MORE EVIDENCE: Riots at the Capitol Were Pre-Planned by Members of Antifa, Neo-Nazis and Others


The Democrats and the corrupt Big Media would like you to believe that the individuals behind the riots on January 6th were all Trump supporters.  This is not true.  There were numerous suspicious characters at the US Capitol on January 6th. 

We reported a week ago on a number of suspicious characters at the Capitol on January 6th:

IGNORED BY THE MEDIA ELITES AND FBI: List of 20 Individuals at the Capitol on January 6th – All Appear to be Connected to Antifa or Far Left Groups

We also reported on Neo-Nazi Ukrainians who were at the Capitol that day:

TRENDING: EPIC! Trump’s Defense Team ABSOLUTELY RUINS Democrats With 13 Minute Montage of Liberals Doing the Same Thing They Accused Trump of Doing (Video)

Neo-Nazi Ukrainians, and Forefathers of Antifa, Instigated and Participated in the Capitol Hill Riot Alongside Antifa

Today we have three more individuals seen at the Capitol on January 6th who were partaking in vary suspicious actions.

Person of Interest Number 1

1 Individual – 1  Adult Female

Entrance to Capitol

Inciting a Riot / Impersonating MAGA – Individual directing people into the Capitol. She does not appear to be wearing any MAGA gear.

Link to Original Footage – CLICK HERE

Person of Interest Number 2

1 Individual – 1 Adult Male

1:20-1:30 PM – Outside Capitol Building – On Capitol Building Grounds

Destruction of Federal Property – Individual, who does not appear to be wearing any MAGA gear, methodically cuts down fencing and pulls posts out of the ground.

Link to Original Footage – CLICK HERE

Person of Interest Number 3

1 Individual – 1 Adult Male

1:15-1:45 PM – Outside Capitol Building – On Capitol Building Grounds

Acting suspicious – Individual, who does not appear to be wearing any MAGA gear, has an earpiece and speaks into his collar that had a clip-on microphone. He also has a radio on his hip.

(Video unavailable)

No, the Capitol riot was not a spontaneous event.  The riots were planned out far in advance by some very seedy characters.

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  1. This is a dead letter. In fact I’m amazed Trump fanatics are still trying to ma is this case, that it was “really Antifa and BLM rioting in the Capitol.”

    Sufficient into the day is the evil thereof.

      1. That’s right Rodney.

        The public is quickly opening their eyes to the true evil of Dems-

        And some Repub too.

    1. I know you don’t want hear it but It was Antifa and others , and whether they knew it or not they have and had an undercover infiltrator that was photographing and documenting their every move.. I know this because I know who the undercover people are…

      1. Most Trumpers are patriots,’Do unto others as you wish them to do unto yourself’Americans.And believe in the original version of the constitution as written by the founders.
        In any group of 74 million people, their are always found radicals and over reactors.Most are not approved of by the vast majority of Trump supporters.

    2. Were you there Billy pee? I was! And, I know that the break-in was done by outside agitators and entrance allowed by accomplices. Peaceful, respectful marchers only followed. I know. I was also at the previous month’s march.

    3. Evidence doesn’t matter, stop hating and do some research. BLM and antifa were involved. We all need to calm down and not listen to biased people

    4. Guess you didn’t see the same video by John Sullivan who played a major part in the riot. I got to see his complete video before it disappeared. It started as he, and other agitators, encouraged people on the lawn to ‘climb the wall and take the building. It belongs to all of us’. You didn’t see him cheering with the photo journalist Sack about getting in the building, and commenting on the plan, and how it worked. All before President even stopped his speech. I could go on, but, if you don’t want to do the real research, maybe you’d be better off quelling your comments. The facts are there, but you have to want to see, and/or believe them.
      They call us sheep, but you’ve been far more bamboozled than we are.

    5. AOC said she knew about it almost a week before, and the break-in started 20 minutes before Trump had finished speaking.

    6. POYUS Trump held numerous 15,000+ attended rallies with no violence perpetrated by “Trump Supporters.” In September, 2019, Antifa called on it’s “comrade brothers to meet at the capitol on 6 Jan. They were told to dress as “Trump supporters,” so when they were arrested, the police wouldn’t able to distinguish them from “Trump Supporters.”
      The ploy must have worked because the one track MSM can only visualize Trump supporters even though there is NO track record!

    1. Yes, the DNC/Socialists utilized their Neo Nazi brown shirt troops, ANTIFA and BLM to initiate this disaster. The reason they have not been classified and hunted down and prosecuted is because they have been utilized for acts of violence and insurrection by Pelosi, Obama, Schumer, and the rest of the socialist traitors. Prosecute all of them!

