Month: November 2020

It is clear the Pennsylvania 2020 election was wrought with fraud and criminal conduct.President Trump led by nearly 700,000 votes on election night.Democrats dumped hundreds of thousands of votes to steal the state from the Trump Campaign. On Wednesday the Pennsylvania state legislature held a hearing on the 2020 election issues and irregularities. One witness
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Monuments were vandalized in four U.S. states over the Thanksgiving holiday, and several were marked with graffiti referring to the LANDBACK campaign for “decolonization” that seeks to return lands to indigenous people. In one city, businesses were also targeted and covered in anti-Thanksgiving, anti-capitalist messages. What are the details? A statue of President Abraham Lincoln
Taiwanese lawmakers’ battle over allowing the import of American pork and beef products devolved into a literal fistfight Friday on the floor of Parliament in Taipei, but lawmakers threw more than just punches: Pig intestines and other organs were hurled between opposing parties. What are the details? The Hill gave some background, explaining that “President
Mail-in ballots in Chester County, Pa., November 4, 2020. (Rachel Wisniewski/Reuters) As we expected, the Third Circuit federal appellate court on Friday rejected the Trump campaign’s appeal of Judge Matthew Brann’s dismissal of its post-election challenge in Pennsylvania. The three-judge panel’s 21-page opinion, emphatically upholding Judge Brann’s decision last Saturday, was penned by Circuit Judge
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The Houston Federation of Teachers wants to go back to only virtual learning as classes begin again after the Thanksgiving break. However, the Houston Independent School District (HISD) says that students will return to online and in-person classes after the break. The teacher union asked HISD to revert back to only online instruction because of
I have no known Polish or Hungarian blood or relations, though I have traveled in both countries, but the recent and continuing European Union criticism of Poland and Hungary for alleged human-rights or judicial-procedure deficiencies strikes me as a classic example of amnesia and present-mindedness inflicted on peoples and nations whose vast sufferings in the
Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano (R-33) said Friday the Republican controlled legislature will seek to reclaim its power to appoint the state’s electors to the Electoral College. Mastriano made his comments in an interview with former Trump administration official Steve Bannon on the War Room podcast, stating the move could take place as early as
NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE A n 81-foot-tall granite colossus, the National Monument to the Forefathers, sits on an ordinary side street in Plymouth, Mass. If not for a few faded signs, you wouldn’t even be aware you were approaching it. Then, suddenly, it springs into view: A giant statue of a woman, “Faith,” standing atop a
Pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell finally came through on her promise to legally challenge the 2020 election Thursday by releasing two highly anticipated lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan alleging widespread fraud. As for what affect the lawsuits will have on the results of the election — which for now show former Vice President Joe Biden defeating
A top Iranian nuclear scientist, believed by the Israeli government to be the mastermind directing Iran’s nuclear weapons program in the early 2000s, was killed in a targeted attack Friday outside of Tehran, according to multiple reports, citing Iranian state media. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Friday said the killing of scientist Mohsen
On Substack, Washington Examiner media writer T. Becket Adams looks ahead to the “big media sleep” under Biden. Just the quotes from Politico offer plenty of proof.  “This administration will be of the Georgetown dinner variety,” ooze Politico Playbook duo Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman. “A return to briefing books and policymaking by political professionals who aren’t likely
The exterior of The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 30, 2020. (Katherine Taylor/Reuters.) Those who like power and privilege see crises as opportunities to get more of what they want. That includes politicians and bureaucrats, of course, but also college administrators. In today’s Martin Center article, Neetu
An 81-foot-tall granite colossus, the National Monument to the Forefathers, sits on an ordinary side street in Plymouth, Mass. If not for a few faded signs, you wouldn’t even be aware you were approaching it. Then, suddenly, it springs into view: A giant statue of a woman, “Faith,” standing atop a pedestal … Read More
(Natural News) Loads of bombshells in this interview. Full video embedded below the transcript. Originally aired Nov. 23, 2020. Covers HAMR (HAMMER), Scorecard, election theft, military intelligence, cyber warfare and more. Link to the full interview on General Mclnerney Interview with Brannon Howse, via Transcript Brannon Howse: All right, folks, three-star General McInerney
Friday, November 27, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: conventional warfare, cyber warfare, deep state, DIA, election fraud, Information Warfare, Jeffrey Prather, JSOC, military intelligence, President Trump, shadow government, SOCOM, Special Forces, treason, vote fraud, White House Bypass censorship by sharing this link: (Natural News) Jeffrey Prather ( is a former DIA intelligence analyst, former
Friday, November 27, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: CIA, covert war, deep state, DoD, military, national defense, national security, Open Skies treaty, Pentagon, President Trump, secrets, Situation Update Bypass censorship by sharing this link: (Natural News) At this very minute, a covert war is raging across the globe, pitting Trump’s DoD and DIA (Defense
A patron holds an iced beverage at a Starbucks coffee store in Pasadena, Calif., July 25, 2013. (Mario Anzuoni/Reuters) This holiday season, ignore the ‘buy-small/buy-local’ nonsense. It’s the boss-bossiest time of the year, when Americans getting ready to open up their wallets to buy Christmas presents are lectured by illiterate halfwits about where and how
There’s no doubt about it: 2020 has, hands down, probably been the hardest, most trying year for a likely majority of people around the world. Have there been worse years? Well, probably, sure — but the number doubtless pales in comparison to the worldwide suffering that’s taken place over the last eight or nine months.
Joe Biden came out with his first Cabinet picks before Thanksgiving, and the media were falling all over themselves with compliments. Oh, they were all so thoroughly professional, deeply experienced, and manifestly competent. They even tried to suggest with a straight face that this warmed-over pile of Obama administration appointees were “not going to be