Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Calls Critical-Race Theory a ‘Dangerous Ideology’

Gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp adjusts his tie before speaking to volunteers and staff in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S., November 5, 2018. (Leah Millis/Reuters)

Georgia governor Brian Kemp issued a letter Thursday demanding that public schools in the state refrain from incorporating critical-race theory (CRT) into course curricula.

He insisted the Georgia State Board of Education “take immediate steps to ensure that Critical Race Theory and its dangerous ideology do not take root in our state standards or curriculum.” The letter said that parents, students, and faculty are alarmed by the drive for indoctrination programming in the state’s education system.

“This divisive, anti-American agenda has no place in Georgia classrooms,” Kemp wrote in a tweet with an attachment of the signed letter.

In the document, Kemp stated that he wants Georgia schools to “focus on our goal of providing the highest quality education to every child in Georgia, without partisan bias or political influence.”

“Education in Georgia should reflect our fundamental values as a state and nation — freedom, equality, and the God-given potential of each individual,” he added.

Kemp’s memo also slammed the Biden administration for trying to funnel taxpayer dollars into a biased “blatantly partisan agenda in Georgia classrooms.” He clarified the values of education that schools should promote, namely freedom, equality, and individualism.

The governor’s notice comes amid a wave of anti-CRT movements within Republican-dominated state legislatures across the country. After long hours of debate and deliberation, the Texas state senate passed a bill Saturday morning prohibiting the instruction of CRT in public and open-enrollment charter schools, which now returns to the state House for review.

In April, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) took a stand against CRT and urged Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to encourage public schools to remove its teachings from their educational material. McConnell called CRT a “revisionism” of U.S. history.

McConnell and 38 other Senate Republicans subsequently drafted a letter criticizing the New York Times‘ 1619 Project, which teaches that racism and slavery are intrinsic to America’s history, legacy, and national fabric. The initiative’s mission is to place “the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.”

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