News & Politics

The Islamic world—minus Shia Iran, a point to be addressed anon—is not suffering from COVID-19 the way non-Muslim nations are because Islam naturally makes Muslims “cleaner” than infidels. Such is the contention Muslims around the world are currently making. Thus, the recent article, “Coronavirus – an Islamic Perspective,” begins as follows: Allāh has blessed us
(Image via Wikipedia) In recent days I’ve seen multiple articles warning of dire hospital conditions, anonymous reports of shortages without naming the hospitals, rumors online about panicked nurses, and other “sky-is-falling” Chicken Little-ism over the Chinese-made Coronapocalypse. One of the claims comes from Hillary Clinton herself, citing a CBS News article and claiming nurses are
On Wednesday, Senate Republicans unveiled the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which would be the third major piece of legislation to help Americans amid the coronavirus crisis. The Heritage Foundation analyzed this byzantine labyrinth of proposals and raised important alarms about many provisions while acknowledging the bill’s many positive reforms. American businesses are
Deutsche Welle reports that researchers at Iran’s own Sharif Institute of Technology in Tehran have come up with a best-case and a worst-case scenario on Iran’s coronavirus crisis. In the best-case scenario—“in which the government quarantines all high-risk areas, people strictly obey quarantine rules, and access to sufficient medical supplies is guaranteed—the country would reach
It’s a fait accompli. Former Vice President Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee. Sure, Sen. Bernie Sanders (S-USSR) still has a slight mathematical possibility of winning enough delegates to unseat the frontrunner, but it’s effectively a done deal. CNN is shutting down its Democratic primary podcast, the Forecast Fest, because the battle’s over, and
“We don’t have any…!” Fill in the blank. People are stocking up on things, fearing that we will be stuck in our homes, under quarantine, without essential supplies. Some hoard toilet paper. A popular internet video features someone driving up to what appears to be a drug dealer but is really someone selling toilet paper.
If the Democrat Party and its complicit media arms think the coronavirus is their latest best bet to contribute to President Trump’s downfall, to paraphrase Judas Priest, they’ve got another thing coming. First it was the doddering Mueller, hemming, hawing, and stammering through a hearing that irretrievably collapsed the collusion hoax. Then we had the
I confess I was initially appalled by the name “Twitter” and vowed never to subscribe to a medium that called itself something so ridiculous. Nor could I understand how any self-respecting person would agree to “tweet” like a canary bird, originally in 140 — now in 280 — reductive characters, sometimes culminating in a catena