Michigan Gov Voices Support for Banning Guns in Capitol after Lockdown Protest

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer speaks during a campaign event in Detroit, Mich., March 9, 2020. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters)

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer said Wednesday that she supports banning firearms in the state Capitol after armed protesters demonstrated against the state’s strict lockdown measures last week.

“There are legislators who are wearing bulletproof vests to go to work,” Whitmer told NBC News. “No one should be intimidated by someone who’s bringing in an assault rifle into their workplace.”

Dozens of protesters, some of them armed, went to the Michigan Capitol on Thursday last week and stood in the Senate gallery, which is open to the public, intimidating lawmakers and causing Democrats to reconsider the policy of allowing firearms inside the building. Michigan State Police troopers blocked the demonstrators clamoring to enter the House chamber.

Michigan allows the open-carry of firearms, and it is currently legal to bring guns into the state Capitol building in Lansing.

“There is conversation about changing that law,” the Democratic governor said of the possibility of banning guns inside the Capitol. “I think it’s long overdue, and I absolutely support that change. You shouldn’t be intimidated going to be the voice of the people who elected you.”

She went on to say the protests resembled “political rallies” and protesters were making a “political statement” since “Michigan is an important state and the 2020 presidential election is looming.”

Whitmer has attracted harsh criticism for her strict coronavirus lockdown polices, which prohibited residents from visiting their second residences and banned the sale of paint, furniture, and garden equipment.

“There’s no question that there’s intense pressure to reopen, whether it’s coming from the White House or the people of our state, and that’s playing out all across the country,” Whitmer said Wednesday, adding that she recognizes people are “getting weary” of the social distancing measures.

“And yet we know that the data tells us COVID-19 is still a very real threat in this country, all across the country,” she added.

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  1. If they did the will of the people, they would not have to worry about people coming into the capitol with malicious intent. The petty tyrants are clamoring for control of the people, and the people are not interested in being controlled. Give the people the freedom they want, and no more protests. It is as simple as that.

    1. Those people that were armed had no malicious intent. Its a state and constitutional right. Was anyone shot ? No . Were guns pointed at anybody ? No. Only left wing nut jobs do that. Not actual real America loving patriots.

  2. This whole thing is 100% political. Scare the crap out of people, lockdown to control them…..that’s what the Sheeple seem to want! That’s how its done in China…you know….where the virus was man-made!

  3. It is long past the time these petty tyrants were brought up short and called to heel. The problem with these leftist office holders is that the office has them and the other way around. once again demonstrating you can’t trust a liberal with any kind of authority or power because to quote Thomas Sowell “they believe they have been born booted and spurred for the purpose of riding mankind”.

  4. The Michigan Governor Is Being To, To Strict That`s What Causes These Type Of Problems, It`s Not The Citizens Fault There Tired Of Being Sick And Tired Of Being Ruled Under Dictator Ship Period. I Bet She Is From Democratic Party To Dictate And Control Also Show Power Over The People In Michigan, The People Will Only Take It So Much And Then Make A Stand, My Advice Is For Governor Gretchen Whitmer To Back Off, Lighten Up Let The People Live Their Lives Period And These Very Mad People Will Not Ever Do This Again, The Governor Should Not Even Try Banning Guns In Her State Ever, Sure She And Her Gestapo Democrats Are Afraid Cause There Pushing The Rules And Limits Of The People! Back Off Governor PERIOD! Joseph M. Iocovello A.K.A. Joe Black Actor In ( A Bronx Tale) Movie!

  5. These freaking tyrants seem to think they are there for their own personal agenda.
    If a politician is uncomfortable around law abiding gun owners then they need to seek another career path. Guns are always present where Politicians are practicing there trade. Why do you think the founders saw fit to include the right to bare arms in our founding documents including the Declaration of Independence.

    When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience has shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are insufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

    But, when a long train of abuses and usurpation, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government.

  6. Keep following the Socialist way. Take ALL power from the people. Will be easier if they have nothing to fight back with. This is why 2nd Amendment is there.

  7. this so called governer should stop all her bull shit ya know there are a lot of crazies out there God only knows

    1. Open Carry is stupid. Grow up and get a CPL. You people with open carry are a threat to us that have concealed carry.

      1. Just vote the “IDIOT” out next election! We have “Open Carry” in Alabama, and can protect ourselves whenever we feel threatened. I don’t agree with having to “PAY” to carry. I’m 76 and can still hit 10 cans in 10 seconds with my Marlin .22 lever action. “GUN CONTROL” is ten shots in the bullseye!

        1. And that is exactly what they wanted, ATTENTION, and they got it. She got their message plain and simple. Back off, you do not want what may be next.

      2. You should understand open carry by enough citizens makes bearing arms a normal activity and less intimidating. My only caution is that a person with bad intentions would probably want to take out any armed resistance as their first target.

        1. PGP – I’ll counter that anyone with bad intentions is going to head for a gun free zone. An armed society is a polite society. Just a thought…

  8. Here’s your democrat/liberal/socialism in action. Just imagine what the country will look like if one of those people were elected President. They have no interest in the will of the people. For them t’s just all about power.

