
As Ed anticipated earlier today, President Trump has announced a national emergency to combat the spread of the coronavirus. He did this at a White House news conference which included representatives from major industries in addition to government officials. “To unleash the full power of the federal government in this effort, today I am officially
The headline makes it sound like martial law, especially with the National Guard participating, but “containment area” is a misnomer. They aren’t restricting the residents’ movements. “Somebody who lives in that containment area could be in this room today. There’s nothing you can do about that,” said Cuomo at today’s briefing. What they’re trying to
Speaker Pelosi spoke at Northeastern University’s “Women Who Empower Summit” event Monday in conjunction with International Women’s Day. The speaker was celebrating women but only liberal women. The event was supposed to be a non-political event, acknowledged by Pelosi at one point but that didn’t stop her from speaking solely in political terms for much
Some of you are probably old enough to remember when Bernie Sanders was the undisputed frontrunner in the Democrats’ nomination process and was projected to come out of Super Tuesday with an “insurmountable” lead in earned delegates. And then South Carolina happened. Over at National Review, Rich Lowry asks the question that’s no doubt plaguing
Last summer, when there was a tremendous amount of buzz about UFOs being encountered by our Navy fighter pilots, Republican Congressman Mark Walker of North Carolina’s 6th district wrote a letter to the Navy asking for details. There was a bit of a delay, but then-Undersecretary of the Navy Thomas Modly did eventually write back
Fifteen in all so far, including lead author Josh Hawley. Hawley is sponsoring a measure to censure Schumer for his remarks at SCOTUS yesterday. Cosponsors: Mike Braun, Kevin Cramer, Ted Cruz, Steve Daines, Joni Ernst, Jim Inhofe, Mike Lee, Kelly Loeffler, Martha McSally, David Perdue, Ben Sasse, Rick Scott, Tim Scott, and Thom Tillis. —
Update: Okay, one more update. Dave Wasserman of Cook Political Report is studying the Texas map and estimating how many votes are still out — and he’s detecting a distinct tinge of Joementum: I’ve seen enough. Projection: Joe Biden wins the Texas primary. — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) March 4, 2020 It’ll probably be hours before