  2. What else is new? The gestapo is behind all of this and Biden is the forerunner. A few thousand more illegals who will get more benefits than those who have worked their asses off just to survive. The Democrats are insane but they are coming for you. You better practice goose stepping or you might end up gone. Read what they want you to read, speak only what they demand, and give up your right to defend yourself. And don’t forget give up your identity and assets because some ?? wants what you have and doesn’t feel obligated to work for it. Welcome to the new world order! And remember you don’t have to vote anymore, they will do it for you.

    1. It’s all true. It’s to bad that people aren’t waking up to what is going on. Their goal was to get rid of Trump at any cost. They would have voted for anyone that ran against him. So they voted for an aging empty vessel puppet of a man who is controlled by the Democrats that want to bring us to heel under a Socialist Regime. It is underway and now that they are in power (due to a controlled Election takeover) it is impossible or difficult at best to stop them..
      The “reset” is in progress and the media are controlling what they want you to know or see.
      God help us all.

      1. They’ve had far too much help from the biased Corp, and social, media to actually hear the truth. The info if there if folks would actually look for it instead of going with the misdirection by politicians, and media.

    2. Pelosi a few years back stated that we the people are not capable to vote for the right people for office. President and others. Her and the elitists are the only ones that know who best for ruling.

  3. I have a theory. I believe the riot on the Capitol was organized by top democratic officials. First, the D.C. Police asked for more security days ahead of the riots. Pelousy did not respond to their request. Second. Days before President Trump offered the national guard. Still no response from Pelousy. She did not want any interference for her plan.Third. I will bet it was a democrat who brought up not to hear arguments about the electoral votes because it was to dangerous at that time.Fourth. Antigua and blm did infiltrate the protest as Prseident Trump supporters. They have pictures of Jason X( blm ). Fifth. The democrats would be alright with killing half the American population if it would get rid of Trump. That is how deep their HATE is for Trump.Sixth. To all Trump supporters, Biden is an old fool who can not remember his name 4 out of 7 days, but Pence caused that is happening now under the Biden administration. No one wanted him to change votes. Representatives from four states said they found voter fraud and asked for 4 or 5 more days to audit their whole states.Pence is responsible for everything that happens to this country the next four years.

    1. Think about how well the travesty on 06JAN.’21 worked out for not just the Dems bur for the anti-Trumpers, never-Trumpers and the swamp as a whole. Do you honestly believe that the then Senate Majority Leader was not in on this before it started? Do you honestly believe McConnell was not aware of and probably in on the planning?

  4. I have no doubt that this was planned by the democrat party. The NAZIs used to do the same thing. Do something bad and blame it on the opposition. The whole thing is a crock of donkey dung and they know it. When your ideas suck you have to lie, cheat and steal and that is exactly what the demonrats are doing, as usual!

  5. This entire menagerie of socialist manure has been in the making for decades now. The have literally followed Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules of Radicals” (if you haven’t read it; do it tomorrow, KNOW your enemy. Hillary was a devotee of Alinsky, you will see her in spades after you read the book) and they used Venezuela as their Canary. Think about this; Venezuela was the 4th, 4TH!!!!!!, richest country in the WORLD. Hell the U.S. isn’t in the Top 10, Saudi Arabia, not is the Top 15. Get my point? Venezuela had the world by the balls and the world elites, globalists used that country as a “warm up” to their attack on the U.S.; look at them now. It worked in Venezuela and whatever mistakes made they’ve sharpened their skills and we are next. it’s working. I mean, they started off screaming “Fascist” at Trump when he was first elected; now, AOC continually dictates about cancelling this person or that organization from the face of the earth; has she not read the definition of “fascism” in the dictionary or is she truly that stupid. She is a FACIST in thinking it’s OK to dictate such things. Wake up guys or we’ll be slowly starving like the citizens of the once 4th richest country in the world. Don’t believe it can happen???? Well, just 10 years ago, when I was writing to my newsletter recipients about all of what’s going on today; they thought me to be crazy. Not so crazy is it??? It’s all happening, right now. If we don’t mobilize and get up off our conservative, apathic asses; we’re totally screwed. Look at our election. In using the dollar figures of Rachel Rodriguez, the ballot harvester arrested in Texas for mass ballot harvesting; it would cost George Soros less than 3 weeks income to totally purchase the Presidential election by only ballot harvesting in the 7 closest swing states. 3 weeks income to control the U.S.; think about how utterly cheap that is in gross terms. It’s scary how our country can be “bought”. We must begin the stand and quite honestly; peaceful pushback is no longer possible. The Liberal thugs of BLM and Antifa have already set forth the rules and we need to be ready for actual civil war type violence. Unfortunately, but we are now forced into this and must not back down. Remember; Leftism or Liberalism is a religon of self-loathing. It teaches white people to hate their race, boys to hate their sex, women to hate their femininity, Americans to hate their country, westerners to hate their history. What a contemptible, toxis thing it is; YES? And for that matter; if systemic racism was so bad; why didn’t Obama and Biden do something about it during their 8 years in office? There are just too many unanswered questions that sit of the side of Liberals that they refuse to man up and answer. So, we are given no choice but to “fight like Hell” for our country because when you get right down to it; these people aren’t Liberals, they are Leftists and they aren’t “Democrats”; they are enemies of our country because NONE of the things they continue to shove down our throats has anything to do with being an American or living in America. The are enemies of the State and must be treated in that manner; which doesn’t mean arrested and let go. It means “elimination” by any means. We are essentially “at war”; period.

