Nickelodeon enters the BLM protests, Parents react quickly to PSA


It’s nothing usual for a television network to push a narrative centered around a social justice issue. However, when a television network built on the viewership of children gets overtly politically active, there’s going to be a backlash. The executives at Nickelodeon are no doubt scrambling today to put out a few fires of their own making.

ViacomCBS owns Nickelodeon. On Monday some of its outlets went black for 8 minutes and 46 seconds to commemorate the death of George Floyd, including some heaving breathing in the background. It happened at 5:00 p.m. By going off-air with this PSA, kids were watching 8 minutes and 46 seconds of a black background with the words “I can’t breathe” in white pulsing to the breathing. Also, text appeared encouraging texting in support of calling on “public officials across the country to take real action.”

The company posted a tweet about the PSA. It’s unclear if they did so to justify the action after some blowback or if they were simply wanting to jump on the bandwagon of other entertainment outlets making statements in support of Black Lives Matter.

As you can imagine, many parents didn’t appreciate their children being dragged into a political movement. It’s been many years since our house watched Nickelodeon on a daily basis as happened when our son was young but I can imagine how some parents must have felt. Nickelodeon is the network of SpongeBob Squarepants, Doug, Angry Beavers, and CatDog, to name a few that were popular in our house back in the day. How about letting parents teach their children about race and equality instead of being lectured by a television network, along with the sound of heavy breathing to make it a scary-sounding PSA? Remember, on the West Coast, it would have aired in the late afternoon or the middle of the afternoon, depending on where in the country you live. It also included a “Declaration of Kids’ Rights”.

During the moment, which started at 3 p.m. PT (6 p.m. ET), the screen went orange with a “Declaration of Kids’ Rights,” which read:

“You have the right to be seen, heard, and respected as a citizen of the world. You have the right to a world that is peaceful. You have the right to be treated with equality, regardless of the color of your skin. You have the right to be protected from harm, injustice, and hatred. You have the right to an education that prepares you to run the world. You have the right to your opinions and feelings, even if others don’t agree with them.”

The company signaled its support of #BlackoutTuesday on Monday, too.

#BlackoutTuesday was a chance for those wanting to show their support for Black Lives Matter by posting a black square instead of a photo on Instagram. The idea was for people to not be promoting themselves or their businesses for a day. It initially began within the music industry but soon spread to other celebrities and public figures. Even the lesser-known Trump daughter participated. She included a quote from Helen Keller with her post.

The movement spread to social media, with many posting black squares on their Instagram and Facebook accounts to show support. Celebrities such as NBA star LeBron James, actor John Boyega and singer Katy Perry were among those who joined in, as did President Donald Trump’s daughter Tiffany. Singer Rihanna posted that her Fenty beauty empire wouldn’t be conducting any business on Tuesday. And Pro Football Talk reported that the Chicago Bears had canceled all player and team meetings to mark the day.

Activists encouraged people not to use the hashtags of BLM or BlackLivesMatter in order to keep separate the #BlackoutTuesday posts from other information being posted on social media about protests and marches using those hashtags.

Television networks frequently use popular shows to present a point of view for young adults and teens. It’s usually a liberal point of view. The CW and Freeform (formerly the Disney Family Network), for example, are known for doing it. Both networks have primetime shows that regularly portray police officers and also ICE agents in a bad light, especially to normalize illegal immigration.

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  1. “as a citizen of the world.”
    Communist globalization attempt?
    Remember what that Russian said
    (I belive it was Krutchev)
    capture the children, capture the nation.

    I am a sovereign citizen of the United States of America.

    1. Well said! Communism salutes Lenin’s most vital dictum: “The LIE is Sacred” because when the lie becomes sacred the truth becomes sacrilegious. WE MUST STOP PLAYING NICE WITH “DIVIDE AND CONQUER” EVIL. We must make evil fear good because God is all good and fear of the LORD is the vital and value added way to peace on earth and good will toward men.

  2. If I had children that watched Nickelodeon and saw this, Nickelodeon would never be seen by them again in my house. This kind of stupidity has absolutely no place being broadcast on a children’s show. The idiots that thought this was a good idea should immediately be terminated for their actions.

    Phil in TX

    1. Which is stupid on your part because your kids would watch The Loud House with gay parents but African Americans can’t have a say??? I support ppl, especially during these trying times..Why not you?????????‍♀️

      1. Sorry but these little punks think there better than anyone else. All lives matter sorry to say this but BLACK LIVES are not the only people in this world and that is racism to say that only Black Lives Matter. I am so disgusted to be in a country of idiots.

      1. There’s a difference between fixing a problem and “cutting your nose off despite your face.”

        Condemning all police because of the actions of a few bad actors is ludicrous. That’s like saying all people on welfare are lazy parasites living on the government tit.

