6 Ridiculous SOTU Lies I Can’t Believe Biden Thought He’d Get Away With Telling

News & Politics

There was significant agreement that Joe Biden would attempt to use his State of the Union Dumpster Fire speech to “reset” his presidency and boost his approval ratings.

Naturally, the best way to do that with a captive audience is to lie about your record.

And boy, did Biden tell a whole lot of whoppers. Honestly, it was hard to pick just six to highlight here. But, here we go.

“I’m always honest…”

Horsefeathers! If Biden was “always honest,” I wouldn’t have nearly as much to write about it. The fact is that Biden’s entire life has been peppered with lies, be it his dalliance with plagiarism or telling fictions about his life story—including the false claim that a drunk driver killed his wife and daughter. On Afghanistan alone, Biden is more a Liar-in-Chief than a president. He tried to pressure Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to lie about the situation in his country to justify his plan to withdraw in time for a 9/11 photo op. Worse yet, Biden and his administration repeatedly lied about Americans they left behind in the now Taliban-controlled country.

RELATED: Five Times the Biden Administration Violated the Trust of Americans

And, of course, he lied throughout his speech…

The Trump tax cuts only “benefited the top 1 percent of Americans”

In It’s A Wonderful Life, we’re told that every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. Well, in real life, every time a Republican proposes a tax cut, Democrats claim it’s a tax cut for the rich. This tired old line has been the go-to accusation by Democrats.

Joe Biden has made this claim before about the Trump tax cuts, yet there was something galling about him doing so during the State of the Union—especially since it’s been debunked. According to IRS data, the middle class benefited the most from the Trump tax cuts.

SIDEBAR: Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan would have cut taxes for the rich.

Biden “created over 6.5 million new jobs”

For months, Joe Biden has been claiming that he has the best economic record of any president in recent history and that his economic policies are the reason for it.

Bull poop.

“The economy — and this is an important point — hasn’t added one single job from the 2019 high-water mark. Not one,” ADP chief economist Nela Richardson said on CNBC back in January. “All the jobs that we have seen gained are recovered jobs that were lost. We’re not yet producing new jobs,” she explained.

Even CNN called Joe Biden out on this whopper.

“Biden took office less than a year after the economy shed more than 22 million jobs in two months because of the pandemic,” explains CNN’s Daniel Dale and Tara Subramaniam. “Even with the jobs rebound — which began under President Trump in May 2020 — the US was still, as of January 2022, down more than 2 million jobs from when the pandemic hit.”

Even if Biden argued that his economic policies contributed to the recovery, he’d be lying. After his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan was passed last March, Biden said job growth would outperform CBO estimates for 2021. That didn’t happen.

RELATED: Biden Is a Liar; He Didn’t Create Any Jobs in 2021

His anger at the cost of insulin

During his speech, Biden lamented that “we pay more for the same drug produced by the same company in America than any other country in the world,” and cited insulin as an example, noting that it cost $10 to make a vial of insulin but that pharmaceutical companies charge “up to 30 times” that. If Biden really cared about the high costs of insulin, he wouldn’t have frozen a Trump-era drug policy that would have lowered the price of insulin and other drugs the very same day he took office.

The freeze was part of a blanket policy of the new Biden administration to reverse and scrutinize anything that Trump had done. In October, the Biden administration officially rescinded the policy,  claiming it would have imposed “excessive administrative costs and burdens.”

Here’s the truth: Biden isn’t angry about the high cost of insulin. He is responsible for it.

His 180 on defunding the police

If you hadn’t watched Joe Biden speak since the 2020 campaign, he would have sounded like a different guy Tuesday night when he said, “We should all agree the answer is not to defund the police. It’s to fund the police. Fund them. Fund them. Fund them with the resources and training — resources and training they need to protect our communities.”

You’re trying too hard there, Joe.

Hey, I’m glad he’s come around, but he’s trying to rewrite history here with his sort-of-enthusiastic-but-not-actually-genuine support of America’s police for over a year now, and he clearly still thinks that he needs to pretend he never supported the defund the police movement. He certainly would like us to forget that he called for the defunding of police in the summer of 2020 during an interview with liberal activist Ady Barkan. During the interview, Biden was asked, “Do we agree that we can redirect some of the [police] funding?”

“Yes, absolutely,” Biden said.

Biden’s embrace of the defund the police movement in the spring of 2020 at the peak of outrage over the death of George Floyd cost him some critical endorsements from police organizations. Once he learned that this position wasn’t popular with the public, he tried to flip the script by claiming that it was Trump who wanted to defund the police. It didn’t work, but he’s still trying to rebrand himself as a supporter of the police. It still won’t work.

“We need to secure our border and fix the immigration system”

I don’t know about you, but my head nearly exploded when Biden actually said we need to secure our border. It’s obvious that he knows that the border crisis he created is hurting him politically, and now he’s going to pretend that he wants to secure our border. Never mind that he halted construction of Trump’s border wall, and has been sending illegals to various cities across the country in the dark of night. Under Biden, illegal immigration has hit historic crisis levels. In 2021, there were more than 2 million arrests made at our southern border. Biden does want to secure our border, he wants illegals to come here freely and eventually vote Democrat.

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