Republican Rep. Warren Davidson says Trump has been ‘endorsing moderates’ running against conservatives

Republican Rep. Warren Davidson of Ohio said that former President Donald Trump has been backing moderate candidates in most cases where there is a conservative running.

“He is endorsing moderates in most races if there’s a conservative in the race,” Davidson said, according to Punchbowl News. “We can’t send the swamp any people that are just going to keep funding the status quo.”

‘We can’t drain the swamp if he is endorsing moderate squishes.’

Blaze Media’s Daniel Horowitz praised the congressman, tweeting, “Kudos to @WarrenDavidson. Someone needs to say it.”

North Dakota state Rep. Matt Heilman also agreed with Davidson: “100%. The endorsements have been so disappointing. We can’t drain the swamp if he is endorsing moderate squishes,” he tweeted.

But U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.) said in a post, “Did anyone take a second to think maybe Trump would like to actually govern instead of screaming at the sky and pretending like you are accomplishing anything other than getting yourself reelected? Did that occur to anyone?”

Trump, who is the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee, is backing incumbent GOP Rep. William Timmons in the Republican primary for South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District. Timmons is facing a challenge from state Rep. Adam Morgan, the South Carolina freedom caucus chairman.

“[Trump] needs to listen to a lot of different people on who to endorse,” GOP Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina, said, according to Punchbowl, which reported that Norman supports Morgan. “I don’t know how much time and thought he puts into it.”

Norman backed Nikki Haley for president last year, but she ultimately dropped out of the Republican presidential primary earlier this year. Norman has indicated that he supports Trump, according to The Hill.

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