Antifa protesters tried to crash Sturgis motorcycle festival. It did not end well for them.

News & Politics

Tensions erupted at the Sturgis motorcycle rally in South Dakota on Saturday when several members of Antifa attempted to crash the biker festival.

Video taken from the incident shows a handful of Antifa demonstrators, of course with their faces covered, enter the rally. Police quickly surround the Antifa protesters as thousands of bikers scream at them to leave their event.

After some of the bikers and Antifa protesters exchange several shoves, one of the Antifa protesters is taken to the ground by law enforcement. Sturgis police then arrest that protester and lead him out of the crowd in handcuffs. Tensions, however, continued to escalate and police quickly forced the Antifa protesters out of the rally.

Thousands of angry bikers followed as police escorted the Antifa protesters away from the rally.

Video of the incident received more than 1 million views online by Sunday afternoon.

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Sturgis 2020 | Antifa Arrives With SOUND | 80th Annual Motorcycle Rally

According to the Rapid City Journal, more than 350,000 people attended the Sturgis rally this year, the event’s 80th anniversary.

Controversy engulfed the event this year due to the coronavirus pandemic. Critics claimed it was irresponsible to hold an event, which features hundreds of thousands of out-of-state travelers, in the midst of a pandemic, especially because South Dakota has contained COVID-19 with relative success.

However, the city of Sturgis and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) ultimately allowed the festival to go forward.

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  1. I find it kind of disgusting that POLICE are not protecting law abiding citizens from the Anrachists of Antifa and BLM……but are willing to protect the same THUGS from law abiding citizens.

    1. That happens in Democratic cities. The above story shows the police putting thugs in handcuffs. And forcing the rest out of the rally. Read another great story about New York City neighborhood rising up armed resistance against these thugs and the thugs melt away in fear. check out americanthinker com.

      1. Really??? the Democrats??? Everything that goes wrong or something like Antifa shows up at the rally or elsewhere its The Democrats!! Get A LIFE!!!

        1. Hey Alice says, If it weren’t for the Dimocrats we would have no Protests(RIOTS). if you had been watching real news you would see how badly Dimocrats handle anything. GET A LIFE.

        2. Hey Alice, go to the BLM website and see where your donation goes (if you make one), and while there check out their goals…I think you might understand at that point.

        3. Alice, suppose you tell us what party Antifa supports. Republicans? Or the left? Suppose you tell us who is responsible for the rioting and looting and burning in Seattle and Portland and Minneapolis and Chicago and San Fransisco? Antifa. BLM or the KKK? Based on those answers who should we suppose is showing up at events and rallies and causing chaos? If we listen to the lamestream media, it would be the KKK but if you really listen to the truth it is Antifa and BLM. So, yes, it is the Democrats. They support these two radical groups and WILL NOT speak out against them. These groups are the brown shirts of the left. Plain and simple.

        4. Your small brain attampts to blame Trump for everything… now the reverse happans and your pea-brain can’t handle it!!!

        5. Alice: Are you really that partisan that you can’t see that the democratic leadership has done nothing but encourage the thugs from Antifa and BLM? Do you really consider the rioters to be protesters? Even if they agree with the reason for the protests and the essence of the protests, where do we draw the line with regard to the violence?There were no problems for the most part except in democratically run cities. Doesn’t that tell you something. These 2 organizations were founded by marxist leaders. What will they have to do, burn YOUR house down to make an impression????

        6. Excuse me, but Democrats deliberately enable this kind of behavior. When you have politicians like Maxine Waters telling people to confront people in public, this is what you get. And that includes the media and People like Cuomo who justify violence from Antifa because they’re supposedly fighting anti-fascists.

        7. when things went wrong before, everyone blamed the gop. problem is nothing was going qwrong, all dem lies. everything happening now is dem related. letting 100,000’s covid over the border to stay in power. their motto is distract to attack.

    2. The POLICE would like to do nothing LESS than protect law abiding citizens from the Anarchists and cowards of ANTIFA and BLM since the Police took an oath they take seriously. The problem is that they have been ORDERED NOT to by their bosses, also known as, the infantile cowards YOU elected to office. Your mayor, your city council, they are the SCUM that are protecting the THUGS from law abiding citizens and your elected officials have announced that they aren’t even going to prosecute the ROTTEN FILTHY ANTIFA & BLM for assaulting your police and putting them in the hospital when they did try and protect YOU! Nevermind complaining about your police. Complain very loudly at your COWARDLY elected officials. Get thousands of your citizens to write to Homeland Security and ask for help.

      1. yeah, and “STAND DOWN ORDERS” are UNLAWFUL ORDERS and, under federal law, it is a FELONY TO OBEY UNLAWFUL ORDERS.

        What Citizens do in other parts of the country do is none of my business.

        BUT… t’wer it to happen here, and they obeyed a ‘stand down’ order, I would politely explain to the nice cop that BLM and ANTIFA can, and WILL run over the top of them and THEIR ONLY BACKUP is the ARMED AMERICAN and WE WILL CHOOSE to back up BEFORE, OR AFTER that happens, their choice.

    3. Right there with you. The cops should have found something else to do and let the bikers take care of these infantile miscreants Who hate America and try to impose their will on everyone else

    4. Actually the Sturgis Police DID protect the law abiding citizens from arrest by NOT allowing them to beat the crap out of the stupid ANTIFA members who arrived. When ONE of the ANTIFA idiots began to resist the “guidence” from the police they removed him quickly and in handcuffs while sending the rest of his fellow idiots packing. Now if the rest of the Democratic controlled cities would follow the Stugis police examples there would not be a problem with NO federal funding to rebuild the destruction in those sities.

