Minnesota Family Is Threatened by Wicked Leftist Neighbor for Putting Up Christmas Lights


File image of Christmas lights

This photo was just sent to a prominent Republican from Minnesota. She forwarded it to The Gateway Pundit.
The letter shows what a St. Anthony resident received in the mail.

Saint Anthony was a lovely, quiet neighborhood near Minneapolis.

This disgusting letter represents pure intolerant Marxism seeking to overthrow the Christian religion.

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Our friend told them to send a copy of the letter to local law enforcement, the county attorney, the Minnesota State Attorney General’s office, the Governor’s office and claim this is hate speech, harassment, and intimidation.

This Minnesota family should demand protection for their free speech rights.
If we don’t resist, this intimidation will become reality.

I’m thankful you can still tell the truth.

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    1. Another jerk wad speaks in total STUPID. Don’t like, which I don’t, so I just look the other way for 38 years.

      Try it.

  1. I would put up even more lights and tell them to go F themselves,our society has become nothing but a bunch of sick deplorable people and it all started with this administration

      1. Thumbs up are offensive to humans and animals that don’t have thumbs. Be more conscientious of that for now on.

    1. So the intolerant leftist is telling the guy with the Christmas lights to be more tolerant of other people’s feelings? My head is spinning around backwards.

  2. Dear letter writer, here’s a question? Why do you live in place named “St Anthony “? Bet you’re offended by that also? Ignorance is bliss.

  3. god continues to bless his globalists and their puppets; $oro$ and chester biden and demonrats and rinos and media and fbi CRIMINAL organization and libby snow flake sheep and altar boy raping demonrat priests .

  4. The letter sender must originally moved from the bay (San Francisco) area. Only those idiots think they’re the answer to nazis beliefs. Light nazi please do us Christian believers “drop dead.”

  5. As a show of support for the sender’s position, ,I would double the number of lights, so as to reflect the true institutional inequity of such displays! You must lead by example!

  6. Minnesota has allowed imagrants to take over cities and demand we bow to to their customs no matter how it effects the magority.

  7. Apparently we must be tolerant to all people unless there is a difference of opinion that doesn’t fall in line with liberal/progressive ideas and agenda. Tell them the Constitution protects our rights to have our own opinions and beliefs. We stand with Christians everywhere to believe as we will

    1. BAM!!!
      Yes, we’re ONLY allowed to crater to the demands of LEFTISTS.
      Never mind that the LEFTISTS hypocritically show their own Intolerance of the beliefs of others.
      Really, you just can’t make this stuff up!

    2. It’s a Free Country and those of you that are Offended should move or Leave the Country we would all be better off without YOU.

  8. I would tell the author probably congressdouche Mentallyillhan Omar, you have your opinion and I have mine. Let’s just leave it at that and if you really don’t like my lights, move!

  9. Liberals believe that you should tromp on 98.5 % of America to keep the perverted 1.5% in their ” Safe” Spaces.

  10. Of Course the lights are “offensive”. They represent a religion that does not accept wicked, debased and perverted ways of thinking. That’d make for a hostile environment among the Woke, Progressives, Liberals and Leftists!

    Comfort the Afflicted!
    Afflict the Comfortable!

    These people need to be Afflicted. Because there is actual empirical evidence that as the morality of a nation plummets, so too does the nation!

  11. I am deeply offended and very sorry that anyone could be offended by strings of colored light bulbs wrapped around a house. Maybe a visit to a local shrink could help the offended neighbor with his/her mental problem.

  12. A letter demanding tolerance from an intolerant a–hole!

    So typical of the defective democrats and other assorted mentally challenged leftists!


  13. Seems like morons are trying to change how we live. Do not like our traditions, go back to the country that best fits your beliefs. I’ll never change my customs because some Jack A. finds offense!
    Trust me. If I get a complaint like that, I’ll research their beliefs and find a way to destroy them!

  14. Interesting that there is no return address. May not be a “neighbor” at all.

    Would not surprise me if it were not sent by Omar since she does live, on occasion, in the area when sleeping with her ex-husband/brother and her money sponging newbie love does not come into town.

    Or, maybe Camel-a sent it since she hates everyone other than felons, CRT and BLM comrades.

  15. I do not observe Christmas, but some of my neighbors do. Good for them! I’m a ‘dominant’ person. If some A–hole in my neighborhood objected to my neighbor’s Christmas decorations, I would ‘mellow’ him myself – quickly!

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