  6. Oh come on now , after all the dirty deeds the delusional democrats did so far to steal the elections you really think this is where they draw the line ??? Burning , looting and killing young black girls is ok but going in to the capital is going to far ??? Are you retarded or what . My granddaughter is boarder line retarded and even she asks … what are they doing that … so now I have to tell a young girl how half our government is so corrupt their trying to over throw our government and country for the powerand money . So now she lives in fear because of the delusional democrats corruption that no one seems to want too stop . When the shit hits the fan and it will you know where I stand to try to make her life a little less scary for her . No one else will try so be ware when it comes , you been warned

  7. I find it odd that if you just moved here you would think there has been only one riot and it was by Trump supporters. The truth is there have been dozens of riots 99% of them had nothing to do with Trump supporters and people were killed and the damage was in the billions. Federal buildings were vandalized but we hear nothing about them and a police station was actually taken over. Antifa blocked off the streets and marched around in the streets with automatic rifles and yet its like this never happened. This has been going on for years and the public demanded the police or the military step in and slowly they did go in and take these towns and cities back. There are countless stories of people calling the police when these rioters were outside their home only to be told the police were not coming. Let’s recap while citizens were being killed their homes being destroyed businesses looted the politicians did nothing. Unarmed antifa scumbags pretending to be Trump supporters break some glass and enter the capital led by the police. Full disclosure: There is video’s all over the internet showing the police opening the doors and even walking some protesters right into the building. The result 4 unarmed people shot all of course not minorities or this would go from a violent protest to a tragedy. What was different from this and all the other riots oh the politicians were close to the danger… You see if this had been a library, a school, a Walmart the police would have either been order to stand down or to use non-lethal weapons that is not and opinion it is a fact based on events that have happened already. Maybe what we need is these politicians to hold the American citizens safety and work places in the same regard they hold theirs ! For the media or these mentally ill democrat supporters to act like this was the worse and most violent event is not only a joke it is pure B/S and a outright lie

  8. I am almost 98years old and I cannot believe that our young people are so gullible to sit back and let these communist take over our country. Thank god, I got to live in the wonderful world , where everyone worked or no pay. We were embarrested, if we had to let the government help us. We worked hard and did our jobs, so we would be praised. We never ask how many days we got off,or if we worked 15 minutes overtime, how much we got paid. We respected our cops, our president, our parents and believed in god. We saluted the flag and said the Lord’s prayer, before school started. How things have changed, for the worst. I feel sorry for the young kids today, for the world the are living, and going to live in. You need to get the liberal democrats out of your country is doomed.Wake up america, now or never.

    1. Euretta
      I am 78, just young enough that I could be your daughter, and I feel as defeated as you are. I watched our world change when Obama was elected. As an immigrant American I did what I could. I was active in the Tea Party movement, I donated to my favorite representatives, I voted, I precinct walked, I attended Support Trump Rallies and I tried to talk sense into as many young people as I could, sharing my first-hand knowledge of what Socialism looked like…….and I worry about my 25-year-old granddaughter and what kind of a life is ahead of her. I wish I could have done more.

    2. A lot of today’s young people think the government is going to give them everything for nothing because they swallowed the DEMONcRAT lies of free this and free that. Now they will find out NOTHING is free especially FREEDOM. Hopefully they wake up and smell the roses soon.

  9. Here’s a plan. Prsident Trump needs to get republicans that do not hate him to run for congress and the senate.endorse them heavy. Then he runs for congress in a heavy republican district in Florida. He wins and and congress and the senate have control he becomes speaker of the house for two years. Then in 2024 he becomes president with one of his sons as Vice President for 4 2028, both of his sons run for President and Vice President. President Trumps goes to all of his sons rallies and let the people know that he will offer advice to them every day. His sons then say we will be coming for advice a lot, a whole lot.This way we will have President Trump calling all the shots for this country for a possibility of 17 more years.

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