Month: February 2022

A woman holds a sign protesting the Biden administration’s continued enforcement of U.S. Title 42 which prevents people from being able to seek asylum in response to COVID-19 in Nogales, Mexico, November 8, 2021. (Caitlin O’Hara/Reuters) For deserving asylum-seekers, like those hoping to escape authoritarian socialism in Venezuela, U.S. policies have failed them yet again.
Sarah Palin arrives for the trial in her defamation lawsuit against the New York Times at the United States Courthouse in New York City, February 4, 2022. (Brendan McDermid/Reuters) Advantage: Palin NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE A fter the 2008 election and “The Masked Singer” and all the rest of it — finally, here is a contest
Industry sources report that Barack and Michelle Obama may be removing their content from Spotify as left-wing backlash against the streaming company intensifies. The former first family signed a deal with Spotify back in 2019 to produce exclusive content for the streaming platform. The multi-year agreement made between the Obamas’ production company, Higher Ground, and
The workers of the world are uniting against vaccine mandates…and the New York Times can’t stand it. A truckers’ protest over mandates in the Canadian capital of Ottawa has endured for over a week, and the Times’ patience with the “unlawful…occupation” of the city’s downtown has already evaporated. The Saturday edition of the “Canada Letter”
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said capitalism is “not a redeemable system” for Americans, and represents the “absolute pursuit of profit” at all costs. “Capitalism at its core, what we’re talking about when we talk about that is the absolute pursuit of profit at all human, environmental, and social cost,” AOC said during a Yahoo Finance interview
A customer exits a Starbucks in Buffalo, N.Y., December 7, 2021. (Lindsay DeDario/Reuters) When progressive utopians start seeking people to blame for the failure of their grand plans, it’s a fair bet that there’s trouble on the way. NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE A lot of horrible stuff can go on in this world without the ladies
A Virginia mother delivered a rousing speech where she blasted her child’s school board over its mask mandate that she deemed to be “blatant political theater.” Merianne Jenson ripped the Prince William County School Board to shreds for continuing to force young students to wear masks. “I know there are many educators who want to
Wherever the Left is challenged, you can count on the so-called “independent fact-checkers” to fan out and attack…followed by Twitter promoting what “fact-checkers say.” This week, it was the Canadian trucker convoy arriving in Ottawa to protest the COVID vaccine mandate imposed by socialist prime minister Justin Trudeau. There were false impressions to check, but they
Earlier this week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee released a report that as many as 9,000 Americans were left in Afghanistan after Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal. The botched withdrawal from Afghanistan became the biggest public relations disaster for the Biden administration. It sent his poll numbers into negative territory for the first time in his presidency,
A person shops for a handgun at Frontier Arms & Supply gun shop in Cheyenne, Wyo., March 18, 2020. (Jim Urquhart/Reuters) Andy, about Biden and guns: Some of these are lies with malice aforethought, but I remain astounded by the basic ignorance — the willful ignorance — of the press in these matters. I’ve been
Putin and Xi used the occasion of Putin being in Beijing to further cement their partnership: Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping vaulted their growing partnership into a forward-leaning pact avowedly aimed at the U.S., opposing America’s global network of alliances and seeking to nudge it aside as the sole superpower. With Friday’s opening of the Beijing
Prominent GOP officials throughout the country are committed to investigating actions taken by GoFundMe in dissolving the fundraiser for Canadian truckers in the Freedom Convoy and refusing to distribute funds raised on their behalf. The widely popular fundraiser generated several million dollars for the anti-vaccine-mandate protesters before GoFundMe shut it down and refused to pay
Liberal talk show host Bill Maher has had an awakening about the COVID-19 pandemic in recent months. Maher ripped the legacy media for “scaring the s**t” out of people over COVID-19. He slammed those “on the left” who “politicized” the antiparasitic drug ivermectin. Maher skewered “pain in the a** blue states” for stringent COVID-19 restrictions
Looks like Tiffany Cross has forgotten that Joe Biden is the president. And who can blame her? We’d like to forget, too! On her MSNBC show Saturday morning, Cross claimed Russia is currently threatening Ukraine because … Trump! Said Cross: “Trump’s undermining of the democratic process put America at a disadvantage on the world stage, as
Reports have indicated that Spotify has removed approximately 70 episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience.” Many on the left have attacked Rogan for his promotion of alternative treatments of COVID-19.  “The apparent removal of the episodes, all of which were recorded years before the pandemic began, was spotted by JREMissing,” CNET originally reported. “The fan-made