CNN’s Don Lemon says Americans don’t see black people as ‘human beings,’ proclaims US is racist

News & Politics

CNN anchor Don Lemon had some unfavorable remarks about the United States and Americans in a new interview. The left-wing cable TV host made a bizarre claim that Americans don’t see black people as human beings, and declared that the U.S. needs to “realize just how racist it is.”

Lemon gave an in-depth interview for the Washington Post Magazine’s Sunday feature. Reporter Eric Easter asked Lemon, “You’ve suggested that Trump was the president we deserved and probably a necessary and revealing wake-up call. Do you still think that?”

Lemon responded, “Considering people’s apathy to get involved in the political process, to pay attention to the political process, to go to the polls, their willingness to give so much attention to celebrity, I think that’s what I meant by ‘the president we deserve.'”

“But there’s also this false reality that we’re living in a post-racial world after the election of Barack Obama. That was all bulls***,” Lemon asserted. “It was a wake-up call to White people who thought we were living in a nonracist world. We’re living in two different realities as Black and White people.”

“We knew, as Black people, what was lurking beneath the surface,” the CNN host said. “I still believe that [Trump] was the necessary wake-up for America to realize just how racist it is.”

Easter then asked Lemon about his new book, “This book seems to be part of an ongoing process of putting yourself out there — bit by bit, revealing more personal things about yourself. Is that something you’ve wanted to, or something you’ve felt like you’ve had to do?”

Lemon replied, “I feel like I’ve had to do that because I don’t think America has seen enough people like me. I don’t think America intimately knows enough people like me.”

The CNN host then stated, “I would love America to see Black people, especially Black gay men as — and I hate this word — normal, and as human beings and as part of the culture.”

“I don’t know if America sees Black people and especially Black gay men as fully human, and as deserving of the American Dream,” Lemon said.

Despite his claims of living in a racist America, full of people questioning if he is a human being deserving of the American Dream, Lemon has achieved quite a bit of success, and lives in a neighborhood in the Hamptons area of Long Island.

Lemon claimed that “we’re living in two different realities as Black and White people,” but as the Daily Mail pointed out, “He lives in a $4.3 million four-bedroom cottage in Sag Harbor on New York’s Long Island, where 80% of the population is white and just 3% are black.”

“He also owned a three-bedroom condo in the Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan, where 54 percent of residents are black,” according to the Daily Mail, but he purportedly sold the property for $1.5 million in February.

Lemon reportedly earns a $4 million annual salary from CNN, and has a net worth of $12 million.

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  1. I do not care about black or white homosexuals. They are all obnoxious because of their activities. I especially do not care about Don Lemon, who is a racist and avid alphabet soup supporter. He can take his abhorent behavior and go peddle it somewhere in the middle of a desert. His sorry butt does not deserve a soapbox on a television station to puke his vitriol on the public.

    1. I definitely agree with you. Social justice is nothing but a bunch of BS. Blacks wanted equality back in the ’50s and rightfully so, they got it. I was always under the impression that showing up on time and doing good work for equal pay was equality. With a few exceptions they want more.

    2. He is a very arrogant homo who hates whites and anyone against his way of life his parents must have disowned him for what he is so he blames everyone for his sordid life style. He needs a tube of Preperation H.

      1. The blacks are full of hatred! They are more racist than the whites are. When I am out and about I make it a point to smile at every black I see to show them I am making an attempt to make them feel welcome. Most of the time I am met with a glare!!!

        1. No they are not.
          Some like Don are, and perhaps many where you live as well.
          No majority of blacks are full of hatred, though, just those who believe the leftists and they’re media, that tells them they are victims.

    3. People like Don Lemon and Black Lives Matter is our racial problem.I have lived and worked around good Black People all my life. We had no problems, We were friends and neighbors.We helped each other when we are they needed help.We were working people,not a bunch of thugs. We didn’t demand anything from anyone. I can’t imagine being a neighbor to Don Lemon. He already thinks he knows every thing and knows all about the problems of the world.

    4. don’s not human, he’s simply a parasite that speaks english, He didn’t get his round mouth from eating square meals..

    5. Well… I don’t know about all blacks but I consider Don Lemon an ASSHOLE!
      Are ASSHOLES human beings??

  2. Let me make sure that I understand this correctly: Don Lemon is stating that Americans regard Blacks as human beings. If Don Lemon is an American, then the obvious conclusion is that Don Lemon does not regard Blacks as human beings. I am an American and I regard all people as Human beings, even idiots like Don Lemon. I hope that he grows to consider himself as a human being.

  3. Don Lemon (and most of his cohorts at CNN) is just a racist faggot that I NEVER listen to. I didn’t know that CNN was still on the air, from their infinitesimal ratings!!! However, FOX is seemingly going downhill also

  4. Don Lemon is brain damaged. This is because he enjoys vigorous fisting, and his brain is in his ass. Racist tool…

    1. The fact that Lemmon can make that kind of money shows just how corrupt things are. He should be flipping burgers at best just not my burgers. Haven’t watched cnn in years he’s aged

  5. This is the problem with the US, its the commentators that are out there trying to sell their BS or in his case his book. He is the problem with racists. He says how unfair the US is but look what he has Million dollar homes. He is like the BLM leader who stole money for herself to buy home.

