Biden’s at-home covid test kits funded by blacklisted Chinese company that was praised for “obeying” communist officials

(Natural News)
iHealth Labs, the China-based company that is providing fake “president” Joe Biden’s at-home Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “tests,” was praised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for “obeying” its orders.

The company also received tens of millions of dollars in investment cash from another Chinese company blacklisted by the United States government over its ties to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), China’s military arm.

A subsidiary of China’s Andon Health, iHealth Labs has reportedly received more than $2.1 billion in contracts with the federal government and some states. More than $1 billion came from a contract with the Department of Defense (DoD) as part of Beijing Biden’s at-home covid testing program.

The DoD awarded two contracts to the lab in January, which manufactured a whopping 354 million China-made testing kits for Americans. We now know that this company has deep ties to the CCP, which makes the whole thing an act of treason.

“These unearthed links exacerbate the fact that the company is subject to Article 7 of China’s National Intelligence Law, which mandates that ‘any [Chinese] organization or citizen shall support, assist, and cooperate with state intelligence work,’” reported The National Pulse‘s Natalie Winters.

Covid is a giant cash cow for the CCP

The State Council of the CCP actually sent a letter to iHealth Labs praising its efforts to “respond” to the Fauci Flu by manufacturing hundreds of millions of testing kits.


The letter, which was posted to Andon Health’s Chinese-language website, just about worships iHealth Labs for “consciously obey[ing]” all of its orders, and reads as follows in English:

“In the work of ensuring the supply of infrared thermometers, important materials for epidemic prevention and control, your company responded to the call of the state at the first time, overcome all difficulties, urgently organized workers to return to work, worked overtime to carry out production and supply, and consciously obeyed the joint defense of the State Council. The prevention and control mechanism of the medical supplies and insurance team has actively cooperated with our department to continue to supply infrared thermometers to the country, especially Hubei Province, Beijing and other key regions, and has made outstanding contributions to domestic epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work and production in various industries.”

Andon Health was also commended by the CCP for serving as a “model group” during the plandemic. Company leaders participated in the Tianjin Municipal Commendation Conference for Fighting against the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic.

The medical company’s website explains that “150 outstanding Communist Party members and 101 advanced grass-roots party organizations” were in attendance at this event.

iHealth Labs received at least $25 million in investment from the Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi, which is blacklisted by the U.S. over its ties to the PLA.

As you may recall, BGI Genomics, another Chinese company that produces and supplies Fauci Flu testing kits, was also exposed for its ties to the CCP and for harvesting the data of Americans. (Related: It was the Obama regime that granted approval to BGI Genomics to start peddling covid “testing” kits on Americans.)

BGI was caught using its covid “tests” to “collect, store and exploit biometric information” on American citizens, according to former U.S. intelligence officials. A recent Reuters article exposed BGI even further by linking it to the PLA.

“Get ready for organ harvesting in the United States!” warned a Natural News reader about what could be coming next for this country. “China thanks you for your genetic identity so they know who to go for first!”

More related news about the Biden regime’s ties to communist China can be found at

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