Month: February 2021

The campus of Yale University (Michelle McLoughlin/Reuters) In an unfortunate but expected move on February 3, the U.S. Department of Justice dismissed its lawsuit against Yale University. The lawsuit, filed on October 8, 2020, accused Yale of illegally discriminating against undergraduate applicants to the university based on race and national origin. The two-sentence court filing
Joe Biden said there is “no need” for Donald Trump to continue to receive classified intelligence briefings. Former US presidents are traditionally extended the privilege of receiving classified information. Earlier this week Jen Psaki confirmed that Biden’s national security team was reviewing whether to revoke Trump’s access to classified information because Democrats believe he cannot
NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE F or days, the White House teased Joe Biden’s first major foreign-policy address as a noteworthy event. Jake Sullivan, the national-security adviser, even made an appearance at the briefing room podium to talk it up on Thursday: “He wants to send a clear message that our national-security strategy will lead with diplomacy”
President Trump declared a national emergency over the novel coronavirus on March 13, 2020. As the crisis evolved throughout 2020, many governors took that football and ran it as far down the field as they could, implementing ever more severe restrictions on their states as they declared their own state emergencies. As COVID-19 lockdowns spread
One of the more frequent complaints leveled by the Biden campaign was that the Trump administration was exerting improper pressure on experts from public health agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to shape their opinions to match what President Trump’s base wanted to hear. “I think it’s important to follow the science.
On Thursday, House Democrats, with the help of a few Republicans, took the unprecedented step of voting to strip Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) of her committee assignments, for her past embrace of QAnon conspiracy theories. Their action came with a warning from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who said of Democrats, “I would
(Natural News) Homocysteine is an amino acid produced when proteins are broken down. High homocysteine levels, called hyperhomocysteinemia, are known to increase disease risk. As a case in point, the condition is linked to heart attack, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. High homocysteine levels and cardiovascular disease Previous research has found that homocysteine can damage the endothelium, the tissue lining the
(Natural News) Public distrust regarding the COVID-19 vaccine is already quite high, and the way that some areas are handling the vaccine’s administration is not doing much to quell fears. Some vaccination sites are being very secretive about their location, only providing their address to people who have appointments. In some cases, they are not
San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge (Robert Galbraith/Reuters) My Impromptus column today is headed “How populists talk, &c.” The Louisiana senator John Kennedy delivered a spectacular example of populist rhetoric. It would have made Huey Long, the Kingfish, blush (or beam). My column also touches on Tom Brady, Dolly Parton, Shirley Jones, and other greats. Among
President Obama and Sonia Sotomayor in 2009 (Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty) 1996—In a muddled speech on the “majesty of the law” at Suffolk University law school, then-district judge Sonia Sotomayor complains that “the public fails to appreciate the importance of indefiniteness in the law”—indefiniteness that sometimes results from the fact that “a given judge (or judges) may
Wait. What? Elon Musk is under investigation for following the law? Steven Crowder raised the question of “why” the Department of Justice opened an investigation into Elon Musk’s rocket company, SpaceX, for asking a former job applicant for their citizenship status. Reuters reported, “The Justice Department’s Immigrant and Employee Rights division received a complaint of
(Natural News) One of the most repugnant, depraved aspects of vaccination is that many vaccines were developed using strategically harvested organs from aborted babies. The original scientist, who helped develop the first human diploid cell line for vaccine development, admits that dozens of babies were strategically aborted to find a suitable cell line for virus
Friday, February 05, 2021 by: Mike Adams Tags: brainwashed, consciousness, cyber war, disinfo, fake news, False flags, focus, freedom, Liberty, lies, mind control, mind games, neurology, propaganda, truth Bypass censorship by sharing this link: (Natural News) Today’s Situation Update for Feb. 5th, 2021 reveals how media propagandists and narrative engineers hijack your conscious focus