Line workers smooth out the metal along the door frames on the flex line at Nissan Motor Co’s automobile manufacturing plant in Smyrna, Tenn., August 23, 2018. (William DeShazer/Reuters) The job market rebounded in March, adding 196,000 new jobs and allaying fears that the ten-year expansion of the U.S. economy was nearing its end. According
Beto O’Rourke speaks during a campaign stop in Plymouth, N.H., March 20, 2019. (Brian Snyder/Reuters) The 2020 field continues to un-impress. Time to check on the 20 Smurfs. Joe Biden recorded a message on a friend’s iPhone in which he admitted that he’s made women and “some men” uncomfortable by, among other things, touching them,
Justice Harry Blackmun. 1994—Justice Harry Blackmun announces his impending retirement after 24 years on the Court. His majority opinion in Roe v. Wade (1973) is rivaled only by Dred Scott as the worst opinion in Supreme Court history. As one of Blackmun’s former clerks, Edward Lazarus (who described himself as “someone utterly committed to the
The fishing expeditions planned by House Democrats won’t be confined to Lake IRS. The Washington Post reported last night that Democrats have attempted to bypass the White House’s legal defense against subpoenas on Donald Trump’s financial records by going after the records at the financial institutions instead. Capital One told House Democrats last month that
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke speaks during a campaign stop at Consuelo’s Taqueria in Manchester, N.H., March 21, 2019. (Brian Snyder/Reuters) Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke compared President Trump’s rhetoric to that of Nazi Germany Thursday, citing in particular Trump’s controversial comments about illegal immigrants. At a campaign stop in Sioux City, Iowa, the former
Joe Biden in 2015 (Yuri Gripas/Reuters) In the #MeTooMaybe hoopla over the former vice president’s hair-sniffing and hand-slipping and personal space-invading, much cataloguing of Joe Biden’s peccadillos has emerged — for example, in Jonah Goldberg’s new column. It’s a handy summary. But missed in these lists is a deeply troubling — I guess the right
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks at the National Action Network National Convention in New York City, April 5, 2019. (Lucas Jackson/Reuters) Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) called on fellow Democrats to pursue an “agenda of reparations” through a dramatic expansion of the welfare state during her remarks at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network Conference in New
(Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) The winner of a national office should have nationwide support The latest enthusiasm from progressive pundits and activists for replacing the American system of self-government is to abolish the Electoral College and choose presidents by national popular vote. As with all such enthusiasms — expanding the Supreme Court, abolishing the filibuster and the
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump appears at a campaign rally in Sioux City, Iowa, in 2016. (Carlo Allegri/Reuters) When the desired aims are decisively achieved, it breaks, and a new form of politics emerges. Last week our fearless editor Rich Lowry and departing colleague Jonah Goldberg tried to settle the question of nationalism for the
Then-Vice President Joe Biden at the “Summit on Climate and the Road through Paris: Business & Science Coming Together” in 2015. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters) The effort to demonize him now is so obviously driven by his potential Democratic primary opponents. The knives are out for Joe Biden. To read some of the media accounts, Biden is
President Trump attends a Department of Veterans Affairs event at the White House, August 3, 2017. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters) Making the click-through worthwhile: Democrats in the House demand that the IRS turn over six years of President Trump’s tax returns; Bernie Sanders isn’t quite clear on when he’ll release his tax returns; Beto O’Rourke identifies the
New York City Police officers stand guard in front of Trump Tower after a jury found officer Jeronimo Yanez not guilty of second-degree manslaughter in the death of Philando Castile in Manhattan, N.Y., June 17, 2017. (Bria Webb/REUTERS) As the tragic death of Willie McCoy showed, what cops do in the moments before drawing their
2020 Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg speaks at the 2019 National Action Network National Convention in N.Y., April 4, 2019. (Lucas Jackson/REUTERS) Democratic presidential candidate and Southbend, Ind. mayor Pete Buttigieg explained why he stopped using the phrase “all lives matter” when discussing the issue of racially motivated police violence during a Thursday appearance at
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., January 15, 2019. (Yuri Gripas/Reuters) During the Senate Judiciary Committee’s business meeting today, Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) made some claims about the confirmation process that need correction. She said, for example, that the Senate abolished nomination filibusters in November 2013 only