    1. Despite their claims to the contrary, democrats are the ones who continue to perpetuate negative stereotypes of Black people. Their constant appeals and pandering to the lowest common denominator as representative of an entire group of people, reinforces a “less than” caricature.

      This includes their own preconceived prejudice that treats Black people as if they are incapable of achieving success without help from others, namely, white liberals.

  6. I believe if it wasn’t for the race card morons like Lemon would have nothing to talk about he’s a disgrace to journalism and should be removed from any kind of reporting because he obviously doesn’t have any brains

    1. Agreed. If it weren’t for the race card he and a whole lot of others would have nothing. It’s an overused worn out term and, truth be told, I’m sick of it. It means nothing to me. Assholes come in all colors.

  7. lemon is definitely wrong on one major ASSumption. there are too many people like him in this country, and it doesnt have a damn thing to do with being queer or black. he is a kind of dumbass and he isnt alone in that regard. as far as being queer, i dont want that shit shoved, shown, or throwh ih my face. he needs to keep his perversion in the bedroom where it belongs.

  8. Got news for Mr. Lime, ‘knowing” even one person like him is too many. Most people are actually color blind and refuse to look at everything around them through a racial prism.

  9. Lemon is a complete idiot. Just where does he come up with a statement like that. All people are human beings. Race does not matter. We are all made in the image of God. So how can a stupid statement that Lemon made be worth anything?

  10. He is nothing but a GAY RACIST POS. He loves stirring the pot so he FEELS relevant and like people care what HE thinks. NO ONE does. He is a waste of space and should not be a reporter because he CANNOT BE NEUTRAL about anything but HIS CONCERNS. Basically F**K HIM. NO ME CARES WHAT YOU THINK!!

  11. I get so tired of listening to racist like this wannabe journalist!! The black community needs to list their community issues and solve them, and agree that racism is alive and well in the black communities.
    Don’t like it; it’s a free country so just move.

  12. The Blacks in this country are the most racist people here. They have every opportunity as the rest of the population but a lot of them don’t take it because it easier to call everyone a racist and live off hate and their so called leaders tell them they can’t do nothing because they are Black. The most Devi I’ve President we’ve had was Obama that stirred up this racist hate in this cou and the Democrats are all to eager to go along with it in their attempt to ruin this country by distraction.

  13. Lemon needs to stay relevant and stir the pot so that his ratings don’t continue to plummet and so that he can sell 3-4 books. The loudest man in the rooom is the weakest. He fits that description to a “T”.

  14. A lot of people think Don Lemon is ignorant. He’s not ignorant – he’s just a pathological liar! Like Maxine Waters, Ashleigh Shackleford, and others, he is so full of hate, he is out of control. Typical racist, who calls everyone ELSE racists!

  15. Mr. Lemon is a true jerk. He’s not a true American, because he’s more interested in lies and misinformation, just like the Cuomo brothers. Lemon looks for races, colors, crazies, and all other kinds of categories for discrimination, American only see Red, White and Blue. If he doesn’t care to live here, he has the right to move, but it should only be a one way trip. He and Biden are more interested in dividing this country instead of bring it together. We are sick of his mouth, always cutting someone down for not being like him.

  16. First we took down the barriers to the sodomites. Next NAMBLA will be accepted and it will be OK to stuff our junk down little boys’ throats. After that ‘normalizes’ we’ll have people wanting to marry mountain goats. It’s ALL perversions. You can stick your stuff anywhere you wish, but, DO NOT tell me it’s ‘normal’.
    As for Mr. Lemon, well you see, his momma just raised trash.

  17. Is that why he’s on a prime time news show, making megabucks. He needs to try to sell the Brooklyn bridge. He would be more believable then.

  18. All you had to say was “CNN’s Don Lemon Says” and you know its nothing but hate filled racist fearmongering LIES.

  19. Funny how this left leaning whinny wander eats out of the same trough as Biden and Kamala. Jo and the Ho makes a good tag team for keeping people separated, divide and conquer.
    But Americans are waking up and justice is coming hard and fast.
    Those who support treason will face the penalty for their crimes.
    Treason is for domestic and foreign enemies and the penalty is death
    We are seeing the left socialist radical self-serving Constitutional destroyers self-implode and are now eating each others.
    Between them all, none have a backbone.

  20. Let’s see…..Don Lemon ???? Damn !!! I thought I flushed him down the toilet when I took my morning constitutional. I guess I’ll have too call a plumber !!!

  21. He needs to stop pretending slavery and segregation exists. Americans DO see blacks as human beings.

    Has he already forgotten the countless number of people who protested/rioted last year? I swear, we need to find a cure for wokeness.

  22. This is called stirring the pot. Don Lemon is flat ass wrong. He is clearly using Marxist tactics to cause chaos and division. He needs to be stopped!

  23. Does Donnie Lemonade’s white husband think that Donnie is a non-human black or is he exempt since he screws Donnie?

  24. I understand that a recent survey of African Americans believed that the cops shoot over 1000 unarmed black people a year even though the actual figure is under 20. I wonder how they gained that impression. I doubt it was from Fox News. Maybe Don Lemon has a view. He seems to have an answer for everything these days

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