Oklahoma officially bans critical race theory from public schools, law targets far-left’s social agenda

News & Politics

Oklahoma has officially banned critical race theory from being taught in state schools.

Gov. Kevin Stitt (R) signed a bill on Friday that prohibits Oklahoma teachers and administrators from teaching certain “critical race theories,” according to KOCO-TV.

What are the details?

HB 1775 targets discriminatory teaching on race and sex, barring Oklahoma school districts from adopting curriculum that promulgates ideas from what is being described as critical race theory.

Critical race theory is a legal perspective that examine society through a racial lens. Advocates of critical race theory believe American society is inherently racist, and that it was, in fact, designed to perpetuate institutionalized discrimination.

Specifically, Oklahoma’s new law prohibits teaching that:

  • “One race or sex is inherently superior to another race
    or sex”
  • “An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, is
    inherently racist, sexist or oppressive, whether
    consciously or unconsciously”
  • “An individual should be discriminated against or
    receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of
    his or her race or sex”
  • “Members of one race or sex cannot and should not
    attempt to treat others without respect to race or
  • “An individual’s moral character is necessarily
    determined by his or her race or sex”
  • “An individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex,
    bears responsibility for actions committed in the past
    by other members of the same race or sex”
  • “Any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish
    or any other form of psychological distress on account
    of his or her race or sex”
  • “Meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are
    racist or sexist or were created by members of a
    particular race to oppress members of another race”

In a statement, Gov. Stitt said the law was necessary because public schools should foster an environment of unity, not promote ideas that divide students down racial lines.

“Now more than ever, we need policies that bring us together, not rip us apart,” Stitt said in a video. “As governor, I firmly believe that not one cent of taxpayer money should be used to define and divide young Oklahomans about their race or sex. That is what this bill upholds for public education.”

Stitt added that he “refuses to tolerate” the “labeling a young child as an ‘oppressor'” or making students feel “guilt” or “shame” because of their race.

The law takes effect on July 1.

Anything else?

As TheBlaze reported, numerous Republican-controlled state legislatures are considering enacting similar curriculum restrictions to ban critical race theory from being taught in public schools.

Idaho became the first state in the country to enact a law against critical race theory, while Texas, Florida, Tennessee, Arizona, Arkansas, Utah, and West Virginia are reportedly considering similar legislation.

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