  9. Assault rifle? That implies fully automatic. I doubt any Class III items were in the Capitol Building. Whitmer is an imbecile. She is precisely the type of tyrant that was in the mind of the Founding Fathers when the 2nd Amendment was created.

    1. Ya got that “RIGHT” Kemosabi! I don’t need or want an automatic rifle. Why waste ammo? Ten shots, ten bullseyes!, that’s “Marksmanship”.

      1. At the cost of seeming to brag, I grew up using a Stevens single shot and lived in the hills of Indiana. I seldom missed!

  10. Michigan governor she’s a joke I promise you she won’t be re-elected everyone in her state hates her she’s the WORST of the WORST this I want to personally say to her I hope somehow someway she gets this. Your no good your pathetic sorry excuse of a human being a governor give everyone a blessing STAY HOME SHUT UP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

  11. The people of Michigan are showing the Governor they are at the point they will take out the politicians who are REFUSING to listen to the People. That is the reason for the 2 nd amendment. Listen to the People or be physically REMOVED from office.

  12. Obviously you are not the voice of the people if you have people protesting your voice. WAKE UP.

  13. Wow! Spewing commie BS like that, the Michigan Gov. is pimping for High National Office with the Communist Democrat Party!

    1. You got that right……..DEARBORN and DETROIT are gone……..

      total muslime shidt……

      TIME TO LOCK AND LOAD FOR ‘OPEN SEASON’….24 – 7 – 365 …….

  14. Everyone says the same thing. So here goes. Michigan is getting what it deserves!
    They voted her in along w/all those other dip$hit Democrats. So what did you expect????
    Seriously, do they not pay attention?
    I mean seriously take a look at who they put in office there.

    1. It is the Detroit area that votes these democrats into office. The rest of Michigan doesn’t like or want them.

  15. It a shame but in Ala you cannot even carry a pocket knife into a court house so
    if you are buying a tag paying taxes getting your license renewed you have to leave your nail file in the car.

  16. Michigan, you need to get rid of this governor who tries to overstep her power as governor. She can not ban guns because it is the Constitution she is going against and she can not change that. What the voters can do is get a new governor who is Constitutional and does not try to pass phoney laws that are not in the people’s best interest but for a tyrant or dictator’s best interest for seizing total control of the people. The next things you lose are freedoms you take for granted these days like freedom of speech, which they try to muffle with “political correctness”. Another form of gun seizure which goes against the 2nd amendment is the “red flag law” with no court hearing and only someone stating that they think the person is unstable, no other reason is needed to confiscate your guns. Sounds like Russia, China, North Korea or any other communist country that has failed their people.

  17. Sieg Heil meine fuehrerin!!!! Are You Hitlers illegitimate child or are you just another democrat drunk on their own taste of ” imagined” power? It is people you and your party’s outrageous platform that will cause a civil war in this country.

  18. Do you people hear yourselves? I know of very few buildings one can hunt in!
    Grow up, and stay healthy!

  19. Dumb bitch doesn’t even know that ‘assault’ rifles aren’t in the mix. Firearms capable of full automatic fire have not been legal or available for a long time.

    1. Au contraire, Mon ami. While taxed and regulated, fully automatic firearms are legal to own in most states.

  20. there goes our constitution down the drain . who the hell does she think she is . we have the bill of rights and should be able to use them . she even says if the legislature votes to change her policies she will veto it , there goes freedom ,and the beginning of the end . remember the revolutionary war , these people are pushing the country to that point again and we really do not want that . BUT it took true Americans to change that and are YOU a true citizen of this great country , you that did apply to be a citizen and got it , was all that for nothing , well if you want to keep it then we must stand up to this tyranny against us remember this is OUR country President Trump helped to bring us to a great economy do not let these rouge politicians destroy it

  21. Gov. Nit Witmer is what your just reward for electing Democrats to preside over you. Be a good neighbor, Don’t Vote Democrat.

    GO TRUMP 2020-2024-2028——————-

  22. some one should tell that dumb-ass that the vast majority of people can not legally possess an assault rifle . they are for our military and those who want to pay the tax stamp on each assault rifle they wish to own . we here in the crappy state of Illinois can not even own an assault rifle .

  23. Simply ask these questions.

    (1) What do pro gun control politicians fear from the armed citizens?

    (2)Why do they want our guns and what would they do if they disarm us?

    It’s a no brainer. The left took away our rights at the first cough.

  24. Be a tyrant and you deserve to live in fear. Actually, according to John Adams, you deserve death.
    Just more leftist feel-good laws that do absolutely nothing.

  25. gestapo Gretch Dim Vitmer has got to go. Forget waiting for the next election, recall her ASAP. Liberals need strong actions to get them gone. Get them moving on to anywhere else but here, so they can exploit the sheep (like in Detroit) in some other state!!

  26. Michigan voters, you elected this unhinged woman, either recall her or vote her out next time.

  27. I have now added Michigan to the list of states that I am unwilling to live in/pay taxes to
    Illinois, New York and Kalifornia were previously the 3 worst
    While taking firearms to the Capitol brings negative publicity, only the squeaky wheel gets the grease
    God Bless Freedom

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