Future Crime Scene: NIH Importing Bats From Asia For Viral Research in Colorado Lab

It’s almost — almost, given what we know about how the U.S. government function at what interests it actually serves (spoiler alert: it’ not yours) — unbelievable that this is a real news story at this late date in 2023, having gone through a years-long series of lockdowns and injection mandates and “died suddenly” post-vax deaths and all the rest.


          Related: A Quarter of Americans Say They Know Someone Personally Killed by COVID Jab

But here we are.

Via Daily Mail (emphasis added):

A new taxpayer-funded lab is being built in Colorado that will import bats from around the world and experiment on dangerous diseases…

The multi-million-dollar project is a collaboration between Dr Anthony Fauci’s old department at the National Institutes of Health, Colorado State University (CSU) and EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), a controversial research group at the center of the Covid lab leak theory.

Proposals seen by this website show how the 14,000sq-ft facility could store and study some of the most transmissible pathogens on the planet – including Ebola, Nipah virus and Covid-19.

Researchers behind the plans said the lab will boost America’s ‘ability to study the role of bats in disease transmission and help us become even stronger in researching emerging zoonotic pathogens.’

But Republican Senators still reeling from a lack of answers about the origins of Covid told DailyMail.com they fear the facility – which has not started construction but is due to open in 2025 – could start a ‘pandemic on US soil.’


As alluded to in the Weinsten Tweet above and in the Daily Mail article, Peter Daszak is Anthony Fauci’s point-man at the “nonprofit” EcoHealth Alliance that he used to funnel cash to the Chinese lab from which COVID-19 likely sprang after the official NIH funding of gain-of-function research was outlawed in 2014 in the United States.

As I covered previously for PJ Media, the Nipah virus broke out in India recently and justified a whole new slew of lockdowns — much to the jealous delight, surely, of the Public Health™ bureaucrats in the West whose grip on power has diminished due to their total loss of face over the past several years. Conveniently, the NIH is also in the process of developing a Nipah “vaccine” just in time for a new viral outbreak. 

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