% of Republicans thought the president should