
Good news on a national basis, but this offer may be void where numbers are looking more prohibitive. “We are nearing the peak now,” CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield told Savannah Guthrie on NBC’s Today, as the country progresses through its planned 45 day effort to “flatten the curve.” Redfield warns that the only way to
There is precious little in the way of good news or humor coming out of the global pandemic, but our colleague Kira Davis at RedState has a story that may bring a smile to your face. She’s interviewed Gregg Bouslog, the owner of On-Target Indoor Shooting Range in Laguna Niguel, California. His operation is also
And here we thought they ran for office to actually lead. In an interview with Politico, Nancy Pelosi warned Donald Trump against reopening businesses too soon, even though the federal government has no real authority to shut them down in the first place. Pelosi also announced that she won’t be re-opening the House any time soon
How much stock should we put in the political acumen of a guy who endorsed Michael Bennet three weeks before this year’s Iowa caucus? The “glass half full” view for Democrats is that Biden has led in nearly every head-to-head poll with Trump since mid-February, occasionally by double digits. The “glass half empty” view for
Just how far can state governments go in limiting liberty in an emergency? Far enough to make Texas’ order limiting health-care options to essentials constitutional, the Fifth Circuit ruled last night, reinstating the order that blocks almost all abortions in the state. Texas arguably had a legitimate and urgent state interest in rationing surgical supplies
First-ballot Hall-of-Fame PR clusterfark. He overreacted to an officer going outside the chain of command in an extraordinary situation by firing him summarily, then overreacted again by giving a pissy speech to the crew that idolized that officer, then overreacted again by not immediately apologizing until his boss pressured him into doing so. To make
While Wisconsin’s spring election is still on track to more-or-less conclude with in-person voting tomorrow and an additional 6 days of late-arriving absentee ballots, there may be another major plot twist or two today. First, it turns out that the special session on Governor Tony Evers’ attempt to rig…er…delay the election that was a gavel-in-gavel-out
Four hyper-partisan Democrat senators are demanding an investigation into the revised description of the Strategic National Stockpile. A firestorm was set off after Thursday’s coronavirus task force’s White House briefing with reporters when Trump senior adviser (and son-in-law) Jared Kushner used the word “our” when describing the stockpile. Kushner was made available by the White
This is pure guesswork, not a leak of a secret official document or something similarly authoritative. They’re passing along informed Internet chatter about the number of urns that may be flowing into Wuhan right now, a topic about which I’ve written previously. Increased activity at crematoriums is a sure sign of local catastrophe, as New
Mexico’s Grupo Modelo will temporarily suspend operations on brewing Corona beer and other brands exported to 180 countries on Sunday. This decision comes on the heels of the Mexican government declaring its business as “non-essential” in the fight against the coronavirus. The company planned for this and was already in the process of slowing production