Seattle Beer Maker Puts Anti-Cop Hate-Slur on Can – and Let’s Just Say It’s Falling Flat

News & Politics

Even Seattle cops drink beer, but you can rest assured, police officers won’t be buying anything from Mirage Beer for a long time, if ever. And neither will a whole lot of other people after the brewery put an anti-cop message on its beer.

Seattle’s Mirage Beer company’s message for police officers isn’t subtle. There’s no mirage involved here. The small beer maker’s message is right there on its can.

Let’s get a look at it.

Owner and brewer Michael Dempster told KIRO 7 TV that he doesn’t hate all cops, just most of them because they’re part of the system, maaaan.

It’s not about individual police officers, it’s about a system. But I think to the casual observer, it seems like an attack on individual police officers, all cops.

Dempster’s own words out him as an anti-cop bigot.

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The words on the bottom of his cans of the beer Choosey Lover read:

ACAB Means All Cops, 06/17/20

If you’re in doubt about what ACAB stands for, listen to these antifa jackboots on the streets of Portland this week.

It stands for “all cops are bastards.” It’s an old-timey slogan that’s been around for decades and has been appropriated by antifa and Black Lives Matter™ professional thugs.

And Dempster is right there with them. Though his Facebook page has been taken down, probably because of all the “fan mail,” his Instagram page is in full swing, where he touts his cop-hate beer.

(Instagram screenshot @miragebeer)

He also advertises for the revolution on his Instagram page.

Dempster told KIRO 7 TV that he’s striking a blow against the man, maaan.

I used the markings because I stand against institutional racism, of which modern policing is a militarized arm.

Face it. Dempster’s just better than you. He’s the epitome of tolerance. He’s against racism and bigotry.

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That’s why hates cops – oh, and half the population of the country – because raaaaacism.

I make my beer for folks who are actively anti-racist, anti-Trump, anti-fascist and pro-equality.”

Oh, “actively” anti-racist. OK, Mr. Antifa Beer Maker Man.

But the man who makes beer presumably to make a little scratch doesn’t care if you don’t buy Mirage Beer.

If it means someone won’t buy my beer anymore, good. The beer was not created for them.

Lefties are concerned he’ll need help, however. They’re fundraising for the company.

Law Enforcement Today is putting out the word that perhaps Mirage Beer should be defunded instead of the police.

Antifa-supporting beverages are not new to the Pacific Northwest. Portland-based Cider Riot, an antifa hang out, put out a Black Bloc brew … before they went out of business.

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