
Can we all agree now that members of Congress should be allowed to vote remotely? If not, why? He expects to be back in the Senate after his quarantine period ends and will continue to work for the people of Kentucky at this difficult time. Ten days ago, our D.C. office began operating remotely, hence
It’s stunning because it’s true, and it hints that Democrats might have miscalculated how much political cover they have in this coronavirus crisis.  After three days of bipartisan negotiations, Senate Democrats suddenly decided to block the CARES Act on a procedural vote. The New York Times leaves no doubt as to which party made the
It’s not just private businesses and schools being impacted by the social distancing rules and lockdowns taking place all over the nation. Our criminal justice system is feeling the pinch also, as courts deal with mandatory staffing reductions and the need to avoid having large groups of people gathered together in front of a judge.
This might come as a surprise to many who argue that closing the southern border is all but impossible. After reaching agreement with Canada to close the northern border to all but trade and the most essential travel, the US and Mexico may announce a similar agreement as early as today. Homeland Security Secretary Chad
Of all the complaints about the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, griping about accurately noting its origin is easily the dumbest. The offensensitivity over the use of “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus” has skyrocketed lately, to the point where people are accused of racism for using a standard identification for epidemiological events. They
The only bright spots for Bernie Sanders on Not So Super Tuesday (March 10th) were North Dakota and Washington state. Well, one of those lights just dimmed considerably. While the counting hasn’t finished entirely, Sanders’ lead in Washington has evaporated and Joe Biden has opened up enough of a lead for the Seattle Times to
There’s a theory put forth by Farhad Manjoo in The New York Times that everyone becomes a socialist in a pandemic. It’s incorrect, but worth exploring further given the response by businesses regarding coronavirus and the overreaction by governments across the nation. The ‘evidence’ includes the litany of companies now offering sick leave to employees
The U.S. Senate is scheduled to vote tomorrow on whether to extend the USA Freedom Act. The House quickly approved an extension last week even as coronavirusmania started running wild all over the federal government. The extension repeals the NSA’s data collection program, something the agency claims already ended. Independent advisers can also review requests
I hope he’s negative, firstly for his own sake and secondly because of the lesson that would be drawn by the public if he’s positive and turns out to be one of the septuagenarians lucky enough to shake the illness without medical intervention. “They told us this disease kills senior citizens,” people would say. “Trump