The Gendergeddon Cult Has Arrived in Louisiana! Let’s Welcome Them to the School-Board-Wars Thunderdome

News & Politics

Who would have thought that the defining issue of our culture, the hill we are choosing to die on to save our children from a lifetime of misery, would be the fight to keep teachers from confusing kindergartners with made-up pronouns? Did anyone have “destroying the English language for woke points” on their Armageddon Bingo card? I know I didn’t, but here we are.

The teachers have been telling on themselves on TikTok for some reason and publicly posting things that upset parents daily. It’s such a trend there are whole video compilations of them on YouTube called “The Teachers of TikTok.” Each one is crazier than the next.

Today’s wretched example of spoiled narcissists who think they and their “experience” are the only people who matter is this music teacher from Caddo Parish, La., who seems as if she needs a psychiatric exam more than a teaching job. The young lady says to her audience, “So, I’m not allowed to be out as trans and non-binary at school.”

“Do not come up in my comments and sayin’ that I am allowed because I’m not, I live in Louisiana and it sucks here,” she continued.

“So my response to this is to be as obnoxiously queer as possible.” She then points out all the obnoxious things she wears to broadcast her political and sexual views to children in her class. Watch this:

Another photo of this teacher was posted on social media showing her wearing a giant name tag at work with her made-up pronoun “Mx” and a large badge proclaiming her pronouns as they/them. My first problem with this is that children are supposed to be learning proper grammar. Teaching them that “they” and “them” is anything but a plural pronoun is batsh*t insane. My second problem is the unsettling passionate need people like this teacher feel in expressing their every kink to every single person they meet. Yes, it’s kink.

Besides being a sexual fetish that makes the proponents of this garbage excited to push it on other people and force those around them to deny the reality that we can plainly see—i.e. that swimmer with the penis bulge is a man destroying women’s sports, privacy, and other horrors—this adherence to the mystical belief that a female human can be non-female has reached religious cult status.

RELATED: Sharing Stories of Trauma on ‘Detransition Awareness Day’

I am in favor of the free expression and practice of religious beliefs, but we have all decided that religion doesn’t belong in schools outside of a few chapters on the major religions of the world in Social Studies class. That’s a wise decision. Children come from different religious belief systems, whether Christian, Jewish, atheist, Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, pagan, Wiccan, or whatever. And that’s okay. 👌

What’s not okay is for one religious belief to take over the classrooms of America. The members of the Gendergeddon Cult of the Perpetually Offended have every right to practice their religious beliefs and even proselytize on the street if they should so choose. They can hand out tracts, dance in circles at the airport, or even hold religious retreats and invite whoever they want to partake in the holy communion of choosing one of the 87 different genders from the unicorn bowl of rainbow wishes and unattainable dreams—and I don’t friggin’ care.

But cult members are not allowed to spread their religious belief systems in the classrooms of America, where it’s been established that the state shall keep separate religion and publicly-funded education. LGBTQWTF theology is a belief system that not everyone shares, and forcing people to share those mystical beliefs about bending reality to fit one’s own desires is a violation of the religious freedoms to which Americans are entitled. Sneaking religious symbols like rainbow flags into classrooms in order to “spark conversations” about religious beliefs with students is not okay. Did they learn this from a multi-level-marketing scam? “Ask me about my pronouns!” is the new Gendergeddon hunbot trap to get you hooked into their pyramid scheme that ends in despair.

VIP RELATED: Parents of Mutilated Teenagers Speak Out About the Dangers of Transing Kids

I’m done arguing about this with these people and being called a “bigot” or “hateful” simply because I don’t choose to go to their church of choice. I’m a Catholic and I like it that way. My children are Catholics and a classroom with a person constantly trying to undermine their religious upbringing is not a “safe and welcoming” space for them. It is also not safe for a Muslim child. This is actually like a teacher wearing a sticker in a classroom full of Muslim children that says, “Ask me about how good bacon is!” It’s inappropriate. It’s…dare I say…xenophobic. 

Teachers’ sex lives and gender identity should be kept to themselves and only shared with their adult friends who enjoy this sort of thing or go to the same cult meetings they do. (I actually made merch recently that should help keep the cult members away from you.)

I was thinking back to my time in elementary school and remembering all my teachers, and I can’t recall which of them were married. They never talked about it. I think my band director was gay, but if anyone had attempted to ask him he would have lost his mind and dragged us to the principal’s office because students talking to teachers about sex is NOT APPROPRIATE (unless it’s the week in 6th grade when the gym teacher had to give the reproduction talk). We didn’t have to be told to know that our band leader was gay. We knew. But no one would have dared say anything about it, nor did he feel a burning desire to “come out” to his class. He was just himself. And we all loved him. Who he was dating or attracted to was none of our business.

I remember getting in trouble once because some of us girls were speculating that a pretty new female teacher and our handsome male homeroom teacher were an item. We were roundly scolded for even bringing it up. Children should not be contemplating the sex lives of their teachers. Worse, teachers should not be so desperate to tell the children in their classes all their deepest personal experiences with sex and gender that they make crazed angry posts about it on TikTok. It’s weird. It’s grooming. STOP. 🛑

I have been working my way through the school board meeting in Caddo Parish school district, where the inevitable has happened and the Culture War Thunderdome has come to town after the TikTok teacher decided to post her inner thoughts to the public. I see one major glaring error in the arguments of some of the parents who don’t like this. Instead of recognizing that the Gendergeddon Cult is actually a religious belief system that should be kept out of schools, some of them read from the Bible and demanded that the snickering pagans follow it. That’s not going to work, Church Lady Karen. 

For better or worse, the public schools are religion-free now and there’s no going back. The winning argument is to keep ALL religions out of schools or let them all back in. And if all religions were allowed to be presented and celebrated in school there would be a holy war before the month was out. So let’s do the sane thing and add the Gendergeddon Cult to the list of religions that one may practice to one’s content outside of school but treat all the trappings of it—flags, pins, motivational sayings, sacred vocabulary, children’s books, religious meetings (aka Gay-Straight Alliance Clubs)— just like the schools treat crucifixes and Bible lessons. NOT ALLOWED in schools. The constant drumbeat of “but we exist!” is getting old. WE KNOW. YOU’RE EVERYWHERE. We’ve been trying to ignore you and live and let live but you made sure we can’t because you’re being as obnoxious as possible. Now that you’ve brought the kids into it, it’s a whole new ballgame. Welcome to the Thunderdome. This is where this argument ends, one way or another. Will American schools become the new temples to the Gendergeddon Cult of the Perpetually Offended or will they be forced to acknowledge that all belief systems are covered under the freedom of religion in the Constitution, including ours?

Almost every major religion in the world believes that boys cannot become girls. Our beliefs matter too. Forcing conversions to woke theology is a violation of human rights. It is the new Spanish Inquisition. The only thing we haven’t seen yet is the burning of heretics. (But believe me, it’s coming.)

Anyone refusing to stop proselytizing to students should be removed, no matter which religion they are peddling. Teach math, science, reading, social studies, health, and arts, and leave the religious upbringing to parents. No one wants the Gendergeddon Cult members out of the classroom. We just want them to stop trying to recruit new child members into their cult. If a devout Christian teacher can keep her Jesus talk to herself for the 8 hours a day she teaches, there’s no reason Mx. Lookatme above can’t do the same.

Here’s part one of my review of the school board meeting and how I think it went. I recorded this after last night’s VIP Gold live chat and was a few beers in, so it was kinda lit. Enjoy!

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