
The chatterati on Twitter were shocked by this answer but I don’t know why. How often does he cheerlead popular uprisings against illiberal authoritarian regimes? Asked if the U.S. supports Iranian protesters, Pres. Trump says, “I don’t want to comment on that, but the answer’s no. But I don’t want to comment on that.”
Lotta chatter online today about the problematic problematic-ness of this one. I confess, I find it weird too. Watch — twice if necessary, to really get the feel — then we’ll discuss. [embedded content] The first reaction everyone has is “Why is this guy buying his gorgeous, rail-thin wife an exercise bike for Christmas? Does
President Trump hosted a college champions event at the White House recently. It was a multi-team celebration that didn’t get much fanfare, probably due to the non-stop cable news coverage of Impeachmentpalooza. Invitations were extended to 22 championship teams or athletes. One college baseball team declined the invitation. That team’s absence was quickly rectified by
The Republican majority in the U.S. Senate is successfully filling judicial vacancies with conservative judges. The Democrats are not happy about that, especially the liberals associated with Demand Justice. That group has launched a social media campaign against the Federalist Society to discourage Democrat senators from voting for President Trump’s nominees. Demand Justice is a
In the spirit of the season, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) turned a silly prank into a goodwill gesture for the needy. Earlier this month, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) left boxes at the door of several Democrat congressional offices on Capitol Hill. The joke was to call attention to the fact that
Gordon Sondland has been one of the key figures to testify in the impeachment hearings. His appearance before Congress last week was lauded on the left as “impeachment testimony for the ages,” though his testimony hasn’t swayed public support for impeach very much. Today, ProPublica published a story which is likely to make Sondland regret his
A new study by the New York Federal Reserve Bank suggests Americans are paying for the tariffs on Chinese imports, instead of the Chinese. The announcement isn’t surprising for any free trade advocates who lobbied against the White House’s plan to raise tariffs, however, it’s quite striking at how poorly tariffs are working. The NY
Joe Biden may be putting the cart a bit ahead of the horse here, but he fielded a question during a town hall on Friday night as to who he might choose as his running mate. The veepstakes issue is always a touchy subject for any of the frontrunners, so Uncle Joe didn’t list anyone
We may have to wait a bit for another edition of Ukraine Theatre on Capitol Hill. California Congressman Adam Schiff told CNN’s State of the Union this morning he saw no reason to call in more witnesses to publicly testify before the House Intelligence Committee on any possible quid quo pro involving President Donald Trump
While there are obviously some people who think that House Democrats will fail in their efforts to schedule a vote on impeachment, the smart money seems to be on the idea that they’ve got the votes and will go ahead and impeach Donald Trump. So how is the President feeling about all of this? I
There’s no mystery as to how the impeachment process will end for Trump but there is a mystery as to how it’ll end for Adam Schiff. Namely, what is this guy going to do with himself on Sunday mornings when there’s no longer a reason to put him on TV? He’ll worry about that problem