
For cripes sake. On a day when other freshmen who are in tight electoral spots are showing their cards, Elissa Slotkin still can’t bring herself to whisper “Impeach,” as everyone knows she will eventually? Read this post for background if you missed it on Wednesday. She’s one of the seven Democratic freshmen from swing districts
C’mon, they’re not getting 51 votes to call the whistleblower. Although, as you’re about to see, they might be a little closer than anyone expected. The legal team is taking no chances, in any case: Depending on how senators structure their likely trial, a subpoena could compel the whistleblower to cooperate with anything from written
A late night treat to cleanse the palate. Either you’ve seen “Love, Actually” and immediately get the joke here, or you haven’t seen it and— Ah, you know what, you don’t have to have seen it. Just watch it and wait for the sheepdog. I like it not just for the concept but for how
The former congresswoman from California who was at the center of the whole “throuple” mess somehow remains in the headlines this week despite having tendered her resignation. The New York Post reports that the fallout from the various sexual misconduct stories and leaked nude photos brought such a deluge of “negativity” toward Katie Hill that
David Brooks isn’t usually my cup of tea but yesterday he wrote an opinion piece about his own youthful socialism which I was happy to see appearing at the NY Times. Brooks says he began to change his mind about socialism while working as a reporter. It dawned on him that the people he was
After weeks of hearings, hyperbole, and histrionics over Ukraine-Gate, have House Democrats advanced the case for impeachment? Not only have they not moved the polling, they may have lost ground — in their own caucus. CNN’s Manu Raju caught up with the two House Democrats who voted against authorizing the inquiry to find out whether they