Who Picked Kamala Harris to Be Joe Biden’s Running Mate?

News & Politics

No one ever truly believed that, if elected, Joe Biden would serve more than one term. Heck, I doubt most people even thought he’d finish one.

The past eleven months have done little to increase the confidence of Americans that Biden ever had what it takes to handle the presidency. If anything, people have lost confidence.

“Asked whether Biden is mentally fit, voters are almost evenly split, with 46 percent saying he is and 48 percent disagreeing,” reported Politico in November. “But that negative 2-point margin stands in stark contrast to Biden’s numbers last October, when voters believed he was mentally fit by a 21-point margin.”

What happened during that time? Did Biden’s mental fitness become that much more apparent, or were those who claimed they thought Biden was mentally fit just kidding themselves?

I’m inclined to believe that it’s the latter. Questions about Biden’s mental fitness preceded his presidential campaign. Conservative media had been pointing out Biden’s mental slips and verbal gaffes for years. In fact, throughout Trump’s presidency, the left tried to convince us that Trump was mentally unfit. The left simply hated Trump so much that they were willing to believe anything bad about him—be it the whole Russian collusion nonsense or the absurd questions about his mental health. And then Democrats overwhelmingly voted for a man who would probably be in a nursing home right now if he hadn’t been in politics. Why did they vote for someone clearly unfit to serve? Because Biden was perceived to be the most electable Democrat in the primary.

And then for some reason, he picked Kamala Harris to be his running mate.

“The problem is she really was elevated above her ability. She was chosen by Joe Biden not because of her quality of her work or her intellect,” New York Post columnist Miranda Devine told Fox News on Monday. “It was because she was a woman — and she was a woman of color. And that puts her in a bad position. And it puts America in a terrible position.”

I’ll never be convinced that Joe Biden ever wanted to pick Kamala Harris. Before officially entering the race, Kamala—likely in an attempt to stave off his candidacy—said she believed the women who accused him of sexual misconduct. “I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” she said. It didn’t work. The most significant moment of her lackluster presidential campaign was when she essentially accused him of being racist. But her brief and modest boost in the polls was short-lived, and she dropped out before primary voting had even started.

It’s hard to even figure out how his vice-presidential search team even though she was a good idea, but apparently they did–and now they have to pay the price for a huge miscalculation.

Not only do voters believe Biden won’t last through his first term, but they don’t believe Harris is qualified to be president. According to a new Rasmussen Reports survey, only 40 percent of voters think she’s qualified to be president, compared to 55 percent who think she is. Her favorability ratings are similarly terrible—with 57% having an unfavorable view of her, and only 39 percent having a favorable view.

Harris has been stung lately by reports of toxicity and turmoil in her office, punctuated by an abnormally high number of departures of top aides. Even the left-wing media is taking turns trashing her.

Biden should never have picked Harris. While I doubt he ever truly wanted to, enough people he trusted told him it was a good idea. Now the country is in a position where it has a mentally unfit president, and the person who is quite literally a heartbeat away from the presidency is someone most Americans don’t believe is qualified.

It’s like a sick joke, and yet no one in America should be laughing.

Also read: Biden Leaves Putin Shaking in His Boots — or Probably Not

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    1. ‘It would be nice to know who is calling all of the shots for Sleepy Joe’ Pick one – Soros or Obama or Xi Jinping, any number of Potato Joes other handlers. Potato doesn’t have 2 brain cells to rub together to make his own coherent sentences.

  1. We must never lose sight that with the help of a lying, dishonest lamestream media, American voters, some even alive, didn’t this to the country. Across the globe other countries are looking at America and wondering how we got so stupid. I wonder the same thing. This is not the America that rose up 80 years and one day ago and defeated the evil that was taking over the planet. That’s the truly shameful part of our situation.

  2. I think the Biden administration is and has been orchestrated by the socialist left that is trying to make America a communist country. This plan has been secretly in the works for at least 60 years.

  3. Heels-up Harris should be in a mental ward somewhere with padded walls and bars on the windows!


  4. I thought it was obvious to everyone who doesn’t live in a cave.
    The name of the two-headed demon who controls Sloe-Joe, is “Shumelosi”!

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