Socialism Loses, Again

People walk past Soviet-era statues, mostly of Vladimir Lenin, in Aksu, Kazakhstan, February 21, 2018. (Shamil Zhumatov/Reuters)

Scenes from an almost-debate


rofessor Richard Wolff of UMass–Amherst seems to be a courteous man, so I will put this question as courteously as I can: Rounded off to the nearest 100 million, how many people have to be put to death under socialism before the world’s most murderous school of economics runs out of second chances?

Last week, Professor Wolff debated Arthur Brooks, formerly the president of the American Enterprise Institute and now a professor at Harvard, on the resolution: “Socialism is preferable to capitalism as an economic system that promotes freedom, equality, and prosperity.” The debate was hosted by the Abigail Adams Institute,

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