  3. Wow, imagine getting all angry about your kids learning about racism, equality regardless of the color of your skin, protection from harm, injustice, and hatred. No wonder America can’t get over racism, people refuse to educate themselves about it.

    1. Here’s the thing, the network took it on itself to do this without warning or input from parents. Before doing it there should’ve been a media blitz letting parents know if they didn’t want their children exposed they should change the channel or turn off the TV. TV, especially for kids, is for diversion & entertainment, not political education unless the parents have a chance to opt out. Do you disagree with that? If so, I sincerely hope you are not a parent.

    2. All this BLM drama and whatnot does nothing but stir up MORE hatred and drama. These kids aren’t learning anything from these commercials anyway. The more people chant “black lives matter” and the more politicians flap their gums about “racial injustices”, the more we will be divided.

    3. Saying America is systemically racist and that the meany weanie white man is responsible for all the bad in the world isn’t educating anyone. That tactic only inflames hate. And don’t say America is systematically racist either considering the US has more successful minorities than any other country. Obama got elected twice…quite a feat considered how racist America is. More whites than blacks are killed by law enforcement too. How do you explain all the black doctors, lawyers, musicians, athletes, pilots, military officers, etc. if America is so racist? This “education” is unnecessary and does nothing to heal. If you CONSTANTLY pick a scab it will never heal.

    4. Ok, so if I teach your kids how to use a gun responsibly without your permission, your ok with that too right !

    5. Robbie says:
      June 5, 2020 at 6:11 am
      Ok F your feelings, so if I teach your kids how to use a gun responsibly without your permission, your ok with that too right !…..this is the second try at posting this. The first time it ended up as a reply under someone’s post that it wasn’t intended for. This time I added who it is for, just in case that happens again.

    6. If CBS [the COMMUNIST BROADCASTING SYSTEM] really meant what you posted, why are they so HYPOCRITICAL and DISCRIMINATORY in favor of DEATH; DECEIT and promises of HOPELESSNESS? Why do they specializes in pampering perversions and pacifying perverts? Why do they revere the “LIE IS SACRED” dictum and its malevolent dogmas and doctrines?

  4. Just because a bunch of thugs tells me what they want me to say or do…no thanks. Go crawl back into your holes all those that preach violence!!
    All this hype has nothing to do with equality. It’s a lie perpetrated by the low lives of the world. You kill a cop..youre a murderer. You Rob and destroy a store…you are garbage…period.

  5. And as for these worm lawyers who had Molotov cocktails in their cars…they are garbage. And you dregs that are bailing these criminals out. Go eff yourselves you low lives!!

  6. I think as they seem 2 B teaching kids about LBGT & trans, sex, etc ,which I don’t agree w/. If kids learn about the real world @ an early age, it may help come 2 terms about certain issues. I know this sounds like a contradiction. Overall kids should B left 2 B kids. They grow up 2 fast.

  7. It’s absolutely amazing to me how more people can’t see how divisive stunts like this are.

    The more people chant “black lives matter”, the more politicians flap their gums about “racial injustices”, the more we hear about how it’s the “mean ol white man’s” fault…the more we will be divided as a nation. It’s also fascinating how more whites are killed by cops than blacks yearly but people still run with this “poor ol black folks” narrative. If blacks had a target on their back Obama would’ve never been elected, once, much less twice, nor would Oprah have more money than most white people can only dream of. A black man is more likely to be killed by another black man than by a cop. Oh, and nevermind that America has more successful minorities than any other country….we must forget that and believe this propaganda being spread by people who want violence to begin with.

  8. My great-grandkids will NEVER see Nickelodeon again! As it is, Spongebob is NOT allowed, because it promotes nothing but violence.

  9. Another prime reason not to have a TV in the house. They call it “programming” for a reason.

  10. This is beyond anything decent. First of all, no one really knows what happened during that “incident” with the police. Yeah, yeah, I know you say you have the video, but do you really know what happened and what was said? Did anyone have a microphone there? Did you notice that when the so-called paramedics arrived on the scene they did no vital signs testing, were not dressed as EMTs, and just threw Floyd on the guerney and into the vehicle? This assumption that all police hate black, white, yellow, brown, red people needs to be stopped. Nickelodeon couldn’t have been more out-of-place to do this. They program the minds of the children enough with their programming, let alone blatant out-and-out Marxist programming. There should be some kind of punishment for this.

  11. I feel sorry for the dozen or so peaceful protesters who’s message got lost because of a bunch of punks and thugs. Those who riot and loot use race as an excuse to do that bs and don’t give a d*$= about race. If they did they wouldn’t be burning and looting businesses owned by people of color.

  12. If ViacrapCBS thinks honoring a FELON that stuck a gun in the stomach of a PREGNANT woman, threatened to kill her and her unborn child while he assaults and robs her is a good thing then I assume all of the employees must be FELONS ON PAROLE. That type of thinking belongs in death camps not in the USA. The people responsible for such a broadcast should be fired NOW.

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