Month: February 2022

Then-Vice President Mike Pence takes part in a joint session of Congress to certify the 2020 election results on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., January 6, 2021. (Erin Schaff/Pool via Reuters) The Republican National Committee has voted to formally censure Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for “actions in their positions as members of the January
Former Vice President Mike Pence sits for an onstage interview at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., November 30, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Former vice president Mike Pence on Friday strongly rejected former president Donald Trump’s renewed claims that he could have personally overturned the results of the 2020 election. “I heard this week that
On Thursday, the former Democratic Congresswoman from Hawaii, Tulsi Gabbard, told Sean Hannity that she worries about the future of free speech and liberty in the United States as the Biden administration grows increasingly aggressive in its pursuit of political censorship. She said, “[I] think that’s what is personally so troubling to me about these
Spotify quietly removed 70 episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast recently, according to a new report. The news was reported by JRE Missing – a website that automatically detects episodes of Rogan’s podcast that have been purged from Spotify. The deleted episodes feature a wide variety of guests such as progressive political commentator Kyle
The China Olympics kicked off on Friday night under the shadow of the country’s brutal regime sentencing Uyghur minorities to prison terms featuring torture and sexual abuse. Yet, as NewsBusters reported on Tuesday, the networks only allowed 13 minutes in one year. For NBC, the network televising the Olympics, there was only 742 seconds. (They’ve tried
GoFundMe has changed its tune after it originally vowed to distribute money raised for truckers on strike to “verified charities.” Truckers in Canada went on strike to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates. They called themselves the “Freedom Convoy.” Reports indicated the truckers created banners that said “F–k Trudeau.” A GoFundMe fundraiser for the convoy raised $10
Then President Donald Trump looks on as then Vice President Mike Pence speaks to reporters in Washington, D.C., January 4, 2019. (Jim Young/REUTERS) It has become all too common for Republicans, confronted with obviously false and reckless statements by Donald Trump, to either defend him or look the other way. So it’s good to see
(Natural News) The war hawks in the administration of President Joe Biden are trying to stoke tensions between Russia and Ukraine by claiming that a Russian invasion is imminent. Relations between Russia and Ukraine have been deteriorating since the late 2000s, as more and more Ukrainians developed pro-Western and anti-Russian attitudes and the Kremlin desperately wanted to keep
(Natural News) Despite receiving hundreds of millions of dollars in stimulus funding from the federal government, the city of Pittsburgh is seeing bridges collapse because Democrat leadership spent the money on “green” energy projects, universal basic income (UBI) pipe dreams and “dismantling systemic racism” initiatives. The most recent bridge collapse occurred over Frick Park on
(Natural News) iHealth Labs, the China-based company that is providing fake “president” Joe Biden’s at-home Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “tests,” was praised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for “obeying” its orders. The company also received tens of millions of dollars in investment cash from another Chinese company blacklisted by the United States government over its
(Lucas Jackson/Reuters) Ulrik Boesen has a simple yet fascinating blog post for the Tax Foundation about Massachusetts’ ban on flavored tobacco products. He writes about a medical study that found that after Massachusetts banned flavored tobacco products, sales declined. Obviously. But Boesen points out that doesn’t mean the ban worked, if the goal was to
Researchers who previously worked at Google angrily accused the company of being “racialized” and “maintaining white supremacy.” Senior research scientist Alex Hanna and software engineer Dylan Baker quit Google’s ethical Artificial Intelligence team and joined a non-profit dedicated to researching abuses by software companies in the field of artificial intelligence. Hanna wrote a lengthy blog
China’s egregious human rights abuses have been widely discussed recently in light of the 2022 Winter Olympics, but during an appearance on ESPN, J.A. Adande indicated that the U.S. is not well positioned to decry China’s record. Adande, who is the director of sports journalism at Northwestern University’s Medill School, asked, “who are we to
Cade Costales mobilizes students to protest Washington state K-12 mask mandate. (via Twitter@XJCasper) The mask wars have been heating up in school districts across the country in recent weeks, notably in purple Virginia, where Governor Youngkin’s administration has been battling defiant school districts over his recent executive order making masks optional. Even in reliable blue
GoFundMe announced on Friday that it has yanked the “Freedom Convoy 2022” fundraiser from its crowdfunding platform. Trucks and other vehicles have been engaged in the blockading of streets in Ottawa, Canada, according to Reuters. During a press conference earlier this week, Tamara Lich, who had been named as an “Organizer” on the fundraiser, called
China’s egregious human rights abuses have been widely discussed recently in light of the 2022 Winter Olympics, but during an appearance on ESPN, J.A. Adande indicated that the U.S. is not well positioned to decry China’s record. Adande, who is the director of sports journalism at Northwestern University’s Medill School, asked, “who are we to