Month: December 2021

A federal court issued a legal defeat to former President Donald Trump on Thursday by rejecting his bid to block the release of White House documents from his term to the Jan. 6 congressional committee. Trump has argued that the documents fall under executive privilege protections, but the court found that there was enough evidence
Greetings VIP Gold members, and maybe even a few VIP Gold-curious non-members. There’s nothing wrong with being VIP Gold-curious. Kruiser and I even encourage that kind of thing. We’ve created a safe space for people who need one, and we never, ever judge.* Anyway, on this week’s “Five O’Clock Somewhere” we have not one, but
(Natural News) Many Americans have taken on the risks of COVID-19 vaccines, despite reservations, in hopes of gaining protection against the more severe form of the disease. Unfortunately, data from Oregon shows that more than 500 residents have now died of the virus despite being fully vaccinated against it. Since the pandemic began, Oregon has
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on infrastructure at the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority in Kansas City, Mo., December 8, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) As the grim poll numbers pile up and the 2022 midterms draw nearer, elected Democrats have begun to break from the president and his agenda. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE W ho is afraid
A police chase of a stolen vehicle involving five juveniles ended in a horrific crash this week, with two teenagers dead and three hospitalized — and the SUV they had stolen split completely in half. What are the details? KARE-TV reported that the incident began Wednesday evening in Minneapolis, when a Mercedes SUV was reported
Everybody loves Christmas music. Christmas songs stir memories and help us feel reflective or festive. Artists keep recording them, and every year they make the charts. But very few new songs have anything to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. That’s why “Angels Sing Their Alleluias” stands out. It’s a joyous, full-throated celebration of
Leaky vaccines are worse than no vaccine at all. That is the unmistakable conclusion one would derive from a May 2018 article in Quanta magazine, a top scientific publication, about the unsuccessful attempts to create vaccines for HIV, malaria, and anthrax that aren’t leaky and don’t run the risk of making the pathogens more dangerous.
A viral video shows a pair of brutal attacks that took place outside a Staten Island-area high school on Monday. The attack saw two students unsuccessfully face off against their attackers. At least one of the teens was reportedly pistol-whipped during the attack, which was filmed by gleeful, cackling bystanders. What are the details? The
(Maksym Kapliuk/iStock/Getty Images) The real culprit is federal overspending. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE I t’s that time of the year again when the debate over raising the federal debt limit is back in the news. Indeed, just three weeks ago, U.S. treasury secretary Janet Yellen suggested that we’d reach the limit by sometime in mid December.
(Natural News) US establishment leaders — including RINOs — are trying to provoke Russia into a full-scale war over Ukraine in order to provide sufficient chaos as a cover for the planned “global reset” debt bomb implosion. They also need a war in order to justify medical martial law, gun confiscation and supply chain failures
(Natural News) The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), a coalition of the world’s largest multinational food corporations, is developing a new “equitable” food strategy that involves deciding which foods are “moral” and which are “immoral,” and offering them to the public accordingly. As the “Omicron” (Moronic) variant ushers the world closer towards the
BlackRock logo outside company headquarters in Manhattan. (Carlo Allegri/Reuters) Blackrock’s restoration of proxy voting by shareholders is a step toward better corporate governance. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE B lackRock is making history with an innovative policy change: It will soon let its largest institutional clients vote on corporate proxy matters themselves. While critics note that this sea
During an interview with Frances Stead Sellers of the Washington Post, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that it is necessary amid the COVID-19 pandemic to elevate “communal responsibility” over “individual preferences.” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio recently announced plans to impose a private sector vaccine mandate in the Big Apple. “All private sector employers
During an appearance on Tuesday’s CNN Tonight with Chris Cuomo’s temporary replacement, Michael Smerconish, veteran Olympics broadcaster and sports commentator Bob Costas called out the International Olympic Committee for their “affinity for authoritarian nations” and their snubs against the U.S. He also surprised viewers by calling out “the likes of Colin Kaepernick and LeBron James” who get
If you’re a conservative on social media, you likely know firsthand how intolerant the left is. People you’ve known for years… heck, even family members on the left will unfriend you or block you if you dare share something that triggers their leftist sensibilities. In 2008, if you didn’t vote for Obama, you were a
Jussie Smollett arrives at court on the first full day of his trial for six counts of disorderly conduct on suspicion of making false reports to police, in Chicago, Ill., November 30, 2021. (Kamil Krzaczynski/Reuters) Chicago, Ill. – Former Empire star Jussie Smollett had no motive to stage a hoax hate crime against himself in
People fill out ballots during the New York mayoral primary election at a polling site in Brooklyn, N.Y., June 22, (Brendan McDermid/Reuters) New York City councilman Robert Holden blasted a bill that would permit an estimated 800,000 non-citizens to vote in municipal elections, in an interview with National Review. The bill, known as Intro 1867,