Baltimore’s Dem prosecutor demands FCC punish Fox-affiliate over unfavorable coverage: ‘Heinous acts’

News & Politics

The office of Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby filed a complaint with federal regulators last week asking the government to intervene over press coverage that is not favorable toward Mosby.

What are the details?

In a letter sent to the Federal Communications Commission, Mosby’s office claimed WBFF-TV, the Baltimore Fox-affiliate, is guilty of committing “heinous acts and deliberately dangerous activities” by publishing negative stories about Mosby.

Zy Richardson, communications director for Mosby’s office, called the coverage “extremely dangerous.”

In my capacity at the States Attorney’s Office, I have noted that the news coverage of the WBFF persistently follows a disconcerting and dangerous pattern: beginning with a slanted, rigged, misleading, or inflammatory headline; followed by a conspiracy theory; and supported with guest commentary from disgruntled ex-employees or political opponents that lend false credibility to their biased coverage or omission of facts.

Most disturbingly, there appears to be an intentional crusade against
State’s Attorney Mosby, which given today’s politically charged and divisive environment, is extremely dangerous.

The letter goes on to complain that WBFF reports on Mosby more than other local Baltimore news stations, and then took shots at Fox News and Tucker Carlson.

In the public sphere, Fox News is infamous for its bias against people of color, and even more against those who could be deemed ‘progressive’ people of color. Currently, the Fox national news network airs a nightly show with Tucker Carlson, despite recent calls by civil rights groups to terminate his employment because of Carlson’s frequent endorsements of white supremacy views,” the letter states.

The letter cites six stories as evidence of “distorted coverage.” The stories report on Mosby’s policies, crime, and “dark money.”

Richardson claimed the WBFF’s overall news coverage is a “megaphone that amplifies, encourages, and provides fodder for racists,” and claimed Mosby’s office respects the First Amendment, but said that WBFF’s stories have a “stench of racism.”

“We welcome being held accountable, and we support First Amendment freedom of speech. However, what we find troubling, abhorrent, and outright dangerous, is that the distinctly relentless slanted broadcast news campaign, against the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office and its lead prosecutor, has the stench of racism,” the letter states.

Richardson concluded the letter by claiming if WBFF is “not curtailed and ceased,” then “someone is going to get hurt.”

“I implore and encourage you, Madame Chairwoman [Jessica Rosenworcel] and Commissioners, to enlist the full investigative and enforcement powers granted to you by the Federal government to take action against the WBFF as soon as possible,” Richardson wrote.

What was the response?

Billy Robbins, vice president and general manager of WBFF, said the news station stands by its coverage.

“WBFF is committed to journalism in the public interest with its award-winning investigative unit being a key part of delivering on that commitment,” Robbins said. “While we understand that it’s not popular with the individuals and institutions upon which we are shining a light, we stand by our reporting.”

Richard Vatz, who taught media criticism at Towson University, told WBFF the letter “is one of the clearest, most despicable examples of intimidation.”

“It’s clearly an abuse of power,” Vatz said.

The Media Institute, a nonpartisan First Amendment advocacy organization, similarly denounced the letter.

“This matter is especially egregious because the television station holds a broadcast license issued by the FCC. It is obvious that freedom of the press would cease to be a reality for local broadcasters if every government official who received coverage perceived as unfavorable exerted a chilling effect on local TV news coverage by calling for an FCC investigation that could (if even remotely) imperil a station’s broadcast license,” the group said in a statement.

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  1. Richardson concluded the letter by claiming if WBFF is “not curtailed and ceased,” then “someone is going to get hurt.”

    Is this not a blatant case of ‘Terroristic Threatening’ by Richardson!? Someone please put a stop to this. I know that President Trump lived through four years plus of this kind of treatment from most all news agencies, exception being FOX.

  2. Oh,Poor thing.Sounds like another attempt to censor the voices of opposition.Ban Trump,Eliminate Parlor.Suspending Facebook and Twitter accounts.Register and confiscate your guns.Sounds like the rise of the Nazi party all over again to me.

    1. The egregious censors were the Bolsheviks. Indeed, in all matters, the Bolsheviks were twice as bad as the Nazis, and in genocidal matters, eleven times as bad–66 million Russian Christians were murdered by the Bolsheviks. Get it right.

  3. Funny how asshats like this guy are in one of the MOST VIOLENT, crime ridden cities and he’a going after Foxnews?! Hopefully he, oe someone in his family will sifder from some of their criminals there. The funniest thing is, we’ve seen all of the liberal news join together and lie for the last 4 years and nothing? Too funny. Put a jesters hat on this clown and let him juggle.

  4. Here again comes the Libs…..boohoo…..sniff sniff…..waa waa waa. Webster Dictionary 2021 updated following the definition of Lib……🤧😩😢 Libs also proposing to change their logo to 💩

  5. What a joke. It is funny to me how libs can get ANY government agency to look at ANYTHING BUT if you are conservative or just a Republican in ANY FORM you are RACIST and are abusing your right to free speech. Screw them their bullshit. I

  6. Hitler would have been so proud of this POS. . .er, I mean POC. BTW, don’t negros have naturally kinky brillo-pad hair? Why is that trained ape got straight hair like a White person?

  7. Sounds like they were describing the MSM coverage of Trump for the last four years…
    Like the old saying goes, ” if you can’t take the heat then stay out of the kitchen “.

  8. I’m sick and tired of listening to marxist whites, blacks and whiter shades of blacks complain about how they’re treated by conservative media. You know what, if you don’t like the spotlight on you and your nonsensical beliefs, then get the hell out of the light and make way for real people doing real work. Stop the buffoonery.

  9. What a clown show that DA is. Whaaaaaaa! How about the non-stop bash fest from the likes of CNN and MSNBC against our former president Donald Trump? What a weak such POS!!!!!

  10. The corrupt politicians in Baltimore have made it the arm pit of the north. From Pelosi’s father on down the democrat mayors and their cronies down have made it the worst of the worst.
    They cry when the truth is brought up in the news, but only want citizens to hear the lies that they tell,. They have taken a beautiful city and trashed it, The press has brought out the ugliness that they have turned the city to into light,
    But the people of the city have learned nothing as they continue to vote those ugly, evil people into office..

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