
If I had to guess, I would say that more than half of the breaking news stories I come across these days first showed up for me in my Twitter feed. For those of you who are also engaged in social media for the majority of your day, it’s probably a similar figure. When breaking
Over at the Washington Post, Dan Balz takes a look at one of the less frequently reported items from Thursday’s debate. While most analysts were focused on Warren and Buttigieg scrapping over crystal wine caves, many ignored one question from the PBS moderator that seemed to catch all of the candidates flat-footed. Judy Woodruff asked
It looks like Harvey Weinstein has more trouble coming his way. (You remember Harvey, right? The guy who has done so much for women?) Even as female accusers are lining up around the block, another one has broken her silence and joined the other women going after the disgraced producer and alleged rapist and pedophile.
Once again, I get to step outside the box and guest host A Closer Look on Relevant Radio® from 6-7 ET today! The Catholic talk-radio network is heard nationwide on the air, as well as online and through their free mobile app that plays live and podcast shows. Today’s Relevant Radio® show includes: We will also
Following in the footsteps of California, some Democrats in Maryland’s legislature are working on a way to really stick it to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This isn’t always an easy task since the federal agents have the freedom to move about in any state and enforce the law as appropriate. Maryland is already doing
Inspector General Horowitz testified before the Senate today and was pressed by Republicans to reiterate a point he made in previous testimony. Specifically, Horowitz reaffirmed today that his investigation did not rule out political bias as an explanation for the multiple failures of the FBI regarding a FISA warrant on Carter Page. What the IG
The presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) has issued a public letter critical of the FBI’s warrant applications regarding Carter Page. The letter is based on the conclusions of the IG report which found a series of failures in four applications the FBI made on Page. The court is requiring the FBI
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before – two sheriff’s deputies walk into a Starbucks coffee shop and are refused service. It’s happened again. The latest ugly story revolving around Starbucks baristas and a lack of professionalism took place in Riverside, California. Last Thursday night, two uniformed deputies with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department
There appears to be a difference in opinion between California Congressman Adam Schiff and New York Congressman Jerry Nadler on whether Democrats would politically lose if they don’t secure a Senate conviction of President Donald Trump. “No, it isn’t a failure,” Schiff told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s This Week when asked about a possible Senate
The last round of Democratic presidential debates is scheduled for next week and Senator Cory Booker isn’t happy about it. More specifically, he’s upset that he won’t be invited to attend under the current DNC rules. Of course, he’s hardly alone in that boat. We still have well over a dozen contenders but only seven