Black community lashes out at CNN’s Van Jones over Derek Chauvin comments

News & Politics

Members of the black community lashed out at CNN contributor Van Jones for expressing some sympathy for the mother of Derek Chauvin, who was sentenced for the murder of George Floyd on Friday.

“CNN gets on my f***ing nerves pulling Van Jones out every time there is some black s**t going on. Get this n***a off tv,” one critic replied.

Jones’ immediate reaction was that the 22-and-a-half-years prison sentence for Chauvin was very disappointing.

“What this man did, it should have been the maximum of the maximum. And this is disappointing. I don’t think it’s gonna cause outrage, but it’s a punch in the guy. This guy’s life is worth more than 15 years,” Jones said.

Most of the ire aimed at Jones was over comments he reportedly made in sympathy for Chauvin’s mother, who spoke at the hearing for her son’s sentencing.

“Dear @VanJones68 You feel sorry for Derek Chauvin’s mother? That wench’s son murdered a man in front of the whole world. She didn’t even have the decency to apologize for her son. Do you feel sorry for George’s daughter? Brothers? or just Chauvin’s mom?” one detractor said.

“Van Jones, the last black man in America. According to CNN,” Roxane Gay joked.

“They always get Van Jones to talk about black folks s**t. Dat mfer ain’t been black since he was a child,” another detractor tweeted.

“I’m so sick of saying this. Van Jones doesn’t speak for the black community,” another critic said.

“She showed no respect to the Floyd’s family. Her son is alive, yeah he’s gonna due time, like criminals do. But she can see, hear his voice, read his words. Floyd’s daughter will never hear her fathers voice, feel his love or hugs, read a card from her father,” another Jones critic said.

Chauvin could face additional sentencing on federal charges that he violated the rights of a 14-year-old black teenager in 2017 when he used similar arrest techniques as the ones he used on George Floyd.

Here’s Van Jones’ reaction to the Chauvin sentencing:

Watch Derek Chauvin as judge reads his sentence

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