NBC acting as shill and chief propagandist for Chinese Communist regime during Olympics broadcasts

(Natural News)
It did not take long for the ‘American’ network broadcasting the Winter Olympics in Beijing to become little more than the latest propaganda outlet for the brutal, Chinese Communist regime, as pointed out by a number of social media users.

In one Twitter post this week as the games kicked off, Kassy Dillon, founder of Lone Conservative, the country’s largest conservative student publication, noted the rank propaganda in an NBC clip featuring a slathering complementary view of the ChiCom regime.

“NBC just casually working as a mouthpiece to push Chinese Communist propaganda,” she wrote.

In the clip, the NBC broadcaster said as a line of youngsters walked in unison to reveal photos of the ‘wonderful life’ in China: “Yeah, it’s worth remembering while Western countries may be boycotting these Olympics over human rights issues, China styles itself as a champion of the developing world, and it has plenty of support in countries from Africa to Latin America where its investments [are] building up local economies…”

In another clip that NBC obviously blocked, a Twitter user noted: “WATCH: @SavannahGuthrie calls a reported Uyghur co-lighting the Olympic flame, chosen by Xi Jinping, ‘an in-your-face response to those Western nations, including the U.S., who have called this Chinese treatment of that group genocide and diplomatically boycotted these games.’”

First and foremost, the United States and many other Western countries have spent trillions over decades attempting to be ‘champions’ of the developing world. There is no more generous nation in the world than the United States; in fact, when disaster strikes, the U.S. is among the first, if not the first, nation the world turns to for assistance and relief — because Americans are genuinely charitable and the U.S. has the means to quickly respond.

China’s interest in the third world is purely financial and strategic, not ‘charitable.’

Likely, the first NBC shill was referring to the Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, which the Council on Foreign Relations describes as “colossal infrastructure investments [that] may usher in a new era of trade and growth for economies in Asia and beyond.” But the organization also notes that “skeptics worry that China is laying a debt trap for borrowing governments.”


In other words, China is indeed spending hundreds of billions on infrastructure projects in these developing countries, but is only doing so as a means of a) trapping governments Beijing knows cannot repay the ‘loan’ investment; and b) is then using the inability to pay as a way to force those governments to provide China with access to the infrastructure (airports, ports, etc.).

That gives China a unique strategic advantage in historically U.S.-and-Western-influenced regions of the world. So it’s not ‘charity,’ it’s strategy.

Secondly, regarding Guthrie’s comments, no doubt the Uyghur co-lighting the Olympic flame was hand-picked by the despotic leader who is persecuting those people, President Xi Jinping, for the specific purpose of getting dumb little propagandists like NBC hosts to make those kinds of statements.

Not only does Xi’s regime persecute the Uyghurs, who are Muslims, but they are also used for slave labor and subject to genocidal policies.

After China has spent billions influencing U.S. brands, buying off Democratic politicians and infiltrating Western culture and sports, it comes as no surprise that an American TV network would serve as a disinformation hub and propaganda outlet on China’s biggest stage.

Sources include:



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