Month: February 2022

Sen. Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) speaks before the Senate Judiciary Committee in Washington, D.C., February 22, 2021. (Al Drago/Pool via Reuters) The Republican National Committee’s formal censure of Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger states the following (emphasis added):  WHEREAS, Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger purport to be members of the Republican Party; and WHEREAS ,
World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attends a news conference after a meeting of the Emergency Committee on the coronavirus in Geneva, Switzerland January 30, 2020. (Denis Balibouse/Reuters) Platitudes about ‘peace’ and ‘mutual respect’ abound — but not a word about genocide. Editor’s note: If you value reporting like this, we hope you will
Actress Susan Sarandon, who recently faced criticism for an anti-police social media post, has issued an apology to the families of two fallen NYPD officers. Sarandon’s outrageous post, which appears to have been deleted, included a tweet from Danny Haiphong. Haiphong’s tweet featured a photo of a large number of police officers honoring slain NYPD
(Natural News) A 21-year-old Greek soccer player died in the early stage of a match due to cardiac arrest. Alexandro Lampis’ death followed recent instances of soccer players worldwide, all believed to be vaccinated, collapsing while on the pitch. Lampis, midfielder for the GS Ilioupolis soccer team, collapsed on the evening of Feb. 3 during
An oil tanker is docked while oil is pumped into it at the ships terminal of PDVSA’s Jose Antonio Anzoategui industrial complex in Anzoategui, Venezuela, April 15, 2015. (Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters) Prepare your final farewells to the already tenuous Monroe Doctrine.  Earlier this week, an Iranian oil tanker, the Starla, docked in Venezuela to deliver
Award-winning journalist Lara Logan announced her social media departure on Thursday, noting that she’d be leaving Big Tech platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. What are the details? In a widely shared announcement, Logan said that she will no longer contribute to social media platforms that, she says, “exploit” children. She wrote, “I am leaving
In just five days, an “elaborate multi-agency” undercover child sex predator operation in Florida led to the arrest of a dozen men. Authorities say the suspects were attempting to engage in sexual activities with children under the age of 14. “Operation Wolves Blanket” was led by the Walton County Sheriff’s Office in collaboration with the
(Chip East/Reuters) The president of New York City’s Detectives’ Endowment Association said Thursday that liberal Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg had “emboldened” criminals last month when he called for the “decriminalization/non prosecution” of several crimes. Bragg put out a memo to staff on January 3rd saying the office would focus on “decriminalization/non prosecution” of crimes
The Hill reports:  Members of the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) resolutions committee on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution to censure Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), though they declined to call for Cheney and Kinzinger to be expelled from the House Republican Conference. The resolution’s passage was confirmed to The Hill by two
Police say that an Arkansas man recorded himself raping a 7-year-old boy and said he did it because he was “curious,” according to a Thursday Law & Crime report. According to the report, 18-year-old Noel Bonilla-Jiminez of Benton County was arrested on suspicion of two counts of rape involving a victim under the age of
South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem on Thursday signed the “Fairness in Women’s Sports” bill into law, enacting what social conservatives have called the “strongest” protections for women’s sports in the nation. The new law prohibits any student at a state school from joining a sports team that does not match his or her biological
U.S. forces this week killed top ISIS chief Abu Ibrahim al-Qurayshi, prompting a very different reaction and headline from The Washington Post than when the United States hunted down Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Back in the Trump era, the Post’s obituary offered this shocking and much-mocked response: “Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of
Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., January 12, 2021. (Andrew Harnik/Reuters) Mike Pompeo warned this week that defending the United States from a hypersonic-missile attack is “a very difficult problem.” The former secretary of state’s remarks provide the latest example of a senior U.S. official vexed by
(Stephanie Rausser/Getty Images) Francis Fukuyama is an eminent, and controversial, political scientist. (Most people who are worth anything, I’ve found, are controversial, to some degree.) He is my latest guest on Q&A: here. We talk about a wide variety of subjects — political, philosophical, and personal. You can learn a great deal from this man.
Associated Press reporter Mike Lee berated State Department spokesperson Ned Price over a report that the Russians were planning a false flag operation in order to justify an invasion of Ukraine. The report claimed that the Russians were planning to fake a mass attack on Russian-speaking people in Ukraine in order to give them a
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is advising American athletes not to speak out against China while attending the 2022 Beijing Olympics, noting that they could draw the ire of the nation’s “ruthless” government. “I would say to our athletes, you’re there to compete. Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government, because they
(Natural News) An entrepreneur who became famous for discrediting herbal supplements is now being called out as FRAUD. Three of the research papers authored by this scientist are now retracted, and a fourth is pending. His colleagues are claiming to have found blatant data errors, falsifications and plagiarism throughout his work. In 2013, a botanist