  2. Leave it to Bikers to show the rest of America how to deal with these pathetic pond scum. Wake up America! The liberal Mayors and Governors that have kowtowed to this scum should be charged with dereliction of duty, destruction of private/public property and spend the rest of their worthless lives wearing orange in a federal prison with no possibility of parole.

  3. The main reason people are divided in their support of law enforcement and the forces of dissent and change,is the lack of a coherent set of rules that apply to the country as a whole. When the president of the country has the attention span of a gnat and the veracity of a pet cat , what can you expect but confusion and distrust. It would help if the media could focus on the core issue at hand and not on the peripheral smoke screen.

    1. Conflating law enforcement and “the forces of dissent and change” as manifest in the current violent unrest is absurd and offensive.

      Coherent set of rules? There are already plentiful rules, both legal and moral, that address looting, defacement of public property, assault, The state and local governments in the affected cities have been derelict in their duties and failed to honor the oaths they took. Thousands of innocent people have paid the price.

      Another layer of government, particularly federal government, will complicate things to no end, allow another opportunity for corrupt corporate manipulation and profit, and add unnecessary cost.

      1. Casey, the time for this intellectual babble is rapidly coming to an end. It just doesn’t work. The time is coming when Americans will have to make a choice between living free or living on their knees. Edmund Burke summed it up when he said that to only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. I really don’t see that happening when the real people of this country get going.

    2. The lack of a coherent set of RULES? There are no RULES that apply to the country as a whole. There are 50 States in The United States of America. The MAIN AND ONLY reason people are divided in their support of most things is there are 50 governments that make up laws different from each other and from The United States.No Federal Law responds to what is happening unless a State asks for Federal help. When the citizens have the education and knowledge of a gnat and the veracity of a mouse(cats have more veracity)and they can’t think for themselves, nothing will happen but the chaos and riots they allow. Your elected (by you) officials in the demorat controlled areas are not allowing law enforcement to do their jobs. The media are the biggest liars. As cowardly as you are, and all you want is to complain, to get action you’ll have to take it. Get thousands of your fellow citizens to complain to Homeland Security that will probably get you some help.

    3. Compared to Biden, Trump’s attention span is that of a fully focused bird of prey. Biden is lucky if he can count to three.

  4. If only the authorities had let the Antifa thugs attack the bikers, a lot of them would be singing soprano through missing teeth. This will eventually happen, mark my words.

  5. Just remember the words of a great Republican and a bona fide conservative, ” Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in the defense of justice is no virtue”. These words address what this country needs to do in order to get back to where we were strong, proud and respected by our allies and our enemies.

    To these Antifa sissies, all I can say is that there is a storm that is coming and neither you nor BLM, nor Soros will be able to stop it.

    1. Amen Iceman47. The pot is about to boil over and those of us who are fed up with all the crap from BLM, antifa and the Marxist left will put a stop to it wherever they show up. Time to stop the insanity.

      1. Watch closely to what is being taught in out schools!! Here is where the next generation of Marxists and far right radicals are coming. AND it begins in grade school all the way up to college. Majority is Democratic controlled. This was planned since the Civil Rights Act which was a good idea but the Democrats gave up somthing to contol the blacks and other minorities. Don’t believe me? Research it yourselves. Start with LBJ the great racist.

        1. Since the Civil Rights Act, democrats have been engaged in a dangerous deception in an attempt to rewrite the racist history of their party. They’ve been assigning collective guilt to all of America for the sins their party embraced and perpetuated for almost 150 years.

          What makes this even more insidious is how Democrats distracted from the truth, by projecting their own racial prejudice and animus on to their political opponents. For decades, Democrats, and the media, have created a fabricated caricature of Republicans as racist.

          Just because Republicans didn’t subscribe to the same white guilt, overcompensation and patronizing policies of the Democrats, didn’t make them racist. Republicans never had a reason to carry the baggage of white guilt that democrats thrust on everyone else. Instead, democrats turned public policy into prejudice so that any objection to their condescending platitudes and pandering was labeled racist. They have created this era of hate and hostility.

  6. Actually the problem is, the people of this country are afraid to take a stand to protect themselves and this country from thugs and terrorist and turn to the Government and ask them to take care of it. Then scream at them because of what they are doing because is making a bigger mess. Well now look where it has gotten you all, one step closer to socialism. It is not what the country can do for us, but what we as the people of this country can do for our country. (John F. Kennedy). These are some of the most powerful words ever spoke by a president to the people. I agree that if we do not step up and take back control, the legal mafia (Government) will destroy our rights and our freedoms and turn us into a socialist country and you all will be working for them instead of for yourselves.

    1. They are close to having to deal with well over 100 million Law Abiding GUN OWNING AMERICAN Citizens that have their patience worn to a thread.

      The best part is…

      WE, THE PEOPLE only have to deal with democrat cities and democrat states.

      And MOST of the LEOS will be BACKING THE CITIZENS!

      WE ARE the MILITIA!

  7. I believe that the thuggery going on in the Democratic-controlled cities would have a WHOLE different outcome IF the armed citizens in those cities would take a stand… BUT just look what happened to the armed couple defending their home in Minnesota, THEY are now the subject of prosecution, NOT the cowardly thugs who would have taken their home & possibly their life IF they had rolled over & allowed it.
    NOTICE from the video of that altercation, the thugs backed down & left; mission accomplished… Like OR disapprove of the Motorcycle troops in America, I’ve been hoping for a while that THEY would get enough & step up along with the rest of the citizenry & it now appears that a ton of the so-called SILENT MAJORITY, are beginning to do just that… I would gladly support